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National Football League

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With the Combine through day 5, we've gotten a good look at some players who we'll see next year in the NFL. USA Today has a good video evaluating the QB's, and I agree with all they said (form what clips I've seen). I think someone has to be realistic when evaluating these guys. Ask yourself this: Do you think any of these QBs will outplay, say, Kirk Cousins next season? I don't. Even Geno Smith doesn't seem on that level to me. I don't see any playing much better than Weeden or Tannehill, or even Greg McElroy if he gets some starts, to be honest. Even John Elway seems to agree, and that his last year draft, Ryan Lindley (who didn't play so great in garbage time) is as good. This draft has a lot of QB's that need to sit a year or two and develop and hope they can be something close to the next Aaron Rodgers or Colin Kaepernick.

Bleacher Report has great Combine coverage, if anyone wants to sit through it.

It looks like Alex Smith is out of SF, and probably to the Chiefs. No confirmation, but leaks have been that the 49ers have shopped him and after some bites are about to deal him. KC, Arizona and Jax made the most sense, and Jax says "it's not us". I think KC and Andy Reid's system fits. If KC drafts Luke Joeckel, and Reid can find another reviver and the Chiefs can make use of their powerful running game with Charles and Hillis, Alex could do quite well there. That KC team is stacked with talent, talent the team wasted the last two seasons.

Finally, are you ready for this? JaMarcus Russell continues his comeback. He's down to under 300 for the first time in years, and ran a reasonable 5.2 40. He says he will get down to 265, and on April 10 will have his own Pro Day in Tampa Bay. But reports are from people watching him, he still has a long, long way to go. In a sense I hope he makes it, and the team I think best suited for him are the NY Jets. Think about it, McElroy will be gone, leaving the team with Sanchez and Tebow. Russell completes the trio perfectly.
Manti Te'o will be hoping Russell makes it back to the NFL. That way, there will be at least one QB he can outrun.

There is an OL, can't remember his name, who ran something like 4.65. That is not far from Luck-Newton territory! He might be the guy you want to block on those long downfield runs by Griffin, Wilson or Kaep. But a disgruntled Dallas fan came up with a more creative use for him: run down Romo's interceptions.

Chiefs fans--are there any outside of KC?--may finally have something to be hopeful for. A great coach, a very competent QB, and the first pick in the draft. And yes, a lot of talent. Remember they made the playoffs a couple of years ago, albeit in a weak division.

Not a big fan of Brady and Patriots, but nothing but respect for him for signing an extension at a bargain price. There are guys riding the bench, e.g., Matt Flynn, who will be making almost as much as Brady next year. This is another big reason for the Pats' continued success. I never understood why more superstars didn't do this, as a way of getting more championships. Are you paying attention, Peyton?
Merckx index said:
Manti Te'o will be hoping Russell makes it back to the NFL. That way, there will be at least one QB he can outrun.
Now that's funny! I notice that Te'o's stock continues to drop, but I wonder how far? There was so much talk that a team like the Steelers would pick him up mid-round. Then talk that Baltimore would use him to fill Ray Lewis shoes (ha, ha!), now NFL is talking 2nd round for him. But he still has his pro day left.
There is an OL, can't remember his name, who ran something like 4.65
Terron Armstead ran a 4.71. I thought he was fastest?

LB Dion Jordan of Oregon ran a 4.6 flat, and his supporters say he has run 4.5.

Shamarko Thomas, a safety out of Syracuse ran a blazing 4.42. For a safety that's damned fast, when most guys are running about 4.6.

Mock drafts out there are all over the place, so I won't even bother with links.

Chiefs don't have Alex Smith just yet. NFL network says Cleveland and Arizona in the mix, but trying to get them (and KC) to drive the bid up. KC has shown the most interest, and Alex fits there best. We'll know more in two weeks.

Props also to Tom Brady. In a world of greedy players, here's a guy who is a real team player and still has plenty of cash leftover too.
Don't get too hung up on 40-time for MLBs and OLinemen. Teo's 40-time may drop his stock a little bit, but how far it drops will depend more on how quick he reads and reacts and how fast he is in the first 10 yards, both which have more of an affect on how quick he gets to the ball than 40-time does. While Teo's 40-time was not good, his 3-cone time was respectable (in the top 6 and ahead of Georgia's Alec Ogletree. That shows he has some natural quickness.

For Teo, NFL success will depend on what system he ends up in. If he is expected to cover sideline to sideline as an MLB he might struggle b/c read and react can only cover lack of speed to a point. But if his DC goes by the philosophy that everyone just "do your job", then he should just have to cover his assigned gaps. In pass coverage, he piled up a mess of INTs which is good.

Armstead's 40-time rocked. But his 3-cone and 20 yard shuttle was middle of the pack. Contrast that with Bama's Chance Warmack (OG) who had a horrible 40-time and 3-cone, but on film is a mauler who fits a system that does not require him to move far in space, like pulling. I'd be interested to see what Armstead looks like on film.
In less than a week we'll officially find out that Alex Smith is a Chief. So, what does KC get in him, that they didn't get in Cassell (or Quinn)? Since some Chiefs fans are upset about Alex, saying he's the same as Matt, and BleacherReport had an article on it, I thought I'd make a post.

• Neither QB has a great arm, but while Smith is average, Cassell is below average.
• Neither QB is that mobile, both sacked quite a few times in recent years.
• Both are mostly pocket passers, and considered "game managers".
• Both are quiet, unassuming guys.
• KC has holes in it's pass defense, and if they can't fix them, they'll play a lot from behind, no matter who the QB i≥÷s.

The comparison ends there as I see it. Here's why Smith is an upgrade:

• Smith plays mistake free football. Critics like to point to his struggles in SF before Harbaugh got there. But you can't ignore that Alex got poor coaching, and endless coaching and OC changes in SF before Harbaugh. Once he settled in the last two years, he threw nearly a quarter as few interceptions as Cassell. Alex knows to take a sack before throwing a bad pass. Matt never showed that ability.
•*Smith has one of the most accurate arms in the NFL, completing 70% of his passes (with few ints) in the NFL last year. Yes, he played for a powerhouse team, but if he can settle into an Andy Reid system, he won't be making costly throws that cost his team the game, which is what often happened with Cassell (and Quinn).
• The two above also show me that Alex has the ability to read defenses better than Matt does.
• Despite critics saying Reid will try to turn KC into an air-raid pass always offense stretching the field, like he tried often in Philly, I think Reid is smart enough to know what he has as a team, and players in KC, and will work around Smith (and the team's) strengths. Run the ball behind Charles (and Hillis) and look for short to medium throws in a thick playbook.
• While there was nothing wrong with Matt as a person (though Quinn's ego may have been in the way), Alex has been through everything and is known as a total team player. On a talented team like KC, with a new coach, his quiet leadership could go a long way.

I still question Alex ability to lead teams from more than two TD's behind, or make big 4Q comebacks. I question him being able to stretch the field like Rodgers, Flacco or RG3. But Tom Brady doesn't have a huge arm and can throw deep. But Alex may not have to do even that in KC. I'm not saying he's the next Trent Dilfer, but I definitely feel he's better than Matt Cassell. If KC can re-sign Bowe, get a good TE, and Charles and Hillis run just a little more consistently, and yes, their defense plays better, KC would walk away in that division with a 10-6 record or so, and fight for a playoff spot behind Alex.
Alpe d'Huez said:
..Here's why Smith is an upgrade:

I still question Alex ability to lead teams from more than two TD's behind, or make big 4Q comebacks. I question him being able to stretch the field like Rodgers, Flacco or RG3. But Tom Brady doesn't have a huge arm and can throw deep. But Alex may not have to do even that in KC...

I have some reservations about Alex as well, but agree he is an upgrade for KC. There's no question KC needs to upgrade the QB position, and Alex is prolly one of the best options available (either by veteran FAs or rookies) to coach Reid, considering this is what I think to be a very weak year to draft a QB. So I can't really blame Reid for giving Alex a go (nor should KC fans), see what happens, and if it does not work out Reid will hope for some Godsend in a couple years.

Also interesting is what SF gets in return for sending Alex to KC. I've been hearing a #2 pick, and some lower picks later. I really dunno the details. But it will be official next week, if the deal is done.

Good article here on BR why Smith could excel in KC: generally weak defenses in the AFC west, maybe excluding the Broncs; and schedule. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1559765-alex-smith-qb-will-benefit-from-playing-in-afc-west... which disagrees with the BR report you posted about why they think Smith is doomed in KC. And I can't say which extreme it will turn out to be. I'll just say if the OLine can't protect Smith then he is doomed, as would most QBs. Why did KC release RT Winston? Prolly cap move as Winston would have counted 6.5 Mil against the cap... LINK, which creates cap space to draft and sign a tackle in this year's draft. That's the speculation anyway (LINK) which makes sense to me considering the tackle position is very strong in this draft. So it sounds like KC's Reid is thinking the right things at the moment to help make Alex a success.
Alpe d'Huez said:
Who wants to bet against the 49ers next season? NFL.com reporting they just picked up Antoine Boldin from the Ravens for a, get this, 6th round pick. :eek:

That is a real stunner. The Jets I believe gave up two picks higher than sixth round to get Tebow. Boldin is not a spring chicken, he probably doesn't have many years left, but still, you could justify even one great year as worth that trade. And the Niners have all those picks from the Smith trade. They now have Boldin, Crabtree, Manningham and Davis as receivers for a highly mobile QB who can throw long, and a defense with Justin Smith healthy again and who knows, maybe Darrell Revis. Be afraid, other NFL teams, be very afraid.

There is talk the Niners are stockpiling draft picks for future years, with the eye to building a long-term contender, a la the Patriots. One possible area of concern I have wondered about is RB. Frank Gore is such a key player for that offense, and has been playing very consistently, but he's getting on in years, too. But in the playoffs, LaMichael James looked pretty impressive, I think he's someone to watch next year as an indicator of how good the Niners future will be.

The other thing that could derail a SB run, of course, is an injury to Kaep. They need a decent backup, but it will almost certainly not be someone who can run the same plays that Kaep can. So if they lose Kaep, their whole offense will have to be redesigned somewhat, so that even with a competent pocket passer the offense might struggle.

Oh, and they need a kicker, too, as they released Akers. Might be able to get one with one of their mid-round draft picks. I hear there's a freaking high school student who kicked a seventy yard field goal in practice. That is not a typo. Seventy yards, that is longer than any in-game FG in history, at any level. That would make him a threat from a line of scrimmage in his team's own territory.

Meanwhile, Seattle gave up a first round pick and two other picks to get Percy Harvin from the Vikings. Can you say, "We want to win the SB right NOW" any more clearly? Not only a great receiver, though coming off an injury, but an excellent kick returner, too. A lot of observers think these two teams may be the best in the NFL next year. And we get to watch them play each other twice a season. Maybe three times. The media couldn't ask for more hyped-up affairs, given the history of animosity between the two coaches. Any Seattle-SF game is far more interesting than a HarBowl.

Alpe, I mostly agree with your analysis of Alex Smith, but I have to quarrel with the statement that he isn't very mobile. Obviously he's not RGIII or Kaep, but he's a good scrambler, much more mobile than, say, Brady, Manning or Brees. Year before last, when he started the whole season, he gained about as many yards rushing as Rodgers, and had that sparkling twenty-seven yard TD run that was a key factor in beating the Saints in the playoffs.

Many Niner fans whined that he took too many sacks, but as I've noted here before, there tends to be a tradeoff between sacks and picks. In that season, Smith had the fewest interceptions of any starting QB, so you would expect that he would get sacked a little more often.
I'll bite. Surprise ;). I'd bet against 9ers. But Boldin's a great pick for 9ers. They give up almost nothing for a guy who would be the #1 WR on many teams roster. At 33 next October, he still has a few great years ahead.

Seattle OTOH gives up a #1, and we'll prolly find out today how many and at what postion the other picks are, for a 24 YO. I'm not a big fan of sacrificing the future draft for just one guy, so I'm hoping they did not give up too much. But yeah, that says we want to win now. And as a 24 YO it also says we are building the future also.

So the offseason compeition btw SF and SEA is about as strong as during league play. Should be great dogfights btw SF and SEA for quite a while. And then there are the up and coming Rams. NFC West may become the toughest division in the league.
Jun 15, 2009
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I´ll bet against the 49ers too (come playoffs time).
Going against the favourites works pretty well the past few years. I need more money. :)
Still looking forward a KC-TB like superbowl...
Now that I've looked at some free agency moves, I like Seattle overall as well. I often think free agency is a crap shoot, and sometimes teams grab an aging player and think he's the missing piece to the puzzle, and he fizzles out. Will this happen with Steven Jackson in Atlanta? He was on a slight downward trend last year, will that continue? Or will being on a better team find a refill in the gas tank for another year or two? Lots of talk about Denver getting Wes Welker and Luis Vasquez. But they also may have lost Elvis Dumervil. Despite a great year, I have to wonder how much Manning and the rest of the team have left in them? That loss to the Ravens was crushing. If Denver is going to win a SB, it's going to be this season. There's another problem for Manning though, this year's SB is in New York, where it could be 15 degrees, snow or wind, or all three.

I do think Boldin is still a great steal for the 49ers, but he may last only another good year. I think the bigger key for SF is having he, and Manningham, who missed the 2nd half of the season. I too can see the Niners and Seahawks both finishing about 12-4 or so, and meeting a third time in the playoffs. The thing about Seattle though is that they are still fairly young. They could win it all this year, or the next, or the one after.

I fear teams that try to rebuild or build at all through free agency. We saw Philly try this two years ago that resulted in total failure. Miami seems to be trying it now, and arguably Detroit. Rarely does this work, the whole "dream team" concept laughable in football. The opposite view would have to be across the state in Pittsburgh, who rarely picks up big players from FA.

Rule changes and proposals abound. I think some are overdue, such as eliminating the tuck rule. Also inside chop blocks need to be eliminated. I'm also okay eliminating all crack back blocks (not proposed). I also agree on the replay rule change. I don't really agree on not allowing teams to overload lines on FG's and extra points. There are too many damned FG's in football as is, and not enough blocks (which are more dramatic). To take the element of risk out and make it all up to the kicker is boring. The kicker already has so many advantages (flags on posts, turf, domes, etc.) But I also think that having the referees throw flags for RBs who lead with their head is going to be very hard to enforce. I'm of the opinion that you can't legislate rules like this easily. On some plays players just need to learn how to play to not get hurt. We saw this last year with Kam Chancellor's crushing hit on Vernon Davis where even though Kam didn't hit helmet to helmet, and Davis head was never hit (not even by the ground) Kam was flagged anyway. But the problem was the pass, and the route Vernon ran.
True, Boldin may only have a year or two in the tank, but not only is he a steal, the 9ers are soooooooo close to another SB championship. They don't need many pieces, and Boldin gives them that extra little piece that could be the difference maker in the next year or two. After the next couple years, well, all them draft picks should help resolve longer term roster issues.

Like SF now, the Falcons already have all those pieces of offensive weapons like Roddy, Julio, and now Tony Gonzalez. Those threats and Ryan at the helm will make life easier for Steven Jackson. At StL, Jackson was more of the focal point of the offense, which made it easier for defenses to game plan and tougher for Steven on game day. At Atlanta, Steven will not be the focal point of the offense, which will make it harder for defenses to game plan and easier for Jackson to run wild. I like this move (Jackson) for Atlanta, who also is sooooooo close, though not quite as close as SF IMO. Still, the addition of Jackson, if he can maintain the level for the next couple of years, is a big deal for Atlanta. If opponent D's focus on stopping the passing game, Atlanta can hit em with Jackson, and vice versa.
Jun 15, 2009
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What? :eek:
108 Mio, 118 Mio, 100 whatever million for people who sometimes run forward and throw a ball 40 times on sundays?
I pretty much feel fooled as an NFL fan. So i better stop being one...
I've been out of the office so to speak. A lot of working, and a death in the family has slowed my visits here down. But there are some big speculations going on in NFL land. There seems to be a lot of myopic thinking in the free agency pick-ups. I suspect front offices must feel pressure to win now from owners, maybe more than any other time in history, resulting in some big contracts, and arguably desperate moves.

First, Tony Romo's big contract. The stupid part isn't the $118m. He'll never see all that, no way. The stupid part is that $55m is guaranteed. Considering that he's a pretty good QB, who under-performs in the clutch, this contract is almost as absurd as Mark Sanchez boat anchor deal with the Jets. I see the Cowboys on a slightly downward trend, likely to finish in 3rd next year, and maybe last the year or two after, I'm thinking Jerry Jones is starting to suffer "win again before I die" senility similar to what Al Davis did in Oakland.

But there's more moves than that. Does anyone really think Carson Palmer is going to do better in Arizona than he did in Oakland? Or that much better than Kolb or Skelton? A little maybe. But turn them into a winner? And since the Raiders stink and are re-building, are they tossing Matt Flynn to the wolves? I guess it's either he, or Pryor. But if rebuilding, why seek and pay Flynn? I say play Pryor, accept that the team will finish about 4-12, and get ready for 2014. I question the Redskins saying Deangelo Hall is the final piece, or the 49ers thinking the same of Nnamdi Asomugha, but they got him cheap after two poor years in Philly. A lot better deal than the Broncos continuing to break the bank, signing Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie for double that amount. Not to be outdone, the Chargers spent $5m per year on Derek Cox. Who? Yes, Derek Cox. Being a Raiders fan, who sees a lot of Giants games, I can guarantee you that the Giants signing Brandon Myers is a downgrade. Miami and Detroit spent a heap of money on a few veterans that I'm not sure will really boost their teams that much. Cleveland also spent a heap, $20m guaranteed on...Paul Kruger? And they're talking about drafting another QB? Really?

So, teams still seem desperate for QB's. But there is supposedly talk about a few teams truly interested in JaMarcus Russell, as he'd now down to about 280lbs. But really? Russell? Buffalo cuts Ryan Fitzpatrick, and still talks about finally bringing a franchise career QB to the Bills...then go out and sign Kevin Kolb?

I have to like a few signings though. The Falcons bringing Brian Banks back is a great story. He'll be raw, but likely highly motivated.

Draft in just over two weeks.
Jun 22, 2009
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I have to confess that since I had no personal interest whatsoever in this year's draft, I didn't stay up all night to watch, and then I forgot about the rerun earlier today.

So, I'm happy to accept any input about what happened and what our learned friends think about it.
Only one QB taken in the first round (what a difference from last year), and it wasn’t Geno Smith. And for the first time in half a century, no first round RBs! I think that’s a big statement on how offensive thinking has changed.

Geno and Manti Te’o finally went early in the second round, and several RBs, including Wisconsin's scoring machine Montee Ball, who could be a help to Manning in Denver. As I write, Matt Barkley still waiting. I do understand now why some guys leave college early. Barkley probably would have been a top 10 choice if he had entered the draft a year ago, even with Luck and Griffin ahead of him.

Given the relatively poor crop of college QBs available in the draft this year, I thought it would have been a great chance for the Redskins to unload Kirk Cousins. Ask yourself this, who would you rather have running your offense, E.J. Manuel, the first QB at no. 16, or Cousins? I think I’d take Cousins, because he has actual NFL experience, and not in meaningless games.

I understand the Redskins have to hold on to Cousins for now, given the questions surrounding RGIII’s recovery from a leg injury. But make no mistake, they will have to unload him eventually. He’s not going to be willing to spend his entire career in a situation where he will never be higher than no. 2. And his value might never be higher than right now. A lot of teams that really need a QB have passed on them so far.

Great build-up to the draft story from San Francisco: it’s reported that when John Elway entered the draft in 1983, Bill Walsh considered trading Joe Montana for him! Think how different the careers of those two QBs might have been if that had happened. How many SBs would Elway have won with SF? Would Montana have won any (more) with whoever he ended up with (probably Baltimore, which had the no. 1 pick at the time)? And Steve Young’s career might never have gotten off the ground. Even if Walsh had tried to acquire him when he already had a similar QB in Elway, no way would the 49ers have traded Elway and kept Young, when the two are almost the same age.

Speaking of the 49ers, they should be sitting pretty, with thirteen draft picks, and not that many positions on the team that need an upgrade. That means they can trade two picks in order to move up, which they did to get their first round man, a DB from LSU clearly intended to replace the departed Dashon Goldson. The guy is a hitter, enforcer type, but he doesn’t cover as well as Goldson did, and the playoffs really exposed the 49ers weaknesses in the secondary. I thought they would have been better with a quicker, agile type who can stick with WRs, but I understand Harbaugh likes physicality. Anyway, their next picks, a DE from Florida State, and OLB from Auburn, are both considered excellent pass rushers. The DE, Tank Carradine, is probably slated to replace/sub for Justin Smith, whose injury late last season had a lot to do with the 49ers decline in defense. They didn’t really have a backup for him. There are questions about Carradine’s recovery from an ACL, but if he stays healthy, the 49ers pass rush should be ferocious again, taking a lot of pressure off the secondary. The Niners have also picked up a TE. They already have one of the best in Vernon Davis, but this will give the team the option of new passing formations, and with running a big part of Kaepernik's offense, having two blocking TEs on the field can help.

Finally, another sad story of a retired NFL player. QB Brad Johnson, who won a SB with Tampa Bay, is so beat up he can barely walk up and down stairs, and he’s only in his mid-40s. No brain damage, yet, but his body is really a mess.

Update: Barkley goes in the beginning of the fourth round, to the...Eagles? Strange pick. Chip Kelly will know Barkley well, having faced him while coaching at Oregon (he destroyed their national championship shot in 2011; ironically, it was probably that game that convinced Barkley to return for his senior year, a decision that has cost him $millions). But he doesn't seem like a good fit for Kelly's high tempo offense. At Oregon, Kelly always had a mobile QB, a guy who could run well. Barkley is more of a classic pocket passer. I think Kelly took him because he couldn't resist a bargain, but I can't see Barkley as a good bet as a starter after Vick retires.

If you like QB messes, though, how about the Jets? With Geno Smith, they now have six QBs. With a combined value right now of maybe one or two games by Aaron Rodgers.
Jim Kelly

All kinds of football news in the past month, but none more important than news of ex-Bills QB Jim Kelly battling cancer. The prognosis for him is very good as it has not spread from the upper jaw to other locations. Prayers to you Jim. Here's a "Good on ya, mate" in advance for eventually beating this.
Merckx index said:
Given the relatively poor crop of college QBs available in the draft this year, I thought it would have been a great chance for the Redskins to unload Kirk Cousins. Ask yourself this, who would you rather have running your offense, E.J. Manuel, the first QB at no. 16, or Cousins? I think I’d take Cousins, because he has actual NFL experience, and not in meaningless games.

I understand the Redskins have to hold on to Cousins for now, given the questions surrounding RGIII’s recovery from a leg injury. But make no mistake, they will have to unload him eventually. He’s not going to be willing to spend his entire career in a situation where he will never be higher than no. 2. And his value might never be higher than right now. A lot of teams that really need a QB have passed on them so far.

As a *** fan I think it is vital to keep captain Kirk around for as long as possible because I think it too likely that Griffin will get injured again.

Griffin is too eager to stretch his runs instead of sliding or getting out of bounds. Even when he does go OB he seems to wait too long as if to purposely get a late hit called.

I admire his desire for contact, but as a QB he needs to take the longer view.
Jun 22, 2009
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Tebow to the Pats? Are you ****ting me?

Good day gents. Something to talk about at last...oh, and Ochocinco getting jail time for tapping his lawyer on the ****.

Amsterhammer said:
Tebow to the Pats? Are you ****ting me?

Good day gents. Something to talk about at last...oh, and Ochocinco getting jail time for tapping his lawyer on the ****.


It's an okay move by the Pats. They want to look at him to be a TE, not a QB. We know Tebow can run. Question is can he run routes and catch. If so, he might be able to take up the slack where Gronk leaves off if he can't be back in time for the season opener due to his injuries/surgeries. I'm hearing the terms of Tebow's contract with the Pats is to give the Pats a "look under the hood", and if they are not impressed, can cut him without losing anything. In NE, there will not be any media blitz due to the arrival of Tim... my guess is Bilichick won't let it get out of hand.

Ocho's a nut job who needs to grow up and take things seriously. Good thing for Chad his lawyer is not female... the female judge prolly woulda given him a year in jail if he had whacked a female lawyer on the A**.

edit: On Tebow as TE... or NOT. Now it is being reported he will be tried as QB. My bad.
Bleachers: Players with highest risk for a sophomore slump IN 2013. LINK
1..Ryan Tannehill, QB, Miami Dolphins
2..Alfred Morris, RB, Washington Redskins
3..Colin Kaepernick, QB, San Francisco 49ers
4..Bruce Irvin, DE, Seattle Seahawks
5..Courtney Upshaw, OLB, Baltimore Ravens
6..Robert Griffin III, QB, Washington Redskins
7..Morris Claiborne, CB, Dallas Cowboys
8..Quinton Coples, OLB, New York Jets

Amsterhammer said:

??? Me too. Must be gangbangers (Urban dictionary: "gangbanger" - a person belonging to a gang, usually not able to "man up" and stand on his own, therefore has to rely on others for support. Sometimes referred to as a *****). Boston Gobe had some additional thoughts on this (LINK). Well, not all are gangbangers... at least one person in the Globe article said:
"...the person who bought his jersey told him just two things: He had overpaid, and he did not want his wife to know what he had done."
Sickening. The whole thing, including the fans reactions in jersey purchases. AH initials are correct. Except he's basically just a thug who belongs in prison the rest of his life (presuming the evidence is accurate, and it sure looks like it).

Bothersome the way the thug mentality has shifted (grown from?) the NBA to the NFL, with some 30 current players now with problems with the law. AH topping them all. Worse than Lawrence Phillips, Rae Carruth, Eric Naposki, Keith Wright, Robert Rozier or OJ.

Trying to keep things positive, looking at that sophomore slump list:

1.Ryan Tannehill - Possible. He has real talent, but still young and the team is questionable.
2. Alfred Morris - This I might agree with, but he is strong. Can the OL help him? Will the Skins rely too much on him with RGIII hurt? That doesn't help him at all.
3..Colin Kaepernick - Technically a junior. I also do not agree with this pick. Don't think he belongs on the list.
4. Bruce Irvin - At DE, starting DE, yes. At DE/LB not playing 1st down or running downs, he could have a very good season.
5. Courtney Upshaw - Despite a great off-season, I agree with this.
6. Robert Griffin III - Tough call. He was ROY, and a sensation. Anything less may be considered a slump.
7..Morris Claiborne - Team needs some magic, and that doesn't help his cause.
8. Quinton Coples - Team needs more magic than the Cowboys!

You could argue Trent Richardson, Justin Blackmon, Stephon Gilmore all had bust freshman seasons. Who knows how well they'll do this year. Also, some 1st round players from 2012 didn't play much, but might this year. Such as AJ Jenkins of the 49ers. Robert Turbin in Seattle. I still won't be surprised of Luke Kuechly gets hurt.