Re: Re:
Urán thinks this is his win conditions and I can't blame him. If he begins to attack he will expose himself unless he feels really well. I think Bardet is just frustrated that the chances to do something are now just 1 stage and he passed the biggest one on stage 15 in Massif Central.Alexandre B. said:Jean-Christophe Péraud wasn't an exciting rider, was probably one of the weakest 2nd in history, but he did attack uphill.Valv.Piti said:Bardet has no reason to be angry at Urán really, its up to Bardet and Ag2R to win this race. Urán can follow and pull pull a rabbit in the TT, 2014 style. Bardet can't and is the bigger rider who is expected to do something
I'm still waiting (even hoping) for Uran.