Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster.
May I just begin with the comment "ahhhh first year biochemistry, burn out my eyes". I would then like to point out how creatine works.
I have the feeling that Green Tea is either increadibly dim, but more likely a troll. Have you ever noticed the consistent overuse of question marks my trolls???????
I mean, I just dont understand, what is with that?????? Of course we all know that lance will never test positive right?????????
Anyway, creatine works in the body by acting as an intermediate for direct phosphorylation of glucose to ATP. In short, its amazing for short bursts of energy. If you go to the gym to get big man boobs, then it will help you squeeze out one or two more reps in a set.
For an elite cyclist, it will give you an amazing energy boost.... for about seven seconds as you roll gently off the start line.
Blood boosters are great for lactic buffering. Of course they dont act dirrectly on the cori cycle etc, but they provide more oxygen to the tissues, so you can push harder before your legs even begin to produce lactic acid through anaerobic metabolism.
Hope I wasnt pointing out the obvious to anyone. If you want legit PED's try hitting some echinacea and iron supplements