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So who here races?

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Apr 10, 2009
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lookkg386 said:
Mate got to give props to the photographer - fantastic cycling shot!

TRDean said:
Great picture slowoldman!! I do get tattoos, have a few myself. Rap I can take or leave...mostly leave.

Once again, great picture....if you have any more I would love to see.

Thanks for the kind words guys. I will pass on the compliments to Dan.
May 6, 2009
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Raced a crit this morning. It was for a charity so there was no prize money given, only the satisfaction of winning (and bragging rights until next week). I finished mid bunch anyway. Nearly got taken out on the final corner as we went through at 50km/h+ (no brakes either) and it had brick pavers in the ground so as I went through the corner, one guy went through the inside, no problem, another guy w ent around me, no problem, then another guy went around me and pulled across right in front of me which forced me to brake which caused my back wheel to lock up slightly. Fortunatly no crash happen ed and I go on with finishing the race.


1973 was my first year riding for Brooklyn, and the first of my three Milano-Sanremo wins. Here I beat Francioni (2nd) and Gimondi (3rd)

Wow, I thought you were just a fan. Its pretty cool that one of the greatest cyclists to have ever ridden a bike posts here. Hats off to you Mr. De Vlaeminck.
Apr 10, 2009
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Raced three crits today, State championships (districts really, So Cal). Team won the Jersey in the 45+, 40+ and came 4th in the 35+. It was a good day. I will try to post pics when they are ready.
May 6, 2009
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Raced a crit today and I came 4th. Came the last lap and on the final corner I was about 8 or 9 riders back and then somebody moved up on the inside so I followed and when the corner came I was able to go (it was an uphill sprint) for it and since two guys were already gone, I was sprinting for 3rd, and it looked like I would make it, but somebody came up and got me 3m before the line so I had to settle for 4th.

Average speed was about 40km/h.
Jul 11, 2009
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As self involvement is a hobby of mine.........

I race 'A' grade in Australia, Im not sure what that equals in other countries, maybe Cat 1? Im with a fairly good local amateur team that looks after me well, despite a lack of results.

Me with 'race face'

Last seasons only win. A crit in which I slipped of the front of the field in the closing laps. In the chasing pack was a dual Olympic gold medallist. No style points for the salute.

Mar 10, 2009
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Raced on and off since 1989. Kids soon to be 5 of them now, wife who doesnt ride, much. Work 72 hours plus a week, ok so I go to the fire station 72 hours a week...work, well, not going there. Kid duties, makes for rare 100 mile weeks right now, but team has guilted me into racing the 22nd and 23rd of September, of course that is if my wife hasn't already gone into labor...

Im in the green kit...

Jul 23, 2009
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Great shots guys. I tried to find a photo of me "racing" my single speed roadie along the local country roads with the chariot hooked up to the back, two year old son inside screaming "Allez!". That's the closest I come to racing now, and they're also the most rewarding rides ever. But it's funny, the photographers don't come out for those rides.
Jul 16, 2009
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Great action shot and I too get the "ink". Got only one - want more - but also want to keep the wife happy ..... May pluck up the plums to get some more soon.

My Grandfather used to race in south australia and was on his way to the Commonwealth games trials for road racing in his teens when he got hit badly by a car which ended his amatuer career ... things went downhill for him after that and he is sadly no longer with us.

Everytime I hit a gradient that starts to pinch a bit after "appeasing the relationship gods in the morning of the ride" I think of him racing up Willunga Hill on a heavy and under geared steel bike things dont seem so hard.

More power to those who have the time and dedication to race.;)
May 6, 2009
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53 x 11 said:
As self involvement is a hobby of mine.........

I race 'A' grade in Australia, Im not sure what that equals in other countries, maybe Cat 1? Im with a fairly good local amateur team that looks after me well, despite a lack of results.

Me with 'race face'

Last seasons only win. A crit in which I slipped of the front of the field in the closing laps. In the chasing pack was a dual Olympic gold medallist. No style points for the salute.


You and I both have the same type of cycling shoes. WHat I mean is that yours are identical to mine.

Jul 14, 2009
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53x11 flat back and bent arms,and a win, that's good form. Unlike yourself I had to ask my fed for a down grade after 11 and a half years off the bike.Age and weight made it so Cat 1 wins are not on my plate. Got 3 results(no wins) my first year back none because of fitness, but all the other bhuttplugz let me sit in until the last minute. A goal to win my district points race and place or win in 5 races this year. Also have coached 1 woman and 1 man since I have relocated, the man, who has lots of natural ability went from 5 to 3 within his first season. The woman has a great head and really listens,I am not sure she can ever go under a 1:10 for a 40k TT but she will bury it trying. Women's fields are so small that most of the drafting and tactics I have tried to teach her don't come into play. Any woman reading any post about racing...do the men's race. Don't waste your time/limited ops/ small config on a women's race. Do 10 men's races and then go back to the gals. It is very hard to learn ebb and flow and not gaping when the pack is @15 people with mixed abilities. If you are that good you can learn field sprinting in the men's bunch.
Jul 11, 2009
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craig1985 said:
You and I both have the same type of cycling shoes. WHat I mean is that yours are identical to mine.


They're good shoes.The best cost V performance shoes I have found..... In retirement as 'winter kit' as soon as the new ones arive.

They were great for me as they have a very wide foot, so I can't wear Nike, Adidas, Sidi, Bontrager, Mavic and on and on and on.

Sponsors changed over summer and I've got heeps of new kit thanks to Clipsal, Rexal and Felt. The stupid helmet cover is NOT a punishment, although if feels like one. It signifies the leading team in the state series.


@ fatandfast. Good to see people getting back into it after a long lay off. I can never understand how low grades just let people sit on and then roll them, does everyone think that they are a sprinter?

I found this photo of Auscyclefan at a race last year:

May 6, 2009
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53 x 11 said:
They're good shoes.The best cost V performance shoes I have found..... In retirement as 'winter kit' as soon as the new ones arive.

They were great for me as they have a very wide foot, so I can't wear Nike, Adidas, Sidi, Bontrager, Mavic and on and on and on.

Sponsors changed over summer and I've got heeps of new kit thanks to Clipsal, Rexal and Felt. The stupid helmet cover is NOT a punishment, although if feels like one. It signifies the leading team in the state series.


@ fatandfast. Good to see people getting back into it after a long lay off. I can never understand how low grades just let people sit on and then roll them, does everyone think that they are a sprinter?

I found this photo of Auscyclefan at a race last year:


What is the standard of racing like in SA/Adelaide (I assume you live there?)? In the European off season and when he comes back, we have McEwen doing the local races and wins A grade without breaking into a sweat. For a guy that earns more then $1m a season, you would think he would not worry about the $50 as first prize and let a local rider win, but oh no, if there is money on the line he will go for it. He and Jonathon Cantwell usually dominate, even if it isn't that hard for them.

So the standard isn't particularly high here on the Gold Coast, I'm in B grade ATM and I'm just pack fodder, but I think in a month or two I will be doing well. I did 212km on Tuesday and if there is no benefit from doing that sort of ride, then what else do I have to do?
Jun 19, 2009
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I'm jealous of you guys racing now. We'll start our wet early season in March. I'll include a picture when I stop racing but am not ready to come out of the closet.
craig1985 said:
So the standard isn't particularly high here on the Gold Coast, I'm in B grade ATM and I'm just pack fodder, but I think in a month or two I will be doing well. I did 212km on Tuesday and if there is no benefit from doing that sort of ride, then what else do I have to do?

Spend more time in the clinic! (just kidding)
Jun 16, 2009
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craig1985 said:
What is the standard of racing like in SA/Adelaide (I assume you live there?)? In the European off season and when he comes back, we have McEwen doing the local races and wins A grade without breaking into a sweat. For a guy that earns more then $1m a season, you would think he would not worry about the $50 as first prize and let a local rider win, but oh no, if there is money on the line he will go for it. He and Jonathon Cantwell usually dominate, even if it isn't that hard for them.

So the standard isn't particularly high here on the Gold Coast, I'm in B grade ATM and I'm just pack fodder, but I think in a month or two I will be doing well. I did 212km on Tuesday and if there is no benefit from doing that sort of ride, then what else do I have to do?

Give up...:D. You must be pretty fit to do 212km.
Jul 11, 2009
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craig1985 said:
What is the standard of racing like in SA/Adelaide (I assume you live there?)?

Its OK, I havnt really done any smaller interstate races so I dont have much to compare. The people running cycling here are pretty backwards, we do all our RR in the winter and are told this is so it coresponds with the Euro season EVEN THOUGH IT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD