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Moderators, I beg you...

Mar 10, 2009
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Please ban the person posting as "Thoughtforfood" now. He is a troll who is known for his Narcissist and Egomaniac behavior, in the past and in many other walks of life. He is a pariah with no redeeming value as either a human or forum member. Based on an obsessive compulsive disorder, in regards to any posts on Lance or Doping, he hijacks threads and posts the same insane rants over an over, ad nauseum, to the EXTREME detriment of your forum. You may think that I am overreacting, or being overly harsh, but you will see. Please, PLEASE, I beg you, BAN HIM and his IP Address now.

Ahh, gee whiz, am I going to get in trouble for plagiarizing a little bit, here and there? It was just so juicy and ripe, I couldn't pass it up.


Robert Merivel said:
Please ban the person posting as "Thoughtforfood" now. He is a troll who is known for his Narcissist and Egomaniac behavior, in the past and in many other walks of life. He is a pariah with no redeeming value as either a human or forum member. Based on an obsessive compulsive disorder, in regards to any posts on Lance or Doping, he hijacks threads and posts the same insane rants over an over, ad nauseum, to the EXTREME detriment of your forum. You may think that I am overreacting, or being overly harsh, but you will see. Please, PLEASE, I beg you, BAN HIM and his IP Address now.

Ahh, gee whiz, am I going to get in trouble for plagiarizing a little bit, here and there? It was just so juicy and ripe, I couldn't pass it up.

Whomever you plagiarized is a genius. Bravo!


I mean, the guy that originally wrote that deserves a fanboy. I'll be he would let you carry his water just like you carry Armstrong's.
I would suggest, Robert, that a personal attack, such as yours,(and his) regardless of the fact that it is couched in a begging thread to whomever, is more deserving of a ban.

Grow up, stop whining and get on with it.
This is a forum for debating diverse opinion, not telling tales, "out of school".


Argon Man said:
Food for though has not been too bad, differing opinions must be welcome and there is no "over the top" rubbish in the posts.

You obviously have not read all of my posts, but I thank you sincerely anyway.

Mello, I wrote the original post in regards to Flyer.Dr House/BroDeal <- he stole the real Bro's name to post originally. I have my moments, but I am fairly certain am not on his level. They banned him immediately following my thread request.(though I think it was already in the works when I posted the thread) If you have never experienced trying to post with him hijacking everything with a giberish rant, you wouldn't understand.


lookkg386 said:
Enjoy this thread gentlemen while it lasts, I have a funny feeling it's headed for the abyss!!!

Yep, gotta keep up appearances. Delete it.

Daniel Benson

Mar 2, 2009
Argo Man hits the nail on the head when he says differing views and opinions must be welcomed. What will not be tolerated is blatant hijacking of threads or what the moderators deem as deliberate obnoxiousness and baiting of other members.

We're in the very early stages of building an online community here. Lets not spoil it.



Daniel Benson said:
Argo Man hits the nail on the head when he says differing views and opinions must be welcomed. What will not be tolerated is blatant hijacking of threads or what the moderators deem as deliberate obnoxiousness and baiting of other members.

We're in the very early stages of building an online community here. Lets not spoil it.


Dang man, that's my whole raisin d'etre.
Mar 12, 2009
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Exactly, takes all opinions to make a great discussion site such as this, but one thing that is becoming quite clear is we are all a little tired of every thread becoming a 'doping or not doping" thread. Of course it's a major issue in this sport and worth talking about - but every single thread!!!
Mar 15, 2009
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Sorry Robert Merivel , despite our heavy words, did you ever listen and think about what/why we don't like him, about what **** Pound, Kimmage, peoples around LA said;about how he treated Simeoni ( was that a behaviour of a great champ? and he didn't acuse LA he ! he acuse Ferrari!) ,do you think it is not REASONABLE to have doubts about LA performanecies, considering only the last ten years of pro cycling? Do you think that his legend his dedication to cancer fight could mean something else than generousity? Are you contesting the fact he is arrogant? Are contesting that when somebody 'dare' to put him an incomode question he jumps and he starts talking about cancer fight. Do you think Lazarus after resurection won seven Marathons in row? There are a lots, a LOTS of big and small things you could put them together and then maybe you'll admit, at least, the others could have right, or at least ,they have the right to put LA's performacies under suspicion.
Did you ever think like, 'what if' ,what if in the end they have right? What if LA will be proved as a lier??? What would think those with cancer who saw a model in LA's legend. What if the legend is fake???? Do you want a idol? Take mine, Heinrich Harrer, he certaily wasn't a cheater, The Eiger doesn't like the cheaters...


lookkg386 said:
Exactly, takes all opinions to make a great discussion site such as this, but one thing that is becoming quite clear is we are all a little tired of every thread becoming a 'doping or not doping" thread. Of course it's a major issue in this sport and worth talking about - but every single thread!!!

Look, right now it is difficult for many threads to not be about doping. Remember last year at the beginning of the season? Everyone was talking about the great racing we were watching, and the possibility that there might actually be some cleanliness in the peloton. Then along came Rico and CERA and our hopes were thrown asunder yet again. I understand it may be tiring; however, I for one believe that agitation is a necessary ingredient to actual change.

The reality is that cycling dies a little more every positive test. It is a death that I find objectionable because I love the sport. So may times, those of us who express opinions regarding doping that cast a majority of the riders into the "probably doping" category or call into question results that seem too good to be true are branded as "haters" of cycling. Quite the contrary, we are lovers of clean competition. If another person wants to only recognize the most blatant signs of doping (positive tests), then they have that freedom. You cannot however expect me to believe they are enigmatic and only germane to the topic when a positive occurs. I have studied the subject extensively and can assure you that I believe the problem to be rampant.

I still want to watch, and I still will. I will still cheer on riders I am fairly certain used/use doping products until they test positive. I will also do so with a much less voracity considering that I believe the contests to be dirty. I guess the only solace is that I consider most riders to be somewhat dirty, and the playing field is therefore somewhat level.

My problems with Mr Armstrong stem from the lengths he has gone to in smearing people who provided evidence or opinion that cast a pal over his victories. I have stated many times that the day he chased down Simeoni was the day I knew he was an unrepentant doper, and a human being worthy of my contempt. His continual disgusting behavior in regards to Ms Andreau is so abominable that I find his current downfall nothing but satisfying. I believe his comeback to be a mere publicity stunt meant to get the lights shining in his face again. It has little to nothing to do with cancer. If he or his racing exploits are being discussed, I fell it quite appropriate to bring all of those things into the conversation.
JavierOtxoa said:
Sorry Robert Merivel , despite our heavy words, did you ever listen and think about what/why we don't like him, about what **** Pound, Kimmage, peoples around LA said;about how he treated Simeoni ( was that a behaviour of a great champ? and he didn't acuse LA he ! he acuse Ferrari!) ,do you think it is not REASONABLE to have doubts about LA performanecies, considering only the last ten years of pro cycling? Do you think that his legend his dedication to cancer fight could mean something else than generousity? Are you contesting the fact he is arrogant? Are contesting that when somebody 'dare' to put him an incomode question he jumps and he starts talking about cancer fight. Do you think Lazarus after resurection won seven Marathons in row? There are a lots, a LOTS of big and small things you could put them together and then maybe you'll admit, at least, the others could have right, or at least ,they have the right to put LA's performacies under suspicion.
Did you ever think like, 'what if' ,what if in the end they have right? What if LA will be proved as a lier??? What would think those with cancer who saw a model in LA's legend. What if the legend is fake???? Do you want a idol? Take mine, Heinrich Harrer, he certaily wasn't a cheater, The Eiger don't like the cheaters...

Okay, this is hilarious. You cannot even write D-ick Pound's name without it getting starred out by the filter. I have already found that you cannot write "p-issed off", "media w-hore". I won't even attempt to use the term "c-ock up." Someone in the gear section go censored for mentioning he needed a saddle he could slide his a-ss around on.

Is there an official list we can see?


BroDeal said:
Okay, this is hilarious. You cannot even write D-ick Pound's name without it getting starred out by the filter. I have already found that you cannot write "p-issed off", "media w-hore". I won't even attempt to use the term "c-ock up." Someone in the gear section go censored for mentioning he needed a saddle he could slide his a-ss around on.

Is there an official list we can see?



personally i think if it is ever proven that lance doped, that the seven tours where as a result of cheating, then it will probably be the last nail in the coffin for cycling..

for a long time whatever you think of him, lance has been a symbol of optimism either in cycling, or in the cancer community... those that are knocking him now, where probably celebrating his performances 9 or 10 ago, and if they wherent who where they celebrating, ullrich? pantani? Riis? vinikourov? zabel? cippolini? Basso?

wether you like it or not, lance has been a positive symbol.. the idea that someone could recover from cancer and win the tour even once.. for those who doubt now, where were they in 1999?

in all likelehood that first win, he doped.. but then so did 90% of the peleton, as it did in 98, 97, 96, and probably 2000, 01, and 02.. does he dope now, almost certainly not, and hopefully, its now 90% of the peleton who dont and the 10% are gradually being caught...

yes its reasonable to have doubt.. we all have doubt about many things... i watched ricco climbing like a lunatic in the giro.. initially i thought wow, then doubt crept in.. am i happy that he was caught.. absolutely not.. i wish that that performance was genuine.. theres not a cyclist who raced prior to 2009 that we cannot have some doubts about, but im surprised that lance gets attacked with the tenacity that he does, and that the likes of jalabert, or robert miller, or sean kelly, roche are all held in such high esteem..

sometimes you have to sit back and take cycling for what it is.. accept its faults, but just rely on the fact that the teams, the authorities and hopefully the riders are doing everything they can to make sure that the results we see, are results that have been acheived genuinly through sporting achievement and courage, determination and skill and not through cheating.. sure, we all have doubts.. but we have to just get on with it, and try and drive forward...

the problem around here is that there are people who will take every opportunity to question, to detract from what we are really into cycling for, and to spread the D word whenever they can.. am i amazed by cavvys recent performance.. in a word, yes.. do i think he's doped.. no.. but then again, if he was caught next week would i be surprised.. probably not.. nothing surprises me anymore.. i still find it impossible to beleive that vinikourov would have had a blood transplant during the tour, as someone said at the time, its akin to driving at 60 in a 30 mile zone with a police car behind you, sadly the facts seem to speak for themselves.. does it make my memories of him any less.. nope.. am i going to question everytime someone performs brilliantly.. nope.. cos ive got beleif that things are improving..

its not up to us to put lance on trial.. thats down to the labs, the uci, his team, whoever..

personally im going to stick around here and see how things go, but at the moment every single thread turns to doping within about three posts.. its neither productive nor constructive and its going nowhere... for cyclingnews im guessing as they are mods here, they have a duty to make sure that things arnt appearing in the forum that would degenerate or whathaveyou, so ultimately some form of censorship is bound to happen.. whatever youve heard of freedom of speech aint true.. ;)

lets just get back to cycling.. forget this talk of banning people, but lets also not have a doping war..


dimspace said:
sometimes you have to sit back and take cycling for what it is.. accept its faults, but just rely on the fact that the teams, the authorities and hopefully the riders are doing everything they can to make sure that the results we see, are results that have been acheived genuinly through sporting achievement and courage, determination and skill and not through cheating.. sure, we all have doubts.. but we have to just get on with it, and try and drive forward...

You can replace "cycling" with a myriad of nouns, and you will be wrong every time in my view of life. I realize that some people believe living that way is fine. I do not walk in their shoes and will refrain from characterizing them personally at this point. I do not follow that philosophy of life however, and have never seen logical reason to do so. In fact, if you replace "cycling" with "the market for securitized mortgages" and/or "mortgage backed derivatives," you will see why we are where we are economically. Thanks for the suggestion, but no thanks.


should we just start a "doping.. discuss" thread...

i dont mind talking about it.. we just seem to have six threads on the go at the moment...

that my issue.. i dont give a monkeys about the dos donts whys or wherefores.. im just bored with derailment.. :D


dimspace said:
should we just start a "doping.. discuss" thread...

i dont mind talking about it.. we just seem to have six threads on the go at the moment...

that my issue.. i dont give a monkeys about the dos donts whys or wherefores.. im just bored with derailment.. :D

Then don't get involved in the discussion. It's simple. In fact, there is an "ignore" function on this forum. I suggest that will solve your problem much more quickly than your current tact.


if i honestly thought about it, theres not a rider in the peleton i couldnt question.. theres not a performance i couldnt wonder about..

i just dont wanna be like that.. when i become suspsicious of everything i will fall out of love with the sport.. then what the hell am i gonna do in july :mad:

Thoughtforfood said:
Then don't get involved in the discussion. It's simple. In fact, there is an "ignore" function on this forum. I suggest that will solve your problem much more quickly than your current tact.

its the fact that every thread has become a doping thread as opposed to the topic of the thread...
and oh god.. im part of all of em.. :eek:

i give up..!


dimspace said:
if i honestly thought about it, theres not a rider in the peleton i couldnt question.. theres not a performance i couldnt wonder about..

i just dont wanna be like that.. when i become suspsicious of everything i will fall out of love with the sport.. then what the hell am i gonna do in july :mad:

its the fact that every thread has become a doping thread as opposed to the topic of the thread...
and oh god.. im part of all of em.. :eek:

garden maybe?
Mar 15, 2009
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dimspace said:
personally i think if it is ever proven that lance doped, that the seven tours where as a result of cheating, then it will probably be the last nail in the coffin for cycling..

its not up to us to put lance on trial.. thats down to the labs, the uci, his team, whoever..

I will not think the same as you in that day, because I KNOW cycling didn't start in 1999TdF and I will follow the cycling with the same interest.
Yes, it's up to us to put Lance on (so called) 'trial! UCI????heh labs? they did but then LA contested etc, his team? What team? It's all about Him and the Bruynie'.
I understand your arguments but still you are wrong( I think). Again, what if?
Another thing, in 'that' day it will be not the simple case of giving back a Yellow Jersey, 'that' day will be not the same as Riis and Zabel confesions etc...I don't know, it must be :rolleyes:my grammar, I feel I'm talking to the walls...


Thoughtforfood said:
garden maybe?

nah we do that in spring.. fruit are all blooming, apple tree has flowers on it., the tomatoes are seeded. just the lawn to mow, then we can run the extension lead out and watch cycling in the garden (assuming they get there bum into gear and sort out the digital soon.. my eurosport reception is still rubbish on the laptop)

JavierOtxoa said:
Another thing, in 'that' day it will be not the simple case of giving back a Yellow Jersey, 'that' day will be not the same as Riis and Zabel confesions etc...I don't know, it must be :rolleyes:my grammar, I feel I'm talking to walls...

i dunno any more.. and actually both yourself, and thoughtforfood dont raise arguments that i disagree with, nor do i agree with them.. lol... i think the problem is, i could start a thread "what do we think of contador" and within two posts someone would put "cheating doper"... its getting dull.. lol...

courgetttes... thats what we aint done... where the gardening thread...