Well, everyone said Phinney won it all. Wrong, Ben King was tt and rr champ, in USA in 2007.
Now, the line on Phinney being a newbie to the sport, has to be hogwash, he was riding his parents cycle tours in Italy, since he was a child, that is one great base, dare say he had ridden many more miles, and even more quality miles, than King, so even tho Phinney is circa 15 months younger, he was perhaps ahead of him, in physical and cycling development. Height, weight, definitely mature. So King was not ahead of him because he had more experience.
Also a young Kiwi kid beat Phinney in the l'Abitibi chrono. Tom David. Same age.
I never said King or Phinney were or were not clean. They ought to have the benifit of doubt, but there is no suspicion. I just wish Phinney would not twitter about being drug tested, nor be in rapture about Armstrong's material accoutrements. I mean, a "dopers' suck" cap, is like a wink and nod, and taking the **** out of everyone, whilst being beholden to Armstrong. Take the public for fools are your own risk. Phenomenal talent tho, whatever the case.