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Livestrong did you know ...

Jul 29, 2009
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there are to Livestrong sites. .com is for-profit site
so whose pocket is all the money from Livestrong.com going to?

from Livestrong.com


The Lance Armstrong Foundation will continue to support cancer survivorship and call on our nation's leaders to wage a new war against cancer through LIVESTRONG.ORG. LIVESTRONG.COM is a practical resource to find a wealth of health-related information from a wide range of sources, and is a proactive way to have a daily conversation about being healthy and living an active lifestyle.

While LIVESTRONG.ORG remains a nonprofit, LIVESTRONG.COM is a for-profit that derives its revenue from advertising and member subscriptions.
Jul 28, 2009
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Bought a bag of bracelets years ago (back when I admired LA) and as the last remaining human on earth that does not surf for internet porn I know EXACTLY why I suddenly started getting spam for the first time ever. Not a co-incidence and not how a charity behaves on this side of the water - not yet anyway.
Jun 21, 2009
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cromagnon said:
Bought a bag of bracelets years ago (back when I admired LA) and as the last remaining human on earth that does not surf for internet porn I know EXACTLY why I suddenly started getting spam for the first time ever. Not a co-incidence and not how a charity behaves on this side of the water - not yet anyway.
what do you mean? do you not know any good places to go? not to worry i'll pm you some quality links mate
Here this should in some way answer questions....it is a disgrace though.
Cyclingfansanonymous explains it better than anyone, as per usual...Also David Walsh talks about it in his recent book.
"do you regularly view the videos posted via the Second Coming's twitter? Did you notice that all these videos are posted at Livestrong.COM? This means that every time you go watch that video you are directly contributing to pageviews and ad revenue which is fattening LA's wallet. Livestrong.com is a for-profit website run by Demand Media and features plenty of ads. Livestrong.ORG is a separate site, yet few people seem to realize this. Whenever you see LA riding around in his Livestrong kit, people assume that he is using this to raise awareness for his anti-cancer campaign. Yet Livestrong is also the name of his for-profit website. So that kit is also one big advertisement driving people to Livestrong.com where they are earning revenue for LA. So next time you see the Livestrong logo plastered everywhere, ask yourself, does this really have everything to do with cancer, or is he advertising for his for-profit website and earning ad revenue under the banner of fighting cancer? You might also reconsider the whole point of all those videos. Each time he posts one, the traffic to that page of Livestrong.com must go through the roof. Pageviews equal money. He just refuses to speak to the media, creates his own videos, drives traffic to his site to earn money. But the comeback is all about preventing cancer."
I like to see the mechanics by which he uses naive and well meaning (and maybe a little cynical) people to line his pockets. But Does anyone HERE really need this thread to learn that a lot (but certainly not all) of the whole Livestrong deal is a way for its namesake to separate the aforementioned naive people from their cash?

Personally, I don't think the livestrong supporters would have it any other way: they get the good feeling of donating to what they have determined to be a worthy cause without the hassle of actually doing anything. It's a mutually beneficial cynical relationship.

Did I just stumble upon a boy scout meeting, or something ?:)
TheArbiter said:
He's already incredibly rich. He's not doing it for the money.

Yeah that's right, would be more believable if he wasn't being paid millions in appearance fees to 'promote cancer awareness'. And these appearance fees, eventhough they have come from various sources, and just just race organisers, have not made their way to the charity. If he's not doing it for money, he's going about it in a strange way.

Incidentally, you have any luck finding the book by the former teammate of Roche?!!!
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?
Jun 21, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?

Mar 19, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?

To me Livestrong is akin to any other charity you see advertised on TV and the like . . . . . yeah you can can say they're doing something positive . . . but how do you really know what they do?

This goes to the meaning of "charity" I suppose. An unanswerable concept that is ripe for cons as well as legitimate efforts.

Does Armstrong "Deserve" to make money from his "Charity". No one "deserves" anything. Being upfront and graciously accepting donations is one thing . . . but using the money to make a business in disguise is another. But hey . . it's a free world. . .we're free to believe in fairy tales all we wish. . . and Armstrong can make as much as he can from this venture.

What are people getting in return? Hope? Hope for what? Hope for something better? Hope for the tooth fairy? I've been there. . . hoping for something better because life in the present moment is pure he!!.

I learned "hope" is a blindfold that blinds us from the truth of the here and now. It's like whistling down a dark alley at night and "hoping" not to get eaten by a monster. The reality of it is you're just walking down an alley. .. . and there is nothing to fear in this life. Is that what "Livestrong" is selling ? . . . hope that a monster won't get me? If I die today . . I die. . .ultimately I have no control over such matters. I was destined to die the moment I was born.
Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?

Good point. I wonder when United Way will set up it's .com. Or the March of Dimes.
Mar 18, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?

I actually agree with Ninety5rpm. He does help raise money and awareness for cancer patients and he does a good job. We all need to make a buck, and he spends a lot of his time raising this money and should be paid for these efforts. I have problems with other aspects of his comeback (ie, returning for cancer awareness, but not contributing the proceeds of his comeback, such as appearance fees, to Livestrong), but I have no beef with him earning money.
elapid said:
I actually agree with Ninety5rpm. He does help raise money and awareness for cancer patients and he does a good job. We all need to make a buck, and he spends a lot of his time raising this money and should be paid for these efforts. I have problems with other aspects of his comeback (ie, returning for cancer awareness, but not contributing the proceeds of his comeback, such as appearance fees, to Livestrong), but I have no beef with him earning money.

Very simple solution: work for LiveStrong.org/LAF and let it sell the merchandise, etc.

EDIT: And most importantly, DISCLOSE THAT FACT UP FRONT.
Jul 6, 2009
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what is wrong with people on here its like la ****ed there wives. im sure he makes a profit but he raises huge sums for the anti cancer cause which more or less will kill 1 out of 3 of us posting on here. some on here need to grow up and focus on there own issues. its simply sad the amount of energy people apply to someone they dislike.
Jul 23, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?

If he was a bit more transparent about it, no-one here would care.
As most people don't know, it appears he's using the image of his charity for profits.
Jul 16, 2009
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livestrong.com =mulla

if lance posts a vid the average views is 350,000.
google ads pay for each ad and the page refer clicks are massive at around 30%

double income on hits
biggest fraud ever!

Powers developed by Lance Armstrong expressed in "watts" (calculated for a 70 kg athlete with a bicycle 8 kg):

1999: 405 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2000: 420 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2001: 430 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2002: 415 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2003: 425 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2004: 440 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2005: 425 watts of average arrivals in the major mountains of the Tour de France
2009: 450 watts into the rise of Verbier (15th stage)
During the 2009 Tour of Italy, it seems fallen to around 375 watts.
TheArbiter said:
He's already incredibly rich. He's not doing it for the money.

John D Rockefeller was asked how much money is enough.

His answer:a little bit more.

Look, He won 7 tdf's after coming back from cancer. Bravo. Outstanding. Molodyetz. Nazdarovya. Whatever. Unlikely anyone will ever win 8. Including him.

Off the bike, his goody two shoes act wears thin for most, but for some, it's the god's honest truth.

He, like 6 billion others, suffers in some form from greed. Whether it be in dollars, starlets or attention and acclaim. I know that's a shock and hope the lance zombies were all seated when I said that. He also suffers from a variety of other unpleasant flaws, but it is probably the same flaws that drive him to compete as hard as he does.

We just can't have it all. We want a perfect human that can do everything and be everything, but it just doesn't work that way. So we create mythology. And some of us buy into it to the degree when evidence points to contradictions in His image, the bearer of the news is attacked, the relevance of the news, the validity of the news. Anything but accept his humanity.

He's just not that nice a guy. We all (or almost all) wish it wasn't so. We want one of these mythological icons to be the real Prince Charming. Just one. Facing reality doesn't mean being a cynic, just looking at reality through a sober lens.
Jul 22, 2009
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The two different organizations might fall under differing laws as to how they collect money and how the money is reported. Just because something is 'for profit' doesn't mean that someone is collecting pay from it. An organization can profit without payouts to executive officers. Has anyone actually researched the tax records for Livestrong?
Ninety5rpm said:
Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

So tricking people into giving to a charity while he uses the brand that is built to put money into his own pockets is considered smart now? Armstrong is a scumbag. Anyone with a ounce of integrity would name their for profit operation differently than the non-profit one so there would be no confusion. That it was not named differently shows intent.

All ad revenue for Livestrong.com goes to Demand Media, which was set up by a notorious purveyor of spyware and funded by venture capitalists. Before the global meltdown, Demand Media had plans to go public. The people enriched would have been the CEO, Richard Rosenblatt, a bunch of VCs, and Armstrong.

Strangely enough, Rosenblatt, CEO of Demand Media, also sits on the board of directors of FRS.
Digger said:
Ninety5rpm said:
For crying out loud. He is helping raise money and awareness for cancer victims, probably more than anyone else.

What's wrong with him ALSO making money along the way? He deserves a cut of everything he is generating for the cause.

Nobody else does it that way? So what? He's smarter than they are.

Two birds with one (livestrong) stone. Brilliant. And people hold this against him? What is the matter with you?
Are you for real? I mean seriously...I've seen some fair pro-Lance posts in my time, but this is certainly up there...:mad:
Yes, I'm for real. Can you answer the question? What am I missing?
lostintime said:
To me Livestrong is akin to any other charity you see advertised on TV and the like . . . . . yeah you can can say they're doing something positive . . . but how do you really know what they do?

This goes to the meaning of "charity" I suppose. An unanswerable concept that is ripe for cons as well as legitimate efforts.

Does Armstrong "Deserve" to make money from his "Charity". No one "deserves" anything. Being upfront and graciously accepting donations is one thing . . . but using the money to make a business in disguise is another. But hey . . it's a free world. . .we're free to believe in fairy tales all we wish. . . and Armstrong can make as much as he can from this venture.

What are people getting in return? Hope? Hope for what? Hope for something better? Hope for the tooth fairy? I've been there. . . hoping for something better because life in the present moment is pure he!!.

I learned "hope" is a blindfold that blinds us from the truth of the here and now. It's like whistling down a dark alley at night and "hoping" not to get eaten by a monster. The reality of it is you're just walking down an alley. .. . and there is nothing to fear in this life. Is that what "Livestrong" is selling ? . . . hope that a monster won't get me? If I die today . . I die. . .ultimately I have no control over such matters. I was destined to die the moment I was born.
No one "deserves" anything? Well, if that is the basis of the problems people have with Lance making money on this, that explains much.

People get value out of joining livestrong.com. Have you checked it out? It has some great features, very helpful to those seeking to live a healthy lifestyle. People are paid to put that stuff together. But Armstrong inspired it - it wouldn't exist, or be nearly as popular, without him being behind it. People come to the site and so sponsors find value in paying to put ads there.

Armstrong deserves what he earns from that at least as much as any one of us "deserves" his or her next paycheck.