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Lance, Kobe and Tiger

Jul 3, 2010
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"“He willed himself out of brain, lung and [testicular] cancer, hating his absent father all the way to make his mother and country proud, winning more tours than is humanly possible. He’s the single most tested athlete in the world, which is a backhanded compliment.”



Aug 17, 2009
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I welcome this witch-hunt. Lance shall re-invent himself and vindicate himself against those who feel he is a sporting fraud. Lance is all powerful intelligent and honest. He has nothing to hide. Long live Lance, Buyneel 'Carmicheal and Radio Shack. I preach from the tallest minaret long live my Lordship Armstrong.
pleyser said:
This article addresses a variety of heroes and villains in the sporting world, with a focus on Lance. The typical defences of Lance come out, clearly he has fans here in Canada as well. I suppose these people are oblivious to the doping scandals and organized practices of the past 20 years or so.


Sure the whole Lance Armstrong story is a lie but still, i do like the fact that this thing of ours gets recognition in papers like this. When lance gets compared to other famous athletes its one of the few occasions where road cycling gets treated as an important sport rather than a second tier one.
May 26, 2010
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flicker said:
I welcome this witch-hunt. Lance shall re-invent himself and vindicate himself against those who feel he is a sporting fraud. Lance is all powerful intelligent and honest. He has nothing to hide. Long live Lance, Buyneel 'Carmicheal and Radio Shack. I preach from the tallest minaret long live my Lordship Armstrong.

Of course he will, from the cell he'll be able to plan and he'll have Hog with him of course no doubt Ferrari will be in visiting with a new 'health' program, testers will be banned or left in the cell with the 'sisters' and when he comes out he'll wipe the world by winning every monument and the 3 GTs in the same year to prove to everyone he is the best and there was only LA and nothing before or after and he will not fail any tests so it will be all natural wins, then he will continue to lay hands and cure the 28million of cancer. AMEN.