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Lemond's body of evidence


May 6, 2010
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I read it. Pretty boring really though I did get through to page 25,000.

I don't like Lance
I don't like Lance
I don't Like Lance
I don't like Lance

x 70,000...gets a bit repetitive after a while.:D
Jan 19, 2010
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SpartacusRox said:
I read it. Pretty boring really though I did get through to page 25,000.

I don't like Lance
I don't like Lance
I don't Like Lance
I don't like Lance

x 70,000...gets a bit repetitive after a while.:D

You apparently missed the page that said:

That damn Lance beat my record, he must have doped, no American could beat my record without doping. In fact, no American but me is good enough to win the Tour. Everyone is a doper but me.


May 6, 2010
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Squares said:
You apparently missed the page that said:

That damn Lance beat my record, he must have doped, no American could beat my record without doping. In fact, no American but me is good enough to win the Tour. Everyone is a doper but me.

I think that must have been on the inside cover under his photo from 89 where he beat a doped Fignon while riding 'clean':rolleyes:
Jun 16, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
I read it. Pretty boring really though I did get through to page 25,000.

I don't like Lance
I don't like Lance
I don't Like Lance
I don't like Lance

x 70,000...gets a bit repetitive after a while.:D

Talk about pots and kettles.

your points are just:

I like Lance and know very little about cycling
I like Lance and know very little about cycling
I like Lance and know very little about cycling

x 70,000 ..gets a bit repetitive after a while.:D
That $300k Lance offered about Lemond... Lemond should have got someone to do it, split the $300k, then as soon as LA handed the cash over the other person retract his statement. What would LA do, sue him? Greg and the other could then have a huge party on Lance. :p
Sep 25, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
I read it. Pretty boring really though I did get through to page 25,000.

I don't like Lance
I don't like Lance
I don't Like Lance
I don't like Lance

x 70,000...gets a bit repetitive after a while.:D
it's less boring than your constant whining about a group of posters here.
Jul 4, 2009
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python said:
it's less boring than your constant whining about a group of posters here.

...kettle,meet pot...pot,meet kettle...

....but what is really funny is that for all intents and purposes Greg and Lance are simply two sides of a very thin dime...though to Lance's credit he did start with nothing and made something of himself ( though admittedly playing by the rules of the way the game was in actuality played...which are/were pretty well agreed upon quite rotten...)...


How on earth does old Greg find the time to put together 70,000 pages? I work with databases that couldn't do it quicker!

Wish I'd been a pro cyclist and not given up when I was grovelling as a rubbish junior. By now, I'd be close to retirement and a life of nothing but spare time. :p
Feb 14, 2010
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The 70,000 pages are from the lawsuit against Trek, where they didn't promote his bike line as planned because he accused Lance of doping. He won. It's not as simple as that, but I imagine those include all the financial documents and discovery, testimony and everything else remotely related to the case.

It would have been a matter of boxing them up, I imagine. It's not like he's been surfing the web and printing things up.
May 26, 2010
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blutto said:
...kettle,meet pot...pot,meet kettle...

....but what is really funny is that for all intents and purposes Greg and Lance are simply two sides of a very thin dime...though to Lance's credit he did start with nothing and made something of himself ( though admittedly playing by the rules of the way the game was in actuality played...which are/were pretty well agreed upon quite rotten...)...



cant see it myself a thin dime. one doped and won, the other didn't dope and won. seems quite a way apart. when one found out you needed to dope to win they doped more than anyone else. when the other found out that you needed to dope they retired...

as for credit to lance, yep all credit to a guy who allegedly played a dirty game from the beginning at a young age with steroids so as you say all credit to him:rolleyes:


Mar 11, 2009
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War - What is it good for?

In Greg's defense, not all 70,000 pages are text.

There are 15,000 pages of "Chubby Lance" pictures and
5,000 pages of "LOLCAT" and "FAILBOAT" insults.
Jul 12, 2010
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I can just picture this. Greg wheels a hand truck of plastic bins stack one on top of each other, into the court, the top bin falls, emptying all the contents, Novitsky rolling his eyes, grand jurors chuckling, Novitisky thanking Greg, Greg asking if they wanted to ask him anything, Novitsky telling him they get back to him.
Jul 23, 2010
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theswordsman said:
The 70,000 pages are from the lawsuit against Trek, where they didn't promote his bike line as planned because he accused Lance of doping. He won. It's not as simple as that, but I imagine those include all the financial documents and discovery, testimony and everything else remotely related to the case.

It would have been a matter of boxing them up, I imagine. It's not like he's been surfing the web and printing things up.

No he didn't. Trek and Lemond settled the case. People settle cases every day for all kinds of reasons. Liability may have been uncertain but Trek looked at the potential risks of going to trial vs. the certain costs of continuing the litigation. Trek was a defendant and had no upside-- even if they took the case to trial, the best they'd ever do is a verdict of no liability, but they had no possible recovery. So they probably looked at it as a pure business proposition, i.e., how much would they spend continuing with the litigation, vs. how little did they have to pay to essentially buy an insurance policy that they would never be litigating Lemond's claims and would put an end to the suit. This is an analysis that litigants in civil suits undertake all the time, and it's also why, even though liability is disputed, defendants in civil suits opt to settle out more often than they elect to go to trial. The costs of modern civil litigation are just overwhelming, and the cost to a company not only in legal fees, but also in the numbers of people who are kept away from their real tasks at work having to attend depositions, look for documents, answer voluminous interrogatories, attend pre-trial hearings and motions, attend trial, etc., can be daunting and in some cases cripple a company. Trek is big in terms of bicycle manufacturers, but I'm willing to bet that their management structure isn't like looking at GM or any Fortune 100 company, and they were looking at years of continued expense and time consumption with zero upside for the company. The figure that I've heard is that they agreed to pay $300K to a charity of Lemond's choosing (at least that's what I recall). While that may be a moral victory for Lemond, it's not a "win" and it also isn't a loss for Trek (actually it was a pretty smart PR move, so the donation is deductible, makes them look like good citizens, etc.).

I don't think anyone "won". Most civil business disputes don't go to trial, and most don't result in "wins" or "losses"...just a lot of money spent on legal fees with entirely uncertain outcomes. Settling is just a way to regain at least a small amount of certainty to end the process. Just MHO.
That's Not Many

thatsallfolks said:

70,000 pages of evidence submitted to Novitsky investigation!

I have an acquaintance on the technical side of litigation and 70,000 isn't much. Really big cases will generate hundreds of terrabytes of documents.

To put it in very simple terms, Lawyers get paid by the hour and they generate lots of hours creating documents.

That's a whole lotta trees!
callac said:
Isn't just 70,000 an expression to mean an a$$load of pages? :rolleyes:
(native english speakers may help here... )

It is probably his whole file from the Trek lawsuit. And, if it was bates-stamped by Greg's attorneys for that matter, then the exact number of pages produced will be known to Greg.
Jul 23, 2010
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callac said:
Indeed, the joint press release by LeMond and Trek makes it sound like everybody's happy with the result...

That link makes it pretty hard to find the press release. Here's the actual text:

Joint Press Release of Greg LeMond and Trek Bicycle Corporation

February 2, 2010

Cycling legend Greg LeMond and Trek Bicycle Corporation announced an agreement to close out all remaining issues for the business venture they began in 1995, and to provide funding for a charity near Greg's heart.

"Greg has a hard-won place in the Pantheon of bicycle racing, and we are proud of what we were able to accomplish together," said Trek's President John Burke. "Trek respects Greg’s efforts and commitment to the charitable foundation, 1in6.org, and Trek is pleased to lend its support to that very worthwhile endeavor."

Three-time Tour de France winner LeMond said: "I am pleased to resolve the issues between Trek and myself and am happy to be able to move forward with the things important in my life. I appreciate Trek’s support for the work of 1in6.org. I take deep satisfaction in this resolution and believe it will have a positive impact on those that can benefit most from the purpose of 1in6.org."

Yup. Sounds like nobody "won" and they agreed to simply stop the lawsuit in exchange for Trek making a contribution to the 1in6.org foundation.
Aug 13, 2009
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QuickStepper said:
That link makes it pretty hard to find the press release. Here's the actual text:

Yup. Sounds like nobody "won" and they agreed to simply stop the lawsuit in exchange for Trek making a contribution to the 1in6.org foundation.

If you followed the lawsuit you would know that Trek had no case. They settled when it was clear that they were going to get slaughtered in court.

Trek would have loved it if the charity check was the only one they had to write.
Public Strategies working overtime on the PR "war" in this thread. Methinks those tools should best work on an actual legal defense for Mr. Armstrong as this case isn't about PR anymore, it's about trying to avoid jail time.

I also can't figure out why these muppets would bother to come to a discussion board like this in an attempt to change anyone's opinion.

Anyway, what is kind of funny about this LeMond document dump is that it's most likely the full file from his Trek Lawsuit - and the subpoena from the Grand Jury I assume trumps the NDA from the settlement, thus all sorts of fun details from that Trek case should now get leaked out in the press. Have fun trying to spin that Muppets! :D
BikeCentric said:
Public Strategies working overtime on the PR "war" in this thread.

I also can't figure out why these muppets would bother to come to a discussion board like this in an attempt to change anyone's opinion.

They aren't aiming to change your/my opinion.

They are trying to preserve the myth in the ESPN consumer's mind. An industrious ESPN consumer might actually land here to update their Lance myth. When they do arrive, it will be harder to get at the obvious fact that Lance doped and the UCI had a direct role in the creating the myth when there's tons of noise.