There is an ad running on the site which claims that speedplay pedals will save you 33 sec per hour. Does anybody actually beleive this? The report on a test on their website explains nothing to substantiate the claim. All there is, is some speciously 'reasoned' drivel about testing only using the lower part of the rider (they built a mechanised pedalling manequin to do this). Funny that. Given that the upper half of the cylcist's body produces a great proportion of the total drag they have effectively increased the percentage gain they can attribute to the pedal. The advantage must be calculated as part of the total drag of the cyclist, not simply the lower part of the body. There is nothing on the site that explains how they got from the claimed aerodynamic efficiency to the figure of 33 secs per hour. 33 sec per hour for which cyclist, on which bike in what position? All these factors will impact on the percentage of the total drag reperesented by the pedal. Or would the runner up in the worlds tt have been 33 secs closer to Cancellara if he'd used speedplay pedals: I think not.
So much of what gets published in the advertising of components and frames makes these sort of meaningless claims: what for example does 20 percent stiffer mean regarding a frame?
So much of what gets published in the advertising of components and frames makes these sort of meaningless claims: what for example does 20 percent stiffer mean regarding a frame?