• The Cycling News forum is looking to add some volunteer moderators with Red Rick's recent retirement. If you're interested in helping keep our discussions on track, send a direct message to @SHaines here on the forum, or use the Contact Us form to message the Community Team.

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So it's 'mod hat off' permanently - thanks for your service and your well-thought-out post, KB. Now you can kick back, let your hair down (or in your case let your fro grow), and frolic around with the rest of us. :)
Yep, it's gone and it won't be coming back. Probably the same can be said for the 'fro unfortunately, I'd have to replace all my caps and helmets!
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Now that I know you're BlueRoads I'm all for you becoming a mod, don't know whether you'd be as much fun (or even have as much fun), though. (See King Boonen's post.)

:) Hi there.
By the way, how about you becoming a mod...?

Well, I think I am not as much into defending a certain rider as some other regular posters here and I think I try to at least be somewhat fair against riders I don't like, so I think in that regard I could do the job, but I can really lose my temper when it comes to some political topics, although maybe not always has much as when I had to ban myself, so I doubt myself if I would be a good mod - if I was I would have to either really remind me of my responsibility or just refrain from those discussions and let someone else take over.

Thank you @King Boonen for your open post - but I fear it will keep other posters from volunteering even more :D .
Maybe it highlights even more the need to have more mods though - because I think if the work load is so big, it would be better to not just have one additional moderator, but like two or three more. Of course it makes joint decisions and communication more difficult. How much, would you say, do the mods interact, or have to interact, with each other? Is it possible that one just says "I'm looking into this discussion" and deals with it alone? What do you think about the number of mods?

I am also not sure if I would actually like to have to do so much work... probably not... who does...

Well, anyway... is there anybody out there who would like to help with the forum? Personally I really think it would be good to have more than just one addition.

Some people I could very well imagine becoming a mod are for instance
@hayneplane ... @search ... @SafeBet ... @SHAD0W93 ...
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Well, I think I am not as much into defending a certain rider as some other regular posters here and I think I try to at least be somewhat fair against riders I don't like, so I think in that regard I could do the job, but I can really lose my temper when it comes to some political topics, although maybe not always has much as when I had to ban myself, so I doubt myself if I would be a good mod - if I was I would have to either really remind me of my responsibility or just refrain from those discussions and let someone else take over.

So, you have proven that you can in fact ban yourself.
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@Logic-is-your-friend and @CyclistAbi should be made mods for a couple days and we see what happens. Could be a great time, could be bad.

@King Boonen now you’re free to join us in the fun and chaos mode frequently :D

I actually was a moderator on a bulletin board in the past. It was nothing all that special in regards to managing such duties. But one thing i learned from it is if you would like to be a moderator. Then best to not be involved in the subject for too much. As if you are and if you take some action. Then your actions can always be interpreted as abuse of power. Communities themself are usually good at moderating too. That is they intervene and a lot of things sort itself out like that. A moderator intervention should usually be the last resort.
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:) Hi there.
By the way, how about you becoming a mod...?

Well, I think I am not as much into defending a certain rider as some other regular posters here and I think I try to at least be somewhat fair against riders I don't like, so I think in that regard I could do the job, but I can really lose my temper when it comes to some political topics, although maybe not always has much as when I had to ban myself, so I doubt myself if I would be a good mod - if I was I would have to either really remind me of my responsibility or just refrain from those discussions and let someone else take over.

Thank you @King Boonen for your open post - but I fear it will keep other posters from volunteering even more :D .
Maybe it highlights even more the need to have more mods though - because I think if the work load is so big, it would be better to not just have one additional moderator, but like two or three more. Of course it makes joint decisions and communication more difficult. How much, would you say, do the mods interact, or have to interact, with each other? Is it possible that one just says "I'm looking into this discussion" and deals with it alone? What do you think about the number of mods?

I am also not sure if I would actually like to have to do so much work... probably not... who does...

Well, anyway... is there anybody out there who would like to help with the forum? Personally I really think it would be good to have more than just one addition.

Some people I could very well imagine becoming a mod are for instance
@hayneplane ... @search ... @SafeBet ... @SHAD0W93 ...

Appreciate the name check but as someone who usually watches races in the evening on record them catches up with the forum afterwards I would not often be able to moderate the lively debates in the stage threads in real time.

From that view I don’t know how much value I could add.
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Thank you @King Boonen for your open post - but I fear it will keep other posters from volunteering even more :D .
Maybe it highlights even more the need to have more mods though - because I think if the work load is so big, it would be better to not just have one additional moderator, but like two or three more. Of course it makes joint decisions and communication more difficult. How much, would you say, do the mods interact, or have to interact, with each other? Is it possible that one just says "I'm looking into this discussion" and deals with it alone? What do you think about the number of mods?

I am also not sure if I would actually like to have to do so much work... probably not... who does...
No worries, I've always been pretty open when people have PM'd me and while I won't discuss moderation decisions I think it's fair that people are at least aware of the process.

There's always going to be a balance. I think as a team we worked very well and would generally agree on everything, or at least close enough that we could work out what to do, especially as we tried to come up with sensible decisions rather than take hard line, permanent banning type decisions unless absolutely necessary. If it was a nuanced case usually someone would get the gist of what's going on and then discuss actions. If it was obvious like cheering someone crashing the mod who saw the report could just suspend for X amount of time and let others know. Honestly, it probably goes along the lines you'd expect, especially if you're ever read my replies to people in threads where I've discussed this before.

The exact number of mods needed I honestly don't know, but I think they need to be people who work well with others and are willing to chnage their mind so the mods can come to agreement. The other option in flat bans for breaking rules on a scale which increases with more infractions up until someone is permanently banned. I'm personally not a fan of that method, but it would allow mods to act completely independently.
Does it still show each mod that is in charge of that forum side? So like how there was certain mods for road, MTB, clinic, etc. I don’t even know who is a mod anymore besides Red Rick and at the time King Boonen. Though I can name a lot of former mods.
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Does it still show each mod that is in charge of that forum side? So like how there was certain mods for road, MTB, clinic, etc. I don’t even know who is a kid anymore besides Red Rick and at the time King Boonen. Though I can name a lot of former mods.

I think it has been established that RR is quite young. But I don't think "kid" is an official position on this forum. :p
I don't know what the workload would be like, but if there was one mod just to delete spam that would be nice for the forum, plus that mod wouldn't have to worry about conflict of interest, etc.
I think a mod who has limited powers and who deals with spam only would be most welcome, heck, even I'd be willing to do that. But the actual moderating of posters, heh, someone else can volunteer for that. ;)