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Is this as good as it gets?




"It's looking like the Tour de France will not have any positive tests for a number of years".

This looks to be a bit of a cryptic prediction from the UCI Boss.

With Passport in place, has the UCI settled for a doped (within parameters) peleton? Is this the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new doped but "under control" peleton?

Certainly McQuaid is smart enough to know the entire peleton is not clean so how does he , with a straight face, make this declaration?
Scott SoCal said:

"It's looking like the Tour de France will not have any positive tests for a number of years".

This looks to be a bit of a cryptic prediction from the UCI Boss.

With Passport in place, has the UCI settled for a doped (within parameters) peleton? Is this the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new doped but "under control" peleton?

Certainly McQuaid is smart enough to know the entire peleton is not clean so how does he , with a straight face, make this declaration?

Yay, the war on drugs has been won!

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Great news - we might as well shut down the Clinic.
Scott SoCal said:
Certainly McQuaid is smart enough to know the entire peleton is not clean so how does he , with a straight face, make this declaration?

Nope. The smoke rarely reaches the top of McQuaid's chimney. It is a rare fortnight that does not include McQuaid saying something mind-bogglingly stupid to the press.

McQuaid is confirming that the fix is in and will be for years to come. The UCI and the ASO do not want any positives.

Last year the AFLD waited until riders had tested positive for CERA before revealing that they were testing for it. This year it was well known before the Tour that Synacthen would be tested for. It is a completely different approach designed to prevent positive tests instead of catching dopers.

McQuaid's comments imply that the UCI is intent of rebuilding cycling's image by limiting positives while claiming that doping is a problem of the past and is no longer a problem
Scott SoCal said:

"It's looking like the Tour de France will not have any positive tests for a number of years".

This looks to be a bit of a cryptic prediction from the UCI Boss.

With Passport in place, has the UCI settled for a doped (within parameters) peleton? Is this the beginning of the end or the beginning of a new doped but "under control" peleton?

Certainly McQuaid is smart enough to know the entire peleton is not clean so how does he , with a straight face, make this declaration?

I think Mr Mcquaid is happy with the current status quo ie. looking like the sport is getting cleaner to the general public, but i think he will always want a sacrificial lamb or two if there is any negative press and to also justify the huge amounts of money put into the passport system.

But surley Pat isn't a dumbass and knows that the vast majority are taking something and will probably always be a few steps ahead of doping athorities. And if Pat was serious about cleaning up the sport then he knows that they really need to implement something along the lines of a full body haemoglobin to catch autologus blood doping.

But i guess ive already come to realise that the passport is just another over the top expensive tool to help dopers pass the controls (as you said 'dope within the passport') but to everyday folk (those three weekers that only take an interest in july are a good example) the passport is the saviour, the way to prove cycling is credible with heros and people we can believe in and trust.

I don't believe cycling will ever be clean until Pat is remove and someone who actually, really truely wants to clean up the sport is in control. The way i see it is that the image of cycling is beaten, bruised and battered enough already that we may as well start by actually catching some big names (ie. The Armstrong's, Contador's, Valverde's and the Di luca' types within the peloton - Pls don't flame me, anyone who has read some of my posts will know my stance on these types) and the doctors and medical advisors that follow them around. Yes it would be a big story at first but i see it as the only truely way to clean up the sport.

Sorry for slightly misguiding the topic but it feels good to get that off my chest. Rant over..
Jun 21, 2009
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mcquaid knows astarloza was doped on epo eight days ahead of the tour, yet he seriously believes he was squeaky clean when he won stage 16.

get a grip mr president

The war against doping, like the so-called "war against drugs," is unwinable. McQuade knows this and cynically makes rediculous statements like this one to comfort the naive fan base, who are out of touch with reality, in order to make the fiction appear credible to them.

The conflict of interests inherent in the UCI's anti-doping programs, where the sport is placed in charge of auto-regulating itself, is as apalling as Washington allowing the Stock Market to do as much by placing those in charge of regulation, the same investment bankers whos stood to make the most money from a Wall Street without rules.

Whenever big money and human fame are involved, in atheletics just as in the corporate and financial world, ethics goes out the door faster than Bolt's 100 meter world record.

Those with a critically thinking head on their shoulders know this. What is really distasteful, however, is the huge flock of sheep who think otherwise, for which, in the case of the cycling tifosi, someone like McQuade becomes thier pastor and Armstrong their pastoral god. While the rest of us are treated by them as if morons, who could be so easily deceived. All of which is a s sad as it is disgusting.
Mar 10, 2009
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Wish they had decided to do this in 06, I was looking forward to seeing Basso and Ulrich duke it out...I think the ASO runs the show and it has decided the the war is won.
Apr 24, 2009
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Now the 'bad apples' have been removed from ASO I think McQuaid with this statement is giving the riders a bit of a nudge and a wink that they will be protected. There will be the odd positive to show that they are still doing something. They couldn't go frrom Puerto to nothing; that would look even more suspicious. They still have to look as though they are doing something.

But for now it is back to the future. It looks as though we are going back to the good ol' 50% rule which gave riders free licence to dope as long as they were under 50% at the exact moment of the tests.


Sheltowee said:
Wish they had decided to do this in 06, I was looking forward to seeing Basso and Ulrich duke it out...I think the ASO runs the show and it has decided the the war is won.

Hey, why stop at declaring all future Tours free from drugs. He can go back and retroactively claim that there were none in the past either and reinstate the results of all of those who were caught. That way, the sport always has and will be clean.

BTW, did anyone catch his interview from the Tour of Ireland on Versus? He also let it be known that some teams who had questionable riders would lose their Pro Tour License and that some new teams who were able to sign "competitive riders" would get licenses. The Slack is IN DA' HOUSE!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!! Astana OTB!!! Looks like The Uniballer found a way to keep Contador out of the Tour.

That McQuaid is quite the tool.
Mar 18, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Nope. The smoke rarely reaches the top of McQuaid's chimney. It is a rare fortnight that does not include McQuaid saying something mind-bogglingly stupid to the press.

McQuaid is confirming that the fix is in and will be for years to come. The UCI and the ASO do not want any positives.

Last year the AFLD waited until riders had tested positive for CERA before revealing that they were testing for it. This year it was well known before the Tour that Synacthen would be tested for. It is a completely different approach designed to prevent positive tests instead of catching dopers.

McQuaid's comments imply that the UCI is intent of rebuilding cycling's image by limiting positives while claiming that doping is a problem of the past and is no longer a problem

+1. This BS may work for the general public, who at least in North America and Australia are quite ignorant about professional cycling, but it is incredibly naive of McQuaid and the UCI to expect fans to believe this load of crap. The UCI is a big part of the doping problem.
When Kimmage's book came out in the late 80s, early 90s, McQuaid was a top Irish cycling official. He said at the time that it was the typical story of a cyclist who wasn't good enough to make it. He also said that doping was exclusive to second rank pros, because the 'top guys simply wouldn't risk it.' This was AFTER Kelly had already tested positive in his career, as well as Delgado in the 1988 Tour. Twenty years on, and his views are much the same, except for the fact that he is now so powerful. He knew then and he knows now, but there's no will because ultimately, Lance, Contador et al, pay his wages. There's genuinely no motivation for Pat to bust these guys. My views on Lance are known to the regulars, but he equates to an awful lot of money to the UCI, and this is why I believe last year was as good as it will get. Once Patric Clerc got the bullet, we may as well have given up. Pat has also said that he can gurantee us Alberto is clean. Obviously then we know in advance that he won't be testing positive. It's nauseating stuff. Betsy came on an Irish radio talk show, to refute something Pat had said about Frankie and Betsy. Pat wouldn't go on at the same time. Only someone like BPC, Scribe or the like ,would refuse to see the reason for this.
Aug 18, 2009
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I think McQuaid, as others have said, has given a "wink/nod" to the teams that as long as they keep things within certain limits, there won't be positive tests coming out of the grand tours. I think what we'll see over the next couple of years are some of the "small fry" riders getting caught by "out of competition testing," which will show that "the system works!"
Jun 16, 2009
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Let's not forget that the brother of Pat McQuaid is the owner or the Tour if Ireland.

I would have happily bet all my wordly possessions that there would not have been a big name positive from that race!

As a European, I ask the following:

Why is there not a European Union anti doping authority, independent of all sports and individual nation states, and with jurisdiction to operate across the union. All labs and procedures to be centralized....put some people in charge who actually give a damn about catching people breaking the law, rather than corporate goons who only know how to ar*e lick sponsors and big ego athletes.


Thoughtforfood said:
Hey, why stop at declaring all future Tours free from drugs. He can go back and retroactively claim that there were none in the past either and reinstate the results of all of those who were caught. That way, the sport always has and will be clean.

BTW, did anyone catch his interview from the Tour of Ireland on Versus? He also let it be known that some teams who had questionable riders would lose their Pro Tour License and that some new teams who were able to sign "competitive riders" would get licenses. The Slack is IN DA' HOUSE!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!! Astana OTB!!! Looks like The Uniballer found a way to keep Contador out of the Tour.

That McQuaid is quite the tool.

Great post.

I wonder if McQuaid knows who the future winners of the drug free furture tours will be? That information will be very valuable to certain future ProTour teams who looking to sign future tour winners (who are not "questionable", of course).
Mar 10, 2009
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Ah well, investigations continue like in Italy

Così mi hanno offerto di doparmi col Cera

the latest form of doping, according to the article, is "ozone" (although effectiveness is highly disputed and could well have adverse effect; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_therapy)

La nuova frontiera del doping, diffusissima, sembra, anche a livello amatoriale. "Il trattamento con l'ozono - spiegano i prof. Dario D'Ottavio e Benedetto Ronci che hanno compilato la perizia tecnica per il pm Roberti - stimola l'emoglobina a ossigenare di più i tessuti. Una pratica vietata ma non rilevabile ai test. Una sorta di epo irrintracciabile".

and we still have to wait for AFLD to release a number of 2008 TdF tests, this September.

Pat probably wanted to PR his blood passport a little more. He seems to release a press statement every month telling us how well the passport works, a concerted effort to remind us how great UCI is.
Thoughtforfood said:
Hey, why stop at declaring all future Tours free from drugs. He can go back and retroactively claim that there were none in the past either and reinstate the results of all of those who were caught. That way, the sport always has and will be clean.

BTW, did anyone catch his interview from the Tour of Ireland on Versus? He also let it be known that some teams who had questionable riders would lose their Pro Tour License and that some new teams who were able to sign "competitive riders" would get licenses. The Slack is IN DA' HOUSE!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!! Astana OTB!!! Looks like The Uniballer found a way to keep Contador out of the Tour.

That McQuaid is quite the tool.

How unsurprising, yet still so disappointing. I guess some will be able to drive their Ferrari while others might even be forced to stay at the beach.
BanProCycling said:
Now that doping is effectively over, the clinic section of the forum will have to be closed down and renamed the Lance Armstrong Appreciation Society.

You're spot on as usual BPC.

The only thing I'd be concerned about, in saying the above, is Operation puerto and how many of those riders failed tests. Just a thought like.


BanProCycling said:
Now that doping is effectively over, the clinic section of the forum will have to be closed down and renamed the Lance Armstrong Appreciation Society.

BanProCycling said:

Thanks to operation puerto, and big names like Vino getting busted for blood doping at last year's Tour during a test, teams just aren't going to risk it anymore. It's too high risk to carry big bags of blood through borders and all over the place through a tour, and testers can spot it now.

No, cycling is now cleaner than its ever been, which is why even a 38 year old can get on the podium. We can all just sit back and enjoy the spectacle and stop this speculation about who is cheating.

Great, huh?

:D Lol
But where are you going to go now that doping is gone and Lance doesn't need anybody to defend him?


BanProCycling said:

Thanks to operation puerto, and big names like Vino getting busted for blood doping at last year's Tour during a test, teams just aren't going to risk it anymore. It's too high risk to carry big bags of blood through borders and all over the place through a tour, and testers can spot it now.

No, cycling is now cleaner than its ever been, which is why even a 38 year old can get on the podium. We can all just sit back and enjoy the spectacle and stop this speculation about who is cheating.

Great, huh?

I think TFF is right... McQuaid should wave his wand and just like that, cycling will have never had a doping problem. And since we now know there will never be another doping problem....

I guess it's time to fold up AFLD, WADA, USADA et al, since the war is over.


Digger said:
:D Lol
But where are you going to go now that doping is gone and Lance doesn't need anybody to defend him?

If BPC is American then I think unemployment is up to 22 weeks of benefits, or something like that. Plus, there are lots of track and field athletes that need message board representation. I think he will be OK.