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Landis to RadioShack? Yikes!

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Jun 16, 2009
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I see Tyler Hamilton has reinvented himself as a trainer.

How long before he is hired by Radio Shack as an adviser on a "payoff" salary too?

There's another one who knows all the dirt on Lance, and has ended up penniless and depressed for trying the same thing.

who elses silence does he need to buy?
Mar 10, 2009
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pedaling squares said:
As much as I hate the doping and the lying, I've felt sorry for Floyd as much of his life seems to have crashed on him. I get the impression he watched a rider become extremely successful, wealthy, and revered and when he tried the same route it all blew up in his face. Life can be a bytch and Floyd's been stung pretty hard. Sure he deserved much of it. But I wish the guy nothing but the best in getting his life, then his career back on track. I sure would suck to see him playing the uber-domestique role to Lance again though.

He's working as a dosestique now for Southerland et al. Landis probaly needs the money that he might be able to make working for Radio Shack. But no one has mentioned his contract status with OUCH, so that could be a problem too...I hear the next rider to hitch up with Armstrong as a domestique will be Eddy Merckx...


Mellow Velo said:
"We have the technology, we can rebuild him." says Shack spokesperson.:rolleyes:

Why would folks take any more notice of Floyd, than they have of Frankie?
Floyd's been out on a limb, on his own, for 3 years and said nothing.
Great move. Should stitch up Armstrong's 2010 Tour invite.
Go for it, I say.
Is he really that stupid?

Next, watch Pat McNut pull Astana's PT pass, leaving Berto in a backwater and out in the Tour cold.
Then, it ends up in Bruyneel's sweaty palm, at Rock Racing 2.
Take out the opposition and it's cleaner than using the "irregular values" ploy.

Interesting point. This is a classic political move... can't beat your opponent so you take him out of the 'race' by other means. Perhaps LA will run for Governor of Texas as well.
Scott SoCal said:
Interesting point. This is a classic political move... can't beat your opponent so you take him out of the 'race' by other means. Perhaps LA will run for Governor of Texas as well.

Then after that the only title he wont own will be Chuck Norris's 'Walker Texas Ranger':D

I can see it now "Lance: Texas Ranger" and in the show Johan can play the black guy who is walkers partner. (Sorry for the stereo type but i dont know his name).
Jun 16, 2009
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BanProCycling said:
Well the roids thing never hurt Arnie become governor.

LA could then go onto the presidency as well. Wow, imagine that. One of our guys in the world's most power job. We would all be so proud.

Yes. I'm sure whichever political party Lance isn't representing won't have the money and influence to bring the true Lance story into the public arena will they?

Lance has always been an atheist too. That will really hurt any bids for political office in The Intolerant States of Jesusland.
Jul 23, 2009
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michealjackson said:
The car now seems to drift from side instead of steering like a normal car.
i leave i need to get some work done to my car

Welcome to the forum. I suspect that you will be quite entertaining. Good luck with the car. Interesting metaphor.
It's obvious this is a trial balloon to see how well the idea flies. If there's no major backlash, I expect it to happen.

I can see Lance hiring Floyd for several reasons, one for his silence, sure. But also because he could use him to help him in various races. Plus, he has the connections to make sure Floyd isn't invited to every race. He could play the card with the ASO saying he's hiring Floyd, but Floyd won't be racing in the Tour, so no worries. Placating them. It's a shrewd move by Lance.

If Floyd were on Retirement Shack he's be one of the younger riders. Levi, Horner, Lance, Kloden, Hincapie, Rubiera, are all older than he is.

If Floyd rides on RS, he'll probably also get access to the most refined doping system in sports, one where we'll see his performance increase close to where it was, and this time he won't pop positive.

I also agree with Mongol and others that such a thing would probably clean his life up, and that's half the problem. He'd make good money, probably be drinking a lot less, be around more friends, take some of the weight off, and get all the PT he'd need on his hip or anything else.

On team RS, Floyd could be a serious contender in a race such as the Tour of California.
Aug 18, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
I also agree with Mongol and others that such a thing would probably clean his life up, and that's half the problem. He'd make good money, probably be drinking a lot less, be around more friends, take some of the weight off, and get all the PT he'd need on his hip or anything else.

And that's the spin that they'd put on why his performances would dramatically improve.
I would be shocked if Floyd ends up on RS because that would mean an instant un-invite to the TdF. Why would the ASO want a team who would be employing the first tour winner to be stripped of his victory due to a positive doping control? They kept Astana out last year for a less direct reason than this.

I also doubt that Lance is worried Floyd would talk. If he was going to say something, he probably would have by now. Also, even if Lance gave him a phat contract or paid him a boat load of cash under the table, there is no guarantee Floyd would not talk later.
Alpe d'Huez said:
It's obvious this is a trial balloon to see how well the idea flies. If there's no major backlash, I expect it to happen.

I can see Lance hiring Floyd for several reasons, one for his silence, sure. But also because he could use him to help him in various races. Plus, he has the connections to make sure Floyd isn't invited to every race. He could play the card with the ASO saying he's hiring Floyd, but Floyd won't be racing in the Tour, so no worries. Placating them. It's a shrewd move by Lance.

If Floyd were on Retirement Shack he's be one of the younger riders. Levi, Horner, Lance, Kloden, Hincapie, Rubiera, are all older than he is.

If Floyd rides on RS, he'll probably also get access to the most refined doping system in sports, one where we'll see his performance increase close to where it was, and this time he won't pop positive.

I also agree with Mongol and others that such a thing would probably clean his life up, and that's half the problem. He'd make good money, probably be drinking a lot less, be around more friends, take some of the weight off, and get all the PT he'd need on his hip or anything else.

On team RS, Floyd could be a serious contender in a race such as the Tour of California.

Agree 100%
Jul 9, 2009
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Not sure about this

I don't think if FL gets employed by RS it would be to silence him. Maybe Floyd knows more than Frankie, Emma et al, but their confessions have not made any real difference to LA that I can see. If this does happen, I think it will be for other reasons, which I just cannot fathom at this stage. (Just my opinion)
Apr 21, 2009
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Non story

BanProCycling said:
On the other hand, LA was probably asked the question and was being polite. He could hardly say: "no, I never want that butthole anywhere near me"

I think the above is the right answer. This is a non-story. Some reporter asked a question, Lance gave a noncommittal answer, and the forum (on at least 2 threads) is buzzing with silly speculation about Lance's master plan.
Jun 18, 2009
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And then, once he has Landis in the fold, he can marshal the air, land, & sea forces of the free world. After they are all in his control he will work his insidious mind control techniques on the entire population of the planet, thus keeping all of his dark secrets hidden from the light of day. This will give him what he most desires- TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!!!! ...wait he already had that for 7 years in a row.

Enough with all the conspiracies- give it a rest, it's just a bike race.
Jun 19, 2009
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dwheeling said:
And then, once he has Landis in the fold, he can marshal the air, land, & sea forces of the free world. After they are all in his control he will work his insidious mind control techniques on the entire population of the planet, thus keeping all of his dark secrets hidden from the light of day. This will give him what he most desires- TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!!!! ...wait he already had that for 7 years in a row.

Enough with all the conspiracies- give it a rest, it's just a bike race.

That and all of Lance's former teammates have each had a career colonoscophy. Guess what? The pictures look the same for all parties involved. Next season should provide some serious entertainment.
Jun 19, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
Lance should name his team "dopeshack". If landis comes:D

"dopeshack"? Really? Does anyone wonder about the emergence of Aussie cycling after all of the East German coaches immigrated there? Come on...you can do better than that.
Jun 16, 2009
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Oldman said:
"dopeshack"? Really? Does anyone wonder about the emergence of Aussie cycling after all of the East German coaches immigrated there? Come on...you can do better than that.

Fair enough i'll take that back. it was meant to be a stupid joke.