In 2021, Swirbul tagged off in an around the medals with Germany and Finland. Bjornsen had a wonderful opportunity to fall in behind Henning and let her do the work but no being an American she has to get her own lane and match Henning stride for stride. Brennan is tagged off in medal position, with Diggins to follow, at the point it's pretty obvious to Germany/Finland that they need to get rid of the USA not the other way around but no Rosie charged to the front trying to be the hero(with poor skis) and ended up blowing up. Diggins having seen this leg did exactly the same tactic and gave Finland the only possible option of winning a medal, hanging behind and winning the sprint.
Fast forward to the Olympics, Swirlbul tags Brennan off ahead of Norway and level with Switzerland(not far off the medals). The obvious tactic was to exercise patience and let Johaug do the work but no Rosie being Rosie once again wanted to be the hero, closed the gap on Andersson in no time....and then blew up at the end of the leg whilst Faehndrich understood the situation, tucked in being Johaug and beat Brennan on the leg despite being the weaker skier.
American skiers are obsessed with skiing in their own lane in classic(watch this in mass starts), they simply will not learn to try and ski more efficiently in the pack. The best relay skiers understand a slow first lap and a hard second lap...Americans have the opposite strategy.
Germany now how to ski relays and Americans don't(Same coaches for the decade = same outcome.)