The bombastic Rex Ryan has been campaigning hard for the job like he's running for political office or something. Has he lost his mind? He's getting up there in age (61) & hasn't coached in 9 yrs. And why would he want to give up his sweet "talking head" analyst job on ESPN making seven figures where he can discuss & debate football all day long in a nice, comfortable studio setting?
And he wasn't that great in his 6 seasons with the Jets:
46-50 with a couple of AFC championship game appearances...big deal (where's the SB title?). But he also had slick Mark Sanchez as his QB. He would have to obviously start over with a new QB as Rodgers has got to hang it up at the end of the season & quit embarrassing himself out there. But I guess whatever floats Ryan's boat. If he believes he can fly into the Jet's organization with his Superman outfit & save the day then go for it.
One man is already seemingly trying to get his foot in the door to become the next head coach of the Jets.