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One peice bar and stem

Apr 1, 2009
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How do you guys feel about a one piece bar and stem. I hate the bar I have now and thinking of getting one of these Bling Bling bar stem combos but not sure.
Mar 10, 2009
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St. Elia said:
How do you guys feel about a one piece bar and stem. I hate the bar I have now and thinking of getting one of these Bling Bling bar stem combos but not sure.

Well, I think it really has to fit you right in your setup. I have also been looking into them for my new build, nothing decided yet.
Mar 11, 2009
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St. Elia said:
How do you guys feel about a one piece bar and stem. I hate the bar I have now and thinking of getting one of these Bling Bling bar stem combos but not sure.

If you are sure the fit is proper and nothing will change.

Separate Stem/handlebar combos are much more versatile, obviously.
Mar 19, 2009
Best thing would be to test ride a bike with them and see if you like the ergonomics of those things, because they're all flat on the top. I took a Look bike out for a spin equipped with a Cinelli Ram, and aside from it looking really cool, I really didn't like the fact that I couldn't grip the tops of the bars (where my hands spend most of the time anyway) like I could with a round profile. Also, take into consideration that guys that have their own signature model like Oscar Freire don't even race on them, probably due to the fact that those bar/stem combos are surprisingly flexy compared to the stiff, positive handling of a traditional 2 piece set up.
Apr 1, 2009
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I have notices none of the pros ride one piece setups, I thought that they would have been stiffer? Also most pros don't ride flat top bars.
Apr 9, 2009
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I really like the look of these, but don't like the fact that theres no room for tinkering with bar angles and such.
Also they still weigh more than a 2 piece setup.

But they do look really good :D:D
Apr 1, 2009
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Yep the bling factor is very much a reality, but if they weigh more and are less stiff??? The other issue is the cable routing, I have heard that the Rams are a real bear and in fact the FSA or Pro carbon are the easiest to setup
They are very comfortable to ride. The flat tops with ergonomic hand grooves on the underside are very easy on the hands. Slightly heavier than 2 seperate components?, Maybe, but I think the comfort, and blingness (is this a word?) more than make up for this.:)
Apr 13, 2009
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May 13, 2009
Aye, i've got a flat bar on my track bike, and it is WAAAY more comfortable.

I'd love one for my road bike, but i also do the occasional TT and need to clip on bars.. PRO has a very cool Simon Whitfield option that bolts underneath the one-piece bar/stem they sell, which resolves this issue...but at over $1600CA. Ouch. Very light tho!

Are there any other solutions for clip-ons and flat bars?