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Ivan Basso Wins by 2 Minutes on Monte Zoncolan

Recovery is a bigger indicator of who dopes, rather than once off performances.

i.e. If you looked at yesterday's stage, you would say Nibali was juiced, but then today you say he isn't.

Over the two stages combined, Basso, Evans and Scarponi were the strongest.

There are still three big stages to go.
Apr 27, 2010
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In that case I will be keeping my eye on you Basso!

Was just listening to a interview with Betsy Andreu, first time I heard that there was an opinion that Lance developed cancer so young because of his doping practices, that would be even worse for him if that got out to the general public.
Oct 29, 2009
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santacruz said:
In that case I will be keeping my eye on you Basso!

Was just listening to a interview with Betsy Andreu, first time I heard that there was an opinion that Lance developed cancer so young because of his doping practices, that would be even worse for him if that got out to the general public.

I don't think that's a line of thought worth pursuing...you know, blaming the victim and all that: "It's your own fault you got cancer...". It doesn't work or help.
Apr 12, 2009
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could he be doping sure but I do like to see guys comeback to the sport and win because they've served their time but he publishes all of his blood values online and has been very open about it so I'll support him he did a fantastic ride but this is nothing like 2006 he was like a man possessed, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Sep 24, 2009
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santacruz said:
In that case I will be keeping my eye on you Basso!

Was just listening to a interview with Betsy Andreu, first time I heard that there was an opinion that Lance developed cancer so young because of his doping practices, that would be even worse for him if that got out to the general public.

News to you but that has been speculated upon for years and summed up in FLTL.

LA's cancer was compared to the mysterious illnesses of Greg Strock and Rene Wenzel.

The use of cortisone was implicated, which is known to have immuno suppressive effects.
Jul 23, 2009
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Evans has to lead the peloton in calorie burn. The guy expends more energy per minute than a boxer in a slugfest. Meanwhile, Basso never came out of the saddle in the last 5 km, even in the finish. Just spun his gear, breathing through his nose, like he was climbing 6%.
Apr 27, 2010
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Basso was breathing through his nose??? I didn't even know that was possible on a mountain climb!! lol.. but then again I have a deviated septum and cant breathe too well through my nose...

That's such a weird situation for Lance.. basically facilitate cancer in yourself by taking banned substances, and then go on a campaign against cancer.. I guess perhaps it is the way he makes this all OK in his head. Perhaps the lies and whatnot never eat at him because he justifies that he is doing so much good for the world?
santacruz said:
Basso was breathing through his nose??? I didn't even know that was possible on a mountain climb!! lol.. but then again I have a deviated septum and cant breathe too well through my nose...

That's such a weird situation for Lance.. basically facilitate cancer in yourself by taking banned substances, and then go on a campaign against cancer.. I guess perhaps it is the way he makes this all OK in his head. Perhaps the lies and whatnot never eat at him because he justifies that he is doing so much good for the world?

This thread isn't about Lance Armstrong. We have enough of those.
santacruz said:
Uhh, is he at it again?? :mad: :mad: :mad: 2 minutes faster than Cunego who has an anti-doping tattoo and wants lifetime bans for dopers.

Basso & Cunego are two different animals-two different styles-although I must confess-Basso's riding took me back to 06-but again-this time around he was along with cuddles and he just blew up doe to the enormous effort done in the first Km of the climb. It wasn't like Ivan just took off in a savage acceleration-he just set a constant pace strong enough to peal off everyone......
Mar 18, 2009
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wattage said:
Atleast Basso did look like he was seriously suffering, nothing like Piepoli at Hautacam at 08 TDF.

That doesn't mean anything.

Each person has a pain tolerance limit. Yours is X. If you ride clean, you'll go as fast as you can until it hurts X. If you take EPO, you'll go a lot faster, but your limit will always be the exact same pain barrier.
Nov 17, 2009
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issoisso said:
That doesn't mean anything.

Each person has a pain tolerance limit. Yours is X. If you ride clean, you'll go as fast as you can until it hurts X. If you take EPO, you'll go a lot faster, but your limit will always be the exact same pain barrier.

Yepp, i know.. I've been considering Basso quite clean until today.. now I don't know. That was pretty suspicious.
Apr 27, 2010
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Is it really the pain barrier that stops someone, or your body reaching its limit and shutting down. When I try to hold a wheel on a climb that I have no business hanging onto, it just feels like Darth Vader has me in the VaderGrip™ :eek:

I never understood why the dopers would put in extraterrestrial performances, like Basso did in the Giro that he won last, don't they know it makes them kind of stand out in a bad way?? why not just put on a good show, and win by just enough to make it exciting and like you are on a similar level as your competitors? Maybe they just aren't that smart when they are riding so hard...
May 11, 2009
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wattage said:
Yepp, i know.. I've been considering Basso quite clean until today.. now I don't know. That was pretty suspicious.

And this is the problem with all the finger pointing without evidence. Basso WAS convicted of doping, served his sentence, and is part of the blood pasport system. Because he won today's stage, and given his past, he will be tested.

Thus far, and for whatever reason, good results are now proof of doping? Someone had to win today's stage, and I would like to hope that simply winning a difficult stage is not alone proof of doping.

If he is doping, he'll be caught. In the meantime, enjoy the friggin' race.