CycloErgoSum said:
If I were Evans I'd be pi$$ed at continually being beaten by unrepentant dopers with nay a peep out of him.
Nonesense. He road a minute and a half slower up the same climb won by Simoni in 2007. He was putting out under 6 watts per kilo, nowhere near the 6.2 boundry, at which point his trainer (and Evans' by the way) Alsdo Sassi says we should start having suspiscions.
He didn't crush Evans and the others, just road a bit faster. It was a fair fight, with all the due caution such a statement in modern cycling requires, between the two. In regards to Cunego. Never was as strong as Basso.
He may have not admited to doping, though he did to attempted doping which was enough for the ban anyway so he served his time. And I can assure you he isn't an arrogant hypocrite. Yes he has behaved hypocritically, though he's not vile. He did as he was told, served his time and now he's back. I don't care if he didn't decide to blow the cover as Landis is trying to do and am content with his humility: perhaps if we keep to the real statistics he may actually have done yeasterday's result on the exceptional form he's got presently. And if there is "help" it's certainly not of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Kind. Though it would be foolish to think that when Evans and Cunego make pronouncements about themselves riding clean, this doesn't necessarilly mean that clean equates with riding on bread and water alone. This is what I mean by "fair fight," when everything is kept within the agreed upon limits.