I've watched a fair amount of cyclocross the past 2 seasons, and I haven't seen teamwork play any significant role at all in men's or women's races. Seems like it would have to be very particular circumstances where it would make a difference. Is there something I'm missing?
I would say yes, you're missing a few decades of cyclocross worldchampionships lol.
It doesn't matter much when one or two riders are so superior and dominant that it renders whatever the others do completely inconsequential. However, Pidcock isn't that superior nor dominant, or at least, hasn't been yet. When he beats his rivals (which he doesn't do every time for starters) he wins with small margins. That's when teamwork most definitely can play a big role. And definitely in a WCC.
Also don't underestimate what this "once in a lifetime" opportunity will do for guys like Aerts, Vanthourenhout, Van der Haar etc. This is their only chance ever to get that title. This is why i'm inclined to think sponsor teams will play a bigger role this time, than national teams. I don't think Vanthourenhout will empty himself for Aerts, but he might for Iserbyt. Same with Aerts and Van der Haar. I can't see Aerts working for Iserbyt, but he might for Van der haar. Van Kessel will probably be a non factor, so if Van der Haar isn't feeling super, he might do Aerts a few favors (close some gaps, block other riders).
In 2000 Nys (BE) refused to ride after Groenendael (NL) because they were teammates (Rabobank). That left Declerq (BE) to do all the work on his own, so Groenendael became worldchampion.
In 2009, the Belgians swamped Lars Boom who was the big favorite to extend his title, early on. Making Boom fight for position at every turn, and keeping him from getting into his rhythm. By the time he was able to start chasing, Albert was flying towards his first worldtitle.
In 2001, Declerq pushes his bike just a tiny bit too wide on the stairs, just enough to stall Dlask from getting into Vervecken's wheel. This was a few hundred meters before the finish. Dlask never caught Vervecken.
Seriously, before the Van der Poel / Van Aert worldchamps, it has been like this almost every year.