As a long time vegan and someone that is currently working as a personal trainer, I find it amusing when fellow peers say 'You wont get enough protein as a need to eat flesh and milk Harley...' and they are chugg'n down protein bars, powders, pills, amino acid isolates, BCAA' stackers etc.
I can understand it is hard to see truth when the marketing hype of the mega industries is so false and misleading. Thankfully we have a bit of science to prove otherwise.
1. There is no medical word for protein deficiency. Even marasmus and kwashiorkor refer to caloric deficiency.
2. All plant foods contain all 8 essential amino acids. (Based on Dr Rose's work, he was the person that discovered the 8 essential human amino acids. )So even if you just ate 100% of your caloric needs from potatoes or bananas ,you would get enough protein.
3. Human mothers breast milk is the lowest protein content in terms of % of total calories than any other mammals milk. Human breast milk contains around 5-6% of its calories in the form of protein.
4. Our kidneys and liver are simply not designed to consume the amounts of protein that a standard western diet contains, hence we have escalating rates of osteoporosis, renal failure, heart disease, gout etc. (The china study covers this.
WTF is the china study? Its the most comprehensive epidemiological study EVER done on human nutrtion.)
5. Anything over 10% of calories coming from protein results in marked health decline long term. (Another china study conclusion.) Under 10% of total calories being optimum.
6. Whey is an industrial by product of the dairy industry. Why spend money dumping it when you can sell it to laypersons that are ignorant to its health dangers and waste product status?

Eggs are just the ovulations of birds. Human ovulation/menses has the same essential amino acids but nobody is suggesting we eat human menses..
7. Where do wild animal get their protein from? What are the strongest animals on the planet? Gorilla, elephant, rhino, hippo, giraffe, oxen...where do they get their protein from?
8.Where do I get my protein from? Whole, fresh, ripe, raw plant foods.
Im currently racing Cat 1, I did 225km 3 days ago and ran a marathon 9 days ago and finished a solo 24hr xc race 16 days ago..its working for me anyways...