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Omloop Het Nieuwsblad 2024, February 24, one-day classic (men's)

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How often do people really get that much more injured in PR than in other races, though?

I'm sure the perceived level of danger is higher in PR but I wonder if it actually is the case if you look at it statistically.
I guess they just dont want to take the risk.

How one perceive it or just the psychological impact of the race has a lot to do with it, as well.

Ganna has ridden it, so knows how it affects him. Probably not ideal to be drained or feeling the impact of the cobbles for the next week or two after the race. If if it is wet/cold, he could get sick.

It is probably just to minimize the risks, even though he can get injured or sick at any time that could disrupt his chances in the Olympics. Just life in the end.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions ofcourse, especially riders themselves, but I feel like a victory in Paris Roubaix is one for the ages, whereas a golden medal in the Olympics in track cycling will be forgotten one week later by everyone expect for the riders themselves. The only golden medal most I will remember is the road race (which is a lottery) and the ITT for which ganna is not a favourite.. in other words, I don't agree with ganna's decisions..


Only Pidcock with no gloves.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions ofcourse, especially riders themselves, but I feel like a victory in Paris Roubaix is one for the ages, whereas a golden medal in the Olympics in track cycling will be forgotten one week later by everyone expect for the riders themselves. The only golden medal most I will remember is the road race (which is a lottery) and the ITT for which ganna is not a favourite.. in other words, I don't agree with ganna's decisions..
I don't disagree with you, but he wants to win a big G with the boys in the TP.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions ofcourse, especially riders themselves, but I feel like a victory in Paris Roubaix is one for the ages, whereas a golden medal in the Olympics in track cycling will be forgotten one week later by everyone expect for the riders themselves. The only golden medal most I will remember is the road race (which is a lottery) and the ITT for which ganna is not a favourite.. in other words, I don't agree with ganna's decisions..
That's true if you're a road cyclist, but Ganna is a track cyclist at heart, and the 2020 Tokyo gold is remembered very fondly among Italian cycling fans (I think the track gold probably carries more weight than the Road ITT, just bc it is the pinnacle of a track career and the gold road ITT is relatively less important).

But either way, it surprises me as Ganna already has a gold lol. Does the second/third really hit the same?
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I don't think De Lie's preparation has been the right one this season for Omloop. They tried something different, long altitude camp and way less races (basically Visma style), but I think De Lie is one of those guys that needs race rhythm and confidence which comes with early wins. I expect him to be better later on the classic season, where he was getting a bit tired last season.

Steels comments were borderline stupid tho. The team that is praised as the best in the world hasn't done anything else than long hard training rides on altitude the previous years. It's correct that doing a 7h ride 3 days before a race might not be the best, but let's be honest, those Spanish races weren't his goals, so it doesn't really matter. It really felt like the typical analist that just says something because he has to be critical.

But yeah, in short, I don't think De LIe will be in prime form yet. I spoke to a DS a few days ago and internally they think the same thing. Opening weekend might become a bit of a disappointment for them. Vermeersch was already really good but we all know how that evolved. Beullens is also really good so I expect something from him, but De Lie, the DS in question said "from MSR onwards".

The weather will be bad tho, LOTS of wind and chance there will be rain too. And that suits De Lie.
What is your merit, experience and knowledge of cycling? How much more than "analyst" but former rider Stijn Steels ? Explain ? Borderline stupid ? Is that a projection? I think so.