runninboy said:
Wow that thought had never crossed my mind but now that you mention it his writing style is very similar to the way LA speaks.
And they both share that kind of hissy fit style if you dare question them.
They dont disprove the facts but they both love to attack the messenger
Hey remember that little film clip years ago when Sheryl Crow said the first thing LA did when he fire up the puter in the morning was to go to
It would make sense that this would be the forum where he would troll
Also he could have made the Roche/Kimmage reference, I picture LA at his keyboard and just making random accusations towards people he wants to throw some mud on.
The plot thickens
But surely not??!!
For what its worth, a few years back I investigated a text that purported to have multiple authors but was contended to have just the one. Anyway. Through use of work-print analysis it was shown that there were multiple authors of it and it was what it said it was. Really interesting stuff for sure.
But what does it mean? It means that you can do a wordprint analysis of text to compare text A from person X, against text B from person LA, and you can see if there is statistically significant text-overlap
Of course you need a large enough sample of their written documents generally in the same context. And can that be found?
Viola we have….ta-da twitter.
best to keep to just text / writing- There are numerous studies which have shown there are distinct style differences between written and spoken works by the same author
essentially some people are stuck to certain words, such as “that” or overuse of abbreviations (LMAO) or they get speficic words back to front when typing. I for instance am easily busted on the words coudl and woudl- I get the d and l back to front when I type- can’t help it, its just my fat fingers failing me and the way my brain moves my fingers as they press the keys.
There are also noncontextual words, and familiar or often used “word blocks” to test
Then Inside words The letter “e” is the most common letter used inside words, then the letter “t”, and so on. Some people overuse the letter F for whatever reason
Each person has a unique text pattern, similar (but not exact to) voice print and even finger prints, (although they are specific this is not an exact science0
So what I am saying, is if you were keen and had sufficient time and text from the author (word for word not sally Jenkins versions), you could find some commercial software that can do it for you, perhaps at a site like this
easier is probably to just compare twitter quotes and web site posts for key words and word blocks. Be careful for Fan-boys just parroting though
problem is, IF it were that person, then as low as my opinion of that person already is, to be honest I’d prefer not to know. I’d be embarrassed for that person like I was embarrassed for george bush jr when he spoke in public
Chances are its more likely to be a relative. I’ve been on enough stock market boards to know that the directors and head of sales and the like all DO visit to read comments, and occasionally post as well. It would be_very_unusual, and highly disciplined, if he did not post.
make no mistake. Sports stars DO go to fan sites. One can also eliminate suspects by identifying times when say they were actually swimming or cycling also to see if they were posting at that time
I’d say no its not him, but no question he’d come and visit here and knows your names and comments
Chances are the thread “why do they lie” is where you get your comment.
Look for a low # poster who really hits a new thought on it and makes you think hard and empathetically.
I’m not a psychologist- heck I probably need one, but all people have the need to communicate and express themselves.
I’d be surprised if he_didn’t_post. I’d equally be more surprised if he did post often
You’d want someone with no "friend"s, maybe 1 or 2 max. they aren’t going to risk their reputation on the moderators of a web site looking into the private mail boxes
Thoughts anyway.