His mistake on the year Bettini rode the U23 world's call into question whether anything in this article can be trusted. LA has every right to question this.
Seriously, this is a subject I've always wanted to bring up....using PED's for recovery to normalcy during a GT.
I think an argument could be made that drugs like EPO, that can enable a rider to maintain a consistent HT, are not PED's. I have bolded the part of the previous sentence so I want get piled on here for stating I am for it. I am just tossing this out for discussion.
RaceRadio, recall on DPF (when you posted under that other username

) there was a poster called goldenear that pushed this POV, though I believe most of us piled on him. One could argue that any type of supplement like vitamins that is not obtained from normal food intake of a rider is a PED. Those supplements are used to maintain levels in the body that the GT depletes, and cannot be replace thru normal food intake.
PED's like roids would not fall within this argument from my POV because they enable the body to be "more than" is naturally possible.....