Tone it down sourpuss. "Ridiculous statements." This from you, who earlier posted that Gesink almost won the Vuelta and had second in the bag!

What do you people smoke?

Drop the show boating and at least acknowledge he did not have it in the Vuelta. Ryo was correct on that matter. Ttrying to one up him in petty word games whilst claiming Gesink was going to win is nothing more than delusional fanboy drivel. He couldn't match Basso and Basso is a shadow of his former self. Gesink had one fall, so did Samu, but only one lost lots of time. Samu still finished within a minute of Valverde. Maybe Robert is softer than Samu because he did not fight back after he fell. Maybe he isn't, either way it does not change the fact he did not have the form to win or come second.
Gesink was doing superbly but finished where he inevitably would have. Maybe deduct two minutes from his overall deficit without the fall, but he was never going to match the top three, let alone Basso or Mosquera when they pulled into Madrid. You'll be able to see in this years GT's if your high elevation of Gesink is accurate. Maybe when he beats Evans, Valverde and Samu, let alone Basso, then and only then will you have a point. Can't wait, because with Menchov as numero uno GC rider at Rabo, Gesink will be lucky to make the top 10 at the Tour. I won't hold my breath. Good rider, but he does not deserve this kind of unrealistic and hyped up anticipation of major performances from fanboys. Nobody does. How about keeping it real in future and if Gesink does not fall, get sick and in the event he wins something, you then lay down praise. But not beforehand simply because he sticks with a few guys in one race.