PPM take a look at the web site and then make your judgemet >www.makkaradvantage.com
I have been reviewing the comments and would hope that a couple of the people who have been making judgements visit the web site >http://www.makkaradvantage.com and learn a little more about the PPM .
Just to clarify a few things .
For non contact sports the guard is placed on the lower jaw only .When in place it aligns the body ( back ,spine ,hips etc ) .This guard has been developed based on the science of neuromuscular dentistry .This is confirmed science and not hodge podge !
Before using the guard,the problem that I had based on the issues with my lower back was that the muscles on the left and right side of my body were working against each other while I was cycling to keep my posture straight .As such I was not using my muscles efficiently (again based on correct science).
When the guard is placed on my lower jaw (only on the bottom teeth ,and only on the sides not the front teeth-look at the web site ) it aligns my spine ,posture etc and as a result my muscles are not fighting against each other ,they are now working together efficiently to improve my performance .
As a result of the above what you find is that all of your muscles are firing together and you are functioning in union .As a result of this you are allowing your body to train more relaxed ,at a higher effort and as such while training at a higher effort you are improving faster .
The PPM itself is only aligning your body .By doing this you are reaping the benefits of correct alignment .(increased power ,strength ,balance etc)
For the record -As the guard is not on your front teeth (only the lower sides ) you can breath with your mouth closed (because your front teeth do not touch).You can talk easily .You can drink water etc .As it is customed made it fits snug and it does not move, and will not and cannot fall out .It is actually very comfortable .
Also please note that the guards range in price from $595 ,$1250 & $2000. The cost is based on the process by which the neuromuscular dentist acquires your bite and the equipment which is used to get your ideal bite.To get the professional guard at $2000 it takes app 2 hours to do the process ,then the guard needs to be manufactured in an approved lab ,and then it needs to be fit and tested by the neuromuscular dentist .
By no means inexpensive but to be honest I have been training as mentioned with mine for 4 weeks and my improvements have been really worth it .
Again take the opportunity to visit the web site >http://www.makkaradvantage.com and look at the product ,the science behind the product and look at the testimonials .
Professional from the PGA ,NFL ,NBA ,and many other sports are using the product .Many trainers are recommending that their athletes use this product. Look at the testimonials by the amatures and see their improvements .
From my understanding a number of professional and amateur athletes along with the weekend warriors in many sports are getting fit each week ,you will read big things about this product .
Just do the research ....http://www.makkaradvantage.com:
I have been reviewing the comments and would hope that a couple of the people who have been making judgements visit the web site >http://www.makkaradvantage.com and learn a little more about the PPM .
Just to clarify a few things .
For non contact sports the guard is placed on the lower jaw only .When in place it aligns the body ( back ,spine ,hips etc ) .This guard has been developed based on the science of neuromuscular dentistry .This is confirmed science and not hodge podge !
Before using the guard,the problem that I had based on the issues with my lower back was that the muscles on the left and right side of my body were working against each other while I was cycling to keep my posture straight .As such I was not using my muscles efficiently (again based on correct science).
When the guard is placed on my lower jaw (only on the bottom teeth ,and only on the sides not the front teeth-look at the web site ) it aligns my spine ,posture etc and as a result my muscles are not fighting against each other ,they are now working together efficiently to improve my performance .
As a result of the above what you find is that all of your muscles are firing together and you are functioning in union .As a result of this you are allowing your body to train more relaxed ,at a higher effort and as such while training at a higher effort you are improving faster .
The PPM itself is only aligning your body .By doing this you are reaping the benefits of correct alignment .(increased power ,strength ,balance etc)
For the record -As the guard is not on your front teeth (only the lower sides ) you can breath with your mouth closed (because your front teeth do not touch).You can talk easily .You can drink water etc .As it is customed made it fits snug and it does not move, and will not and cannot fall out .It is actually very comfortable .
Also please note that the guards range in price from $595 ,$1250 & $2000. The cost is based on the process by which the neuromuscular dentist acquires your bite and the equipment which is used to get your ideal bite.To get the professional guard at $2000 it takes app 2 hours to do the process ,then the guard needs to be manufactured in an approved lab ,and then it needs to be fit and tested by the neuromuscular dentist .
By no means inexpensive but to be honest I have been training as mentioned with mine for 4 weeks and my improvements have been really worth it .
Again take the opportunity to visit the web site >http://www.makkaradvantage.com and look at the product ,the science behind the product and look at the testimonials .
Professional from the PGA ,NFL ,NBA ,and many other sports are using the product .Many trainers are recommending that their athletes use this product. Look at the testimonials by the amatures and see their improvements .
From my understanding a number of professional and amateur athletes along with the weekend warriors in many sports are getting fit each week ,you will read big things about this product .
Just do the research ....http://www.makkaradvantage.com: