Here is the real rub though. It is dirty, dirty as hell. It infests all sports, and it is worse than most imagine EVERYWHERE. Now, what will we do about it? Cause here is my hypocrisy, I still watch. If sponsors know that moral outrage is not followed up by a decrease in the viewership, then they could care two cents about our moral outrage. I still watch football and I still watch cycling. Therefore the human billboards are putting their sponsor's products right where they want them, in my face. See, sport may be about competition to me, but it is about money to everyone else except for us the riders. And if you can come up with a realistic way to change that, let everyone know.
Fact is that my dislike of people like Armstrong and FLandis revolves around their lies and the people they have hurt with them.
Maybe when the reality is swallowed by more people, the moral outrage will result in decrease in viewership and popularity of the sport. Up until this point, it is the minority who fully accepted the reality that is the sport of cycling or any other sport. The majority are still childish enough to believe in fairy tales. The sport has a vested interest in maintaining the fairy tale because they don't know either how people will react if they find out.
Here is what I'd say to them. Based on my response to it, they have nothing to worry about.