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Media amnesia and reactions

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Was very disappointed that David Harmon, knowing he'd be bombarded with tweets on the subject and that the viewer(s) of the Tour of Beijing Stage 3 might expect some discussion between Brian Smith and himself on it, had not bothered to read through the USADA 'Reasoned Decision' and thus was able to offer up excuses about being busy and therefore unable to comment at all. Poor show, but not exactly unpredictable. I know he is slightly conflicted by his job but still, I feel he fence-sits as a default position more often than not.

Carlton Kirby is far worse though. I hope he's currently sleeping off a major over-indulgence of humble pie tonight.
Apr 16, 2009
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argyllflyer said:
Was very disappointed that David Harmon, knowing he'd be bombarded with tweets on the subject and that the viewer(s) of the Tour of Beijing Stage 3 might expect some discussion between Brian Smith and himself on it, had not bothered to read through the USADA 'Reasoned Decision' and thus was able to offer up excuses about being busy and therefore unable to comment at all. Poor show, but not exactly unpredictable. I know he is slightly conflicted by his job but still, I feel he fence-sits as a default position more often than not.

Carlton Kirby is far worse though. I hope he's currently sleeping off a major over-indulgence of humble pie tonight.

Yes I totally agree. I was watching the live stage 3 coverage and heard Harmon say he hadn't read the USADA report and I thought "what was he doing all morning?"
May 24, 2011
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To be fair to Harmon he was probably up at the crack of dawn to prepare for the broadcast. How long did it take you to read the whole Reasoned Decision?

And more broadly, with the behaviour of LA and his lawyers a lot of the media have had to tip-toe around the whole topic, not to mention the question of access to a supposedly unblemished global sporting icon.
If he could bully the people and institutions that care a great deal about cycling, he could certainly keep at bay a media that, Continental Europe aside, still really sees cycling as a minority sport.
May 26, 2010
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The Tibetan Hat said:
To be fair to Harmon he was probably up at the crack of dawn to prepare for the broadcast. How long did it take you to read the whole Reasoned Decision?

And more broadly, with the behaviour of LA and his lawyers a lot of the media have had to tip-toe around the whole topic, not to mention the question of access to a supposedly unblemished global sporting icon.
If he could bully the people and institutions that care a great deal about cycling, he could certainly keep at bay a media that, Continental Europe aside, still really sees cycling as a minority sport.

To be fair to Harmon, he could've read Eurosports home page and made comments based on what his employer reported online ;) instead of looking like an aplogist yet again never mind being an uninformed commentator of cycling when the biggest story in the history of the sport hits the fan he has nothing to say. Stupid!
May 13, 2009
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I seem to remember Bonnie Ford over at ESPN being a big Lance fan, but when I looked in the archives for articles, the one's I saw were not overly drenched in fangirlism.
Either way I appreciated her article yesterday including these statements:

You can choose not to believe any or all of the witnesses. You can choose to disregard the flashing neon arrows among the test results. You can somehow construe the $1 million in payments Armstrong made to the Swiss-based company of discredited trainer Michele Ferrari as legitimate medical expenses, or remarkably generous gifts. To discount all three elements of USADA's case, and the way they overlap and intersect, is nothing less than being willfully blind.

None of these riders are heroes for their admissions. They had options, all of them -- to ride without artificial aid; to leave Europe and return to the lower-stakes U.S. circuit; to do something else for a living...

and I think we can mostly agree with this

There is no other logical conclusion. After today, anyone who remains unconvinced simply doesn't want to know.

Sep 29, 2012
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peterst6906 said:
Some journo's are standing up and admitting their errors in the past:


About time, but I hope this leads to a more inquisitive press willing to put pressure on following rumours in the future, rather than the passive wait-and-see/not-my-job approach of the last decade.

That also applies to many fans too.

You are asking them to work. That is hard. It is much easier to gobble up whatever press release you are handed, submit as your copy, collect your paycheque and go to the bar.

The added benefit is that if you just gobble up and reprint what you are handed, someone else will likely pick up the bar tab.
Aug 27, 2012
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Hillavoider said:
Its so pathetic seeing all these complicit journos like Rupert covering their back sides now

Yes and No. Journalist Omerta is no different to rider Omerta.

Nail the guys who are still repentant. Nail Phil. Rupert's braver than most, he's one of the first to blow the journo Omerta lid (other than Kimmage of course). And this is his second mea culpa in 2 weeks. Good on him.

Kimmage = Bassons category. Rupert = Vaughters category. Phil = Lance category.

By the way I have been critical (in more than one way, believe me) of Rupert. Here and elsewhere.
Aug 27, 2012
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Mrs John Murphy said:
And it would be nice if Benson were to stop ripping off our work.

I have no issue. I post here without copyright. If someone wants to use (some of my/our) inputs etc for "the good cause" then mission accomplished for me.
Aug 27, 2012
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sairyder said:
Phil Anderson eats humble pie and doesn't look comfortable doing it.

Uncomfortable for Phil, and uncomfortable to watch... But good to see they are starting to swing, personal motivation considerations aside...
Mar 13, 2009
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rata de sentina said:
Of course a whole host of them did. Every now and then Andersons facade would crack a bit and it was pretty clear he knew but then he'd just return to the same old tripe.
yeah, many saw it. Just recently he went to the talking points