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So who here races?

Apr 10, 2009
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And if so, are you brave enough to post a pic? Or will you carry on in anonymity?

I'll start.


photo credit to my buddy Dan Munson.
Mar 10, 2009
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With all the unintentional but natural scars I have accrued just from cycling, I just dont understand tatoos.

But then, I dont understand the appeal of rap music either...
Apr 10, 2009
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benpounder said:
With all the unintentional but natural scars I have accrued just from cycling, I just dont understand tatoos.

But then, I dont understand the appeal of rap music either...

So post a pic and lets see the scars. As for the tattoos, they're mine, you don't have to understand. I don't understand rap music either.
May 29, 2009
This is the first year I probably won't race any bike races. I told myself I'd do an entire season of just triathlons, and that's what I'm doing.

I'm kind of suffering crit-racing withdrawal. But the girls are cuter at tris.

Mar 12, 2009
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slowoldman said:
And if so, are you brave enough to post a pic? Or will you carry on in anonymity?

I'll start.


photo credit to my buddy Dan Munson.

Mate got to give props to the photographer - fantastic cycling shot!
Road racing. I was never very good at this - don't have the jump, just the deisel. Here I am on my way to a top ten place (... errrm, I'll give you one gess as to my placing :) ) in the 2005 divisional championships:


Time trial. I used to actually win quite a few of these. Here's the BDCA 25 mile time trial. I think I just passed the guy who started 5 minutes in front of me:

Mar 18, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Animal, you look like a total...well...animal! Some great shots there.

Yes, great shot of slowoldman too.

Don't get the tattoos either. Then again, I don't get rap music either as well!

+1 for Animal. Seems quite the appropriate forum handle :D

And...full sleeve tatoos in a road race?! Fantastic! And while I don't always get rap music, I am a fan, but mostly the old stuff...and laugh all you want but "Can't Touch This!" is great for a short punchy climb out of the saddle :D


used too, dont anymore, work, girlfreinds, wives (not at the same time), make training 2 hours a night, and being "missing" all day on a sunday kinda tricky... always was more of a recreational time triallist if there is such a thing..

although i did pip dean downing last night in a, well not really a sprint, more of a breif amble, i got to the traffic lights before him, but it proves some of old magic is still there.. even if he was hampered trying to carry two trophies and a bunch of flowers while riding a bike...

as for rap music.. i dont listen to it but, i think i get it.. i do think many of them are completely underrated as poets though..

tatoos... id love to replace the pathetic two i have for full sleeves but if i did i think mother would leave everything to the local cats home.. :D
May 6, 2009
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Where do you ride in Exeter? I stayed there with a mate in '07 (he is not into cycling) and I found traffic to be choatic especially around lunch time.


craig1985 said:
Where do you ride in Exeter? I stayed there with a mate in '07 (he is not into cycling) and I found traffic to be choatic especially around lunch time.

I gave up riding seriously before i moved here, came here in um.. 98 ish.. rode between 1986 and 1994.. i had the idiotic cornish roads to contend with, even worse.. not overly serious, half a dozen TT's and a few 50k turn up and pay races...

Exeter isnt too bad now, the main route in the city is a bit hectic, but once you get outside, most of the cars are pretty bike savvy.. we are gradually getting more and more stretches of cycle route now (the council down here are pretty amazing actually as far as work goes) and weve got a pretty good stretch of about 20k of cycle paths up and down the river, but we should pretty soon have a full cycle route running from 10 miles east of exeter, to plymouth 50 miles away. Full of recreational cyclists of course, and old farts like me trundling down the river with the wife on cheap mountain bikes, (put it this way, in the last week on the river weve probably passed a thousand cyclists, ive seen ONE other rider with SPD's, seen a few roadies clipped, but you do have to dodge wayward 3 year olds with stabilisers a fair amount)

but actually exeter city and devon county councils are pretty good.. maps here take a look> http://www.devon.gov.uk/cycling
they seem to have a plan on making it the place in the uk to cycle reasonably safely.. and two stages of the ToB this year, tour series racing, they are working pretty hard with organisers... Im seeing more and more road cyclists on the roads down here...

up till this year id not really been out on a bike in ten years, the peugot frame is deteriorating in the shed, so picked up a couple of very cheap £100 dawdle bikes for me and the wife (whilst longingly wishing i could justify spending £500 on a decent one), and now doing a bit of recreational wandering.. She did her first 30k+ ride on sunday, so we are getting there.. Cant tell you how good it feels to be back on one though, even if it is just cycling along the river at 20k admiring the view..

another ten years, perhaps i will stop smoking, find meself a new bike, (was going to rebuild the old peugot, but have you tried finding parts for a 1986 frame :eek:) and i will test my metal against the seniors.. :D I do miss it, the bizarre days when you are so off your head with adrenilin and exhaustion, you start mumbling to yourself, the driving up silly hills promising yourself at every next lamppost you are going to stop, and never stopping, i even miss the rain sometimes..
Mar 16, 2009
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Full-time job, trying to finish a PhD, a wife, and a four-year-old daughter mean that rare is the week that I can log more than 100 miles. "No junk miles" is my mantra, but five or six hours in the saddle each week means that there is very little point in toeing the line to race (sigh).

May 6, 2009
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dimspace said:
I gave up riding seriously before i moved here, came here in um.. 98 ish.. rode between 1986 and 1994.. i had the idiotic cornish roads to contend with, even worse.. not overly serious, half a dozen TT's and a few 50k turn up and pay races...

Exeter isnt too bad now, the main route in the city is a bit hectic, but once you get outside, most of the cars are pretty bike savvy.. we are gradually getting more and more stretches of cycle route now (the council down here are pretty amazing actually as far as work goes) and weve got a pretty good stretch of about 20k of cycle paths up and down the river, but we should pretty soon have a full cycle route running from 10 miles east of exeter, to plymouth 50 miles away. Full of recreational cyclists of course, and old farts like me trundling down the river with the wife on cheap mountain bikes, (put it this way, in the last week on the river weve probably passed a thousand cyclists, ive seen ONE other rider with SPD's, seen a few roadies clipped, but you do have to dodge wayward 3 year olds with stabilisers a fair amount)

but actually exeter city and devon county councils are pretty good.. maps here take a look> http://www.devon.gov.uk/cycling
they seem to have a plan on making it the place in the uk to cycle reasonably safely.. and two stages of the ToB this year, tour series racing, they are working pretty hard with organisers... Im seeing more and more road cyclists on the roads down here...

up till this year id not really been out on a bike in ten years, the peugot frame is deteriorating in the shed, so picked up a couple of very cheap £100 dawdle bikes for me and the wife (whilst longingly wishing i could justify spending £500 on a decent one), and now doing a bit of recreational wandering.. She did her first 30k+ ride on sunday, so we are getting there.. Cant tell you how good it feels to be back on one though, even if it is just cycling along the river at 20k admiring the view..

another ten years, perhaps i will stop smoking, find meself a new bike, (was going to rebuild the old peugot, but have you tried finding parts for a 1986 frame :eek:) and i will test my metal against the seniors.. :D I do miss it, the bizarre days when you are so off your head with adrenilin and exhaustion, you start mumbling to yourself, the driving up silly hills promising yourself at every next lamppost you are going to stop, and never stopping, i even miss the rain sometimes..

Along the river is one of my favourite parts of Exeter. Especially on an ice summer's day.
Mar 18, 2009
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Great picture slowoldman!! I do get tattoos, have a few myself. Rap I can take or leave...mostly leave.

As for riding...not any more. I raced through the 80s and spent a season in the Netherlands and Belgium. Got the snot beat out of me repeatedly..but had some nice finishes and a most aggressive rider award!!

My time now is spent riding and training with my 12 year old son. He is a much better rider than I ever was or will be.

Once again, great picture....if you have any more I would love to see.
Mar 16, 2009
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Did a few races, hillclimbs and TT's a few years ago, familiar story: two kids, wife, training at night after everyone was asleep, divorce (not the bikes fault!), now i just ride for fun try to get my 15 -20 miles a day 5-6 days a week to keep fit with occasional long rides on nice days when I skip out of whatever responsibility I have.

Honestly wish I had gotten into racing when I was younger. I rode all over the place all the time, didn't even want to get a drivers license. I'd drag girlfriends on epic rides to some far off beach then ride home with sand in our pants (they never hung around too long - go figure). It never occurred to me to race a bike until I was in my 30's. Props to the rest of you. One thing I understand is the commitment it takes to be competitive at even the lowest levels of racing.


craig1985 said:
Where do you ride in Exeter? I stayed there with a mate in '07 (he is not into cycling) and I found traffic to be choatic especially around lunch time.

we are now one of the cylcing demonstration cities... so um.. dunno what that means but it means the council get loads of money for cycling stuff.. cycle lanes and the like..

took the wife out on here first (sedate) 50k today, down the river, and back.. probably about 15k of it on roads, 30k on decent cycleways, and about 5k that youd only want to use an old set of training wheels on.. really need her new shorts to arrive.. poor girl is getting a sore bum..