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LOL! McQuack Calls Lemond "Arrogant"

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Jul 10, 2009
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BillytheKid said:
Landis... still making an honest living.

Wait what's this?


So a line of trainers is a conflict of interest? OK, you finally won me over.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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BillytheKid said:
Why did he sue TREK? Because his bikes were not selling and he blamed Armstrong's influence with TREK in the matter.
No, he sued Trek because they were not promoting his brand of bikes. Why they weren't was because of Armsrrong.

BillytheKid said:
I sure that private citizen Lemond has that link up for the public to view of all his finacial statements. Most of us do right? Know wait, that's only required of public officials.

Your world is nothing, but links. There is nothing in it except links. Nothing exists outside the web. The lack of a link does not dislodge common knowledge.
Sorry that asking you to back up what you wrote upsets you.
Here is a link to a deal Greg was getting involved in just 2 years ago for $8 million - which is a nice bit of cash for a guy who has lost his fortune :rolleyes:
Jun 1, 2011
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noddy69 said:
What has his money situation got to do with this might I ask since I was ignored by the main protagonist who reckons we all should know gregs finances....why?

He wants to head the UCI that why. Here's one blog that seems to agree with my POV.


The guy's made a living out of suing people and sour grapes.

I remember the sob during the 1985 tour. I was taken in by the "wronged American at the hands of the treacherous Frenchman" bilk that ABC was putting out.

Lemond was there to defend the yellow jersey for a Hinault who was vying for his fifth tour title. Lemond was getting wrong then too. He's always getting wronged except for the fact that he was getting paid to help Hinault win it, but he should look into wrongful employment statutes in France. There may be sometihing there. Self-serve ice cream?

Lemond should run for congress. He would fit right in.

One more for the road: Who wronged who? Direct from someone who knows. Jonathan Boyer. He gets to it about half way through. So he's a lier?

Jun 1, 2011
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Dr. Maserati said:
No, he sued Trek because they were not promoting his brand of bikes. Why they weren't was because of Armsrrong.

Sorry that asking you to back up what you wrote upsets you.
Here is a link to a deal Greg was getting involved in just 2 years ago for $8 million - which is a nice bit of cash for a guy who has lost his fortune :rolleyes:

Yeh, that was actually when it went belly up. Real Estate was not such a choice in 2008. Like said in other post, he sued and won.

"Lemond and in-laws" How much of it was the in-laws?
BillytheKid said:
Truely a speculative statement, but based on the fact the sports careers end, and with that a paycheck. Sports stars run on endoresments and post career slots. Baseball great Mickey Mantle died with about $50,000 left to his name signing and selling baseballs. Lemond did lose big to the Texan. It would not be an unlikely motive to strike at the one who stole your thunder. Lemond was promoting bike tours during the 1999 tour. When ask then about Armstrong, he seem a little of the mark in his praise as I recall. Lemond Inc. was going south in a hurry. I remember the markdowns on his bikes. He's back in the business selling his trainers, but I bet the manufacturer is getting the most of it. The career posts are long term employment...something long term or regular job is what you want. People are posting down Chris Horner as dumb while Lemond does not even know that you never nominate yourself for a post. You gain support and have someone else do it for you, but I doubt if he's really that dumb. It makes headlines and keeps the name alive. We all have to work for a living or face the grim tiller. Those who achieve fame often are challenge when the star fades, especially in sports, but your right, I have no specifics on Greg, but his actions make you wonder.

My understanding is that Lemond is very well off. And I know he was talking about doping long before Armstrong approached or passed his record. So I think what you're suggesting is ********.
Jun 1, 2011
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red_flanders said:
My understanding is that Lemond is very well off. And I know he was talking about doping long before Armstrong approached or passed his record. So I think what you're suggesting is ********.

Not really, and I am not surprised if he's making money now. What I am saying is these guys are cut from the same clothe. They all are overtly aggressive.

Look at Lemond chase down Boyer in 1982. First he drags the main bunch up to to a couple of chasers and then goes straight after him. The first effort to close the gap to the chasers is the worst. That really put a nail in Boyer's chances. I would give Boyer about a 30% chance otherwise. Lemond is shameless in what he did and is racing like a Cat. 4 not realizing someone else might do the work if he would just ride wheel in the front of the bunch, if not your teammate wins a world title. Boyer might have made it if the bunch started looking at each other, but Lemond shows his true colors here and robs Boyer of a once in lifetime chance.

Jun 1, 2011
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The_Z_man said:
The suit was settled in 2008. The investment was made in 2002.

P.S. Arguing that the people bilking you were diverting money into personal accounts doesn't seem like "sour grapes" to me.

Your right about the dates, but note it's "Lemond and in-laws." The orignal point, however, was he indeed did sue TREK over a rift between and he and Armstrong and the LA influence over TREK and impct on his brand...lost revenue. To say there was no bad blood over business, right or wrong, is false. He sued over the loss of revenue in a business deal. He has a knack for conflict among his contemporaries. Boyer. Hinault. Fingnon. Armstrong.
BillytheKid said:
Your right about the dates, but note it's "Lemond and in-laws." The orignal point, however, was he indeed did sue TREK over a rift between and he and Armstrong and the LA influence over TREK and impct on his brand...lost revenue. To say there was no bad blood over business, right or wrong, is false. He sued over the loss of revenue in a business deal. He has a knack for conflict among his contemporaries. Boyer. Hinault. Fingnon. Armstrong.

I heard also that LeMond was 10mile TT champion of Texas when he was 12.

True story.
BillytheKid said:
Not really, and I am not surprised if he's making money now. What I am saying is these guys are cut from the same clothe. They all are overtly aggressive.

Look at Lemond chase down Boyer in 1982. First he drags the main bunch up to to a couple of chasers and then goes straight after him. The first effort to close the gap to the chasers is the worst. That really put a nail in Boyer's chances. I would give Boyer about a 30% chance otherwise. Lemond is shameless in what he did and is racing like a Cat. 4 not realizing someone else might do the work if he would just ride wheel in the front of the bunch, if not your teammate wins a world title. Boyer might have made it if the bunch started looking at each other, but Lemond shows his true colors here and robs Boyer of a once in lifetime chance.


Why would Lemond help Boyer in that situation? The US scene was basically...Lemond and to a very small extent Boyer. He got second instead of not placing.

What any of this has to do with his financials, or being president of the UCI I'm unclear on.
Mar 17, 2009
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BillytheKid said:
Not really, and I am not surprised if he's making money now. What I am saying is these guys are cut from the same clothe. They all are overtly aggressive.

Look at Lemond chase down Boyer in 1982. First he drags the main bunch up to to a couple of chasers and then goes straight after him. The first effort to close the gap to the chasers is the worst. That really put a nail in Boyer's chances. I would give Boyer about a 30% chance otherwise. Lemond is shameless in what he did and is racing like a Cat. 4 not realizing someone else might do the work if he would just ride wheel in the front of the bunch, if not your teammate wins a world title. Boyer might have made it if the bunch started looking at each other, but Lemond shows his true colors here and robs Boyer of a once in lifetime chance.

The only person who thought Boyer had a prayer was Boyer. Bearing in mind that there was no US team at that time, and Lemond paid for his own participation, Lemond's actions were perfectly reasonable.
Jul 10, 2009
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You seem to have an axe to grind with Greg LeMond if you are bringing up 30 year old race incidents and fitness equipment to say he wouldn't be a good UCI president. If you don't think he would, that's your opinion.
Ok, after this post where you admit you are just throwing crap out there:

BillytheKid said:
Truely a speculative statement...

I asked you to provide more insight.

But, it is clear that you remain determined to make stuff up - all erroneous - and with absolutely no knowledge or willingness to do even basic research.

Initially, I was going to say that your post is full of it.

Since you are continuing to post BS, then perhaps I was wrong. Looks more like you are full of it.

Mar 10, 2009
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thehog said:
What experience did McQuaid have? Irish road cycling president for 3 years. He wasn't even a European pro! Just a hack in the UK.

Besides, is running an international sports product company not enough?

What do you want? The head of FIFI?

I am trying to figure out if you are trying to support my argument. Well you have show Pat is qualified and Greg has related experience.

No, running a sports organization is not like running a business, the goals are not aligned and while I will acknowledge Greg may be a businessman and even a good one he is not experienced in sports governance. Greg isn't even eligible at this point as he would need to be elected as a candidate put forth from USA cycling. Even if McQuaid quit today Greg is not going to be the guy in any short order. Do you think that there might be someone else at USA cycling who is already eligible to be an American candidate for president?

Sure the UCI could be replaced with another organization that would be indistinguishable from the one in place once they are finished with the IOC and the one hundred and some federations who also have to cede their power to the new organization. Maybe the pros could get out but no one who ever wanted to race in an olympic sport. For non pros the only amateur route is through carding out of the federation. Most government support goes only to athletes in olympic sports. Do you know that Downhill MTB riders and Cyclocross racers get no federal funding but all the olympic cycling disciplines do. So all the amateurs in your breakaway Sport will lose any government funding as will facilities and coaches. Might work for the US but in Canada the sport would collapse overnight.
Now none of this prevents Mr Lemond from pursuing a UCI presidency or from being the president of any new cycling organization but don't expect that the people who would elect him might not have other ideas about who should run? If USA Cycling wanted to make a run at the UCI presidency whom do you think they would back? I don't see Greg at the top of the list and I wouldn't put it past a board member or 2 that would want Lance over Greg but that is only speculation.

I do like Greg and I think he is a man of great integrity but This is a job for a politician and Greg is too blunt. (Did I really just type that?)

Yup I reread it. Politics need skill at politics and the job is political. Just like I would not be a good politician I certainly have not seen much skill in that regard from Greg. He is too blunt.

Yeah I know be the change you want and I do wish for honestly from our politicians but bad politicians cause a lot of problems when they don't know how to get the population to look forward to the trip. Even honest ones need it too.
BillytheKid said:
Lemond is looking for cash in wake of his victory over the Texan. Regain the throne sort of mentality I would say. Lemond looks to be as deluded as the Texas wonderkid who took it from him using better doping than he had available. It's like a two-year old ranting "I want my fame and fortune back." Your avitar had much to say about the "little helpers" of his generation. I have no proof that Greg did, but I also have little doubt Fignon had reason to lie about what was going on in the sport then. Was Greg so much better than those those who used? In Dubious Battle? What's what and who's who?

Please post ANY Credible source that states Greg doped at ANY time in his career, times/places, doctors, etc. Not hearsay from an admitted doper, who tried passing blame on everyone. One CREDIBLE source please(teammate/coach/rider/etc), FACTUAL proof.
BillytheKid said:
Your right about the dates, but note it's "Lemond and in-laws." The orignal point, however, was he indeed did sue TREK over a rift between and he and Armstrong and the LA influence over TREK and impct on his brand...lost revenue. To say there was no bad blood over business, right or wrong, is false. He sued over the loss of revenue in a business deal. He has a knack for conflict among his contemporaries. Boyer. Hinault. Fingnon. Armstrong.

That would be "you're"........man, you sure hate Greg. Wonder how much Wonderboys pr firm is paying you to come here, or better yet, tell us who rubbed sand in your vagina?
Jul 10, 2009
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Wow, Master50, a well reasoned argument that doesn't involve speculation or questionable tactics from 30 years ago! See, BillytheKid, it can be done.

I see your point, and it was well argued. I do disagree on one matter. I think it's time for a UCI president who is blunt. Someone who isn't going to be slick and political. Verbuggen and McQuaid have been, and it hasn't been good for the sport. At this time, cycling needs someone who is going to come in and tell it like it is.
Master50 said:
I am trying to figure out if you are trying to support my argument. Well you have show Pat is qualified and Greg has related experience.

No, running a sports organization is not like running a business, the goals are not aligned and while I will acknowledge Greg may be a businessman and even a good one he is not experienced in sports governance. Greg isn't even eligible at this point as he would need to be elected as a candidate put forth from USA cycling. Even if McQuaid quit today Greg is not going to be the guy in any short order. Do you think that there might be someone else at USA cycling who is already eligible to be an American candidate for president?

Sure the UCI could be replaced with another organization that would be indistinguishable from the one in place once they are finished with the IOC and the one hundred and some federations who also have to cede their power to the new organization. Maybe the pros could get out but no one who ever wanted to race in an olympic sport. For non pros the only amateur route is through carding out of the federation. Most government support goes only to athletes in olympic sports. Do you know that Downhill MTB riders and Cyclocross racers get no federal funding but all the olympic cycling disciplines do. So all the amateurs in your breakaway Sport will lose any government funding as will facilities and coaches. Might work for the US but in Canada the sport would collapse overnight.
Now none of this prevents Mr Lemond from pursuing a UCI presidency or from being the president of any new cycling organization but don't expect that the people who would elect him might not have other ideas about who should run? If USA Cycling wanted to make a run at the UCI presidency whom do you think they would back? I don't see Greg at the top of the list and I wouldn't put it past a board member or 2 that would want Lance over Greg but that is only speculation.

I do like Greg and I think he is a man of great integrity but This is a job for a politician and Greg is too blunt. (Did I really just type that?)

Yup I reread it. Politics need skill at politics and the job is political. Just like I would not be a good politician I certainly have not seen much skill in that regard from Greg. He is too blunt.

Yeah I know be the change you want and I do wish for honestly from our politicians but bad politicians cause a lot of problems when they don't know how to get the population to look forward to the trip. Even honest ones need it too.

the UCI is a business.

your argument is silly. it's based on little more than a hunch. let me guess, you don't actually know lemond?

so you're guessing from a few light years removed that lemond won't be a good fit for the job? i could care less about your "feelings". if not lemond, then who do you suggest? if you don't have anyone better in mind then your contribution is just about worthless.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Master50 said:
I am trying to figure out if you are trying to support my argument. Well you have show Pat is qualified and Greg has related experience.

No, running a sports organization is not like running a business, the goals are not aligned and while I will acknowledge Greg may be a businessman and even a good one he is not experienced in sports governance. Greg isn't even eligible at this point as he would need to be elected as a candidate put forth from USA cycling. Even if McQuaid quit today Greg is not going to be the guy in any short order. Do you think that there might be someone else at USA cycling who is already eligible to be an American candidate for president?

Sure the UCI could be replaced with another organization that would be indistinguishable from the one in place once they are finished with the IOC and the one hundred and some federations who also have to cede their power to the new organization. Maybe the pros could get out but no one who ever wanted to race in an olympic sport. For non pros the only amateur route is through carding out of the federation. Most government support goes only to athletes in olympic sports. Do you know that Downhill MTB riders and Cyclocross racers get no federal funding but all the olympic cycling disciplines do. So all the amateurs in your breakaway Sport will lose any government funding as will facilities and coaches. Might work for the US but in Canada the sport would collapse overnight.
Now none of this prevents Mr Lemond from pursuing a UCI presidency or from being the president of any new cycling organization but don't expect that the people who would elect him might not have other ideas about who should run? If USA Cycling wanted to make a run at the UCI presidency whom do you think they would back? I don't see Greg at the top of the list and I wouldn't put it past a board member or 2 that would want Lance over Greg but that is only speculation.

I do like Greg and I think he is a man of great integrity but This is a job for a politician and Greg is too blunt. (Did I really just type that?)

Yup I reread it. Politics need skill at politics and the job is political. Just like I would not be a good politician I certainly have not seen much skill in that regard from Greg. He is too blunt.

Yeah I know be the change you want and I do wish for honestly from our politicians but bad politicians cause a lot of problems when they don't know how to get the population to look forward to the trip. Even honest ones need it too.

You highlight the point, yet miss it.
Why should being the head of a Sports administration be political? Surely their role is to develop the sport, draw up rules and ensure they are implemented.
The fact that it is political is one of the areas that CCN (& others) is trying to change.

As for LeMond- he is not looking to be UCI president. He merely agreed to be considered if the UCI imploded and needed to be restructured, which is highly unlikely. Greg is as capable and worthy as anyone.
Master50 said:
I am trying to figure out if you are trying to support my argument. Well you have show Pat is qualified and Greg has related experience.

No, running a sports organization is not like running a business, the goals are not aligned and while I will acknowledge Greg may be a businessman and even a good one he is not experienced in sports governance. Greg isn't even eligible at this point as he would need to be elected as a candidate put forth from USA cycling. Even if McQuaid quit today Greg is not going to be the guy in any short order. Do you think that there might be someone else at USA cycling who is already eligible to be an American candidate for president?

Sure the UCI could be replaced with another organization that would be indistinguishable from the one in place once they are finished with the IOC and the one hundred and some federations who also have to cede their power to the new organization. Maybe the pros could get out but no one who ever wanted to race in an olympic sport. For non pros the only amateur route is through carding out of the federation. Most government support goes only to athletes in olympic sports. Do you know that Downhill MTB riders and Cyclocross racers get no federal funding but all the olympic cycling disciplines do. So all the amateurs in your breakaway Sport will lose any government funding as will facilities and coaches. Might work for the US but in Canada the sport would collapse overnight.
Now none of this prevents Mr Lemond from pursuing a UCI presidency or from being the president of any new cycling organization but don't expect that the people who would elect him might not have other ideas about who should run? If USA Cycling wanted to make a run at the UCI presidency whom do you think they would back? I don't see Greg at the top of the list and I wouldn't put it past a board member or 2 that would want Lance over Greg but that is only speculation.

I do like Greg and I think he is a man of great integrity but This is a job for a politician and Greg is too blunt. (Did I really just type that?)

Yup I reread it. Politics need skill at politics and the job is political. Just like I would not be a good politician I certainly have not seen much skill in that regard from Greg. He is too blunt.

Yeah I know be the change you want and I do wish for honestly from our politicians but bad politicians cause a lot of problems when they don't know how to get the population to look forward to the trip. Even honest ones need it too.

Please note that I do not think it would be best for the UCI or for Greg for him to take over as an interim head. Such a move, however, would be completely consistent with Corporate, Government, and Not-for-profit practice.

Thus, it is fully defensible and rational even if my opinion does not support it.

With respect to the biggest divergence from a 'business' and an organization like the UCI, the UCI is a not-for-profit. Not-for-profits differ from for profit enterprises in their accounting practices and tax treatment. Fortunately, the UCI has both an accounting staff as well as consultants and auditors. This would not be an issue for Greg.

Moreover, being a not for profit does not mean that the UCI cannot pursue lucrative opportunities. And, just like a business, this may be the preferable approach.

If we compare Pat when he first took the helm to Greg now, Pat did have three years of hands-on experience operating a (small) NSO, where Greg had many more years of experience as an athlete in the Pro Peloton and as a supplier to Pro and neo-Pro teams. Greg was the first cyclist to get major contracts and sponsorships.

Greg definitely knows the business world of high performance cycling.

It is important to keep in mind that neither Greg nor Pat have to do all of the jobs that are within the UCI organization. They don't even need to know what they all are, or who does them.

As with the accounting staff, it is also critical to keep in mind that the UCI is fully staffed.

With respect to the actual job, the three key roles of ALL 'CEO's are as follows:

1. Establish the organization's strategy
2. Function as the primary communicator to all stakeholders and the outside world
3. Make sure the enterprise is funded

It is a short, but very challenging list. Evaluate any CEO against it.

It is also a list that Greg, as interim head, could almost certainly do a credible job of.

Again, these observations are not intended to defend and not even supporting Greg, but simply stating fact. I believe that Greg is more than capable of performing as interim head, even if I would like to see a different outcome (e.g. no interim head, and a long-term replacement for Pat at the earliest opportunity).

sashimono said:

"I know about Guinness, chicken wings, bar snacks, how to drink a pint and light a cigarette at the same time, how to tip a lady of the night, how to treat a hostess in Kazahstan, LeMond knows none of these things. I once did a bunnyhop on a BMX over an old Sysmex machine at the UCI Christmas party in '06. I know now to take bribes - LeMond has no experience in that field.... I could go on, you know?"