In the early 1970's Ken Norton saw a hypnotist to help him ignore Muhammad Ali's constant talking. He later said it did zero good (though he sure fought well against Ali).
Anyone old enough to remember the East German DDR and their Olympic program and how they had used extensive mental-visual training (in addition of course to the doping)? When it was revealed they had done this, and before the extent of their doping program was known, I met and asked Jack Lalanne what he thought of it, as he had worked with a few university sports teams and fitness programs in his day. He gave a pretty direct answer I remember almost verbatim, "A few colleges in the 1950's were talking about psychological training, mental visualizing, and hypnosis to make their athletes better. But if that's all it took the men would all look like Hercules and the women would look like showgirls. It might help a little, and sure, you have to believe in yourself, but exercise is the key."
Anyone old enough to remember the East German DDR and their Olympic program and how they had used extensive mental-visual training (in addition of course to the doping)? When it was revealed they had done this, and before the extent of their doping program was known, I met and asked Jack Lalanne what he thought of it, as he had worked with a few university sports teams and fitness programs in his day. He gave a pretty direct answer I remember almost verbatim, "A few colleges in the 1950's were talking about psychological training, mental visualizing, and hypnosis to make their athletes better. But if that's all it took the men would all look like Hercules and the women would look like showgirls. It might help a little, and sure, you have to believe in yourself, but exercise is the key."