- Mar 10, 2009
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Primary transportation, finally?
As the whole fraudulent economic system “finally” comes unraveled and collapses before our very own eyes this year, e.g., Greece, followed by Spain, followed by Portugal, followed by Italy, throw in the UK somewhere in there, all of Europe, China, (soverign defaults around the world) etc., etc., etc., followed up by that country where the “Titans of Industry” (as the corrupt president of that country called the wall street criminal syndicate "super bookies", just the other day), with their insatiable appetite for stealing and hoarding every last penny from the pockets of the many while seemingly enjoying their collateral damage, what’s going to happen to our cycling world?
It’s become absolutely clear, for anybody with a smidgen of awareness, that our life-styles are in the process of transitioning from an era of “plenty” to one of “austerity,” as our picture postcard worlds are being methodically and dramatically dismantled in a very harsh manner (while the contagious dis-ease of DENIAL continues to run rampant). One who is not overshadowed by the multitude of mental disorders, e.g., the obsessive preoccupation with eating and entertainment while the collection agent is banging on the door, can not help but wonder “ What will happen to the many facets of cycling? Will my local bike shop tank or prosper while petrol hits record highs? How will I be able to afford those DT Swiss XRC 100 World Champion Race forks when I can’t even pay my rent? How can I milk more out of that credit card? How am I going to watch the Grand tours since my DirecTV hookup has been cut off? Will there even be a Grand Tour? What about local and regional racing? Will I be able to ride my bike to work while pockets of rioting are taking place through out my neighborhood? Will it be safe to even ride a bike when the (obese) masses are going through hyper withdrawals as they no longer have access to: “meds,” TV, fast-food, toys, internet, i-phones, texting, junk food, non-prescribed drugs, alcohol, and on and on and on. Lot’s of potential for bicycle carnage on the roads.
This “transition” period has the potential to become pretty bleak (and we're only talking about the global economy, not the catastrophic environment issues we face), and, in general, I’m an optimistic and fortunate kind’a guy. No debt. House paid for. Some pretty nice bikes. Off the Grid. Organic gardens. Some gold and silver, oops, digressing. Regardless, this is one massive mess that can’t be “bailed out.” Mathmatically impossible. IT’s the BIG ONE. Karma. Our whole relationship with cycling will be changing on every level. Even “Cycling News” won’t be immune.
Time to stock up on a case of tubes and tires?
As the whole fraudulent economic system “finally” comes unraveled and collapses before our very own eyes this year, e.g., Greece, followed by Spain, followed by Portugal, followed by Italy, throw in the UK somewhere in there, all of Europe, China, (soverign defaults around the world) etc., etc., etc., followed up by that country where the “Titans of Industry” (as the corrupt president of that country called the wall street criminal syndicate "super bookies", just the other day), with their insatiable appetite for stealing and hoarding every last penny from the pockets of the many while seemingly enjoying their collateral damage, what’s going to happen to our cycling world?
It’s become absolutely clear, for anybody with a smidgen of awareness, that our life-styles are in the process of transitioning from an era of “plenty” to one of “austerity,” as our picture postcard worlds are being methodically and dramatically dismantled in a very harsh manner (while the contagious dis-ease of DENIAL continues to run rampant). One who is not overshadowed by the multitude of mental disorders, e.g., the obsessive preoccupation with eating and entertainment while the collection agent is banging on the door, can not help but wonder “ What will happen to the many facets of cycling? Will my local bike shop tank or prosper while petrol hits record highs? How will I be able to afford those DT Swiss XRC 100 World Champion Race forks when I can’t even pay my rent? How can I milk more out of that credit card? How am I going to watch the Grand tours since my DirecTV hookup has been cut off? Will there even be a Grand Tour? What about local and regional racing? Will I be able to ride my bike to work while pockets of rioting are taking place through out my neighborhood? Will it be safe to even ride a bike when the (obese) masses are going through hyper withdrawals as they no longer have access to: “meds,” TV, fast-food, toys, internet, i-phones, texting, junk food, non-prescribed drugs, alcohol, and on and on and on. Lot’s of potential for bicycle carnage on the roads.
This “transition” period has the potential to become pretty bleak (and we're only talking about the global economy, not the catastrophic environment issues we face), and, in general, I’m an optimistic and fortunate kind’a guy. No debt. House paid for. Some pretty nice bikes. Off the Grid. Organic gardens. Some gold and silver, oops, digressing. Regardless, this is one massive mess that can’t be “bailed out.” Mathmatically impossible. IT’s the BIG ONE. Karma. Our whole relationship with cycling will be changing on every level. Even “Cycling News” won’t be immune.
Time to stock up on a case of tubes and tires?