coachkev said:
Well, from atop the ivory tower where the editor sits and claims to care about its readerships opinions comes this (posted on the LOCKED thread where the editors can post without having to truly engage in a discussion with the readership)....
While I'm keen to hear opinions on this matter I’m afraid that spoilers, or race headlines, are very much here to stay. I understand that some of you are against this but if you look on the majority of news websites you’ll see exactly the same thing. Whether it’s news, weather or sport, headlines in themselves are there to tell a story and entice people in. There are other factors as well, like search engine optimisation but the main reason is that it fits with real news reporting.
i just find that post by daniel completely disheartening.. Last night i was angry, this morning i just feel dissapointed by it...
Your readers daniel have asked you for something, you are a commercial business dependant on your customer, the reader, they have repeatedly asked for no spoilers, and to turn round and basically say "tough **** - they are here to stay" just shows that you are willing to lose some of your customers if it is for what you perceive to be the greater good..
You may think its only a handful of people who are upset with spoilers, the ten , maybe twenty, or thirty, or fourty, who have complained about them here, and you can afford to lose those thirty customers... whats the old rule about reading, and responding, 5% bother, the other 95% dont.. im guessing the ones on here are the percent that can be bothered..
The customer admittedly, isnt always right, but when an overwhelming number of your customers ask for something, that you can, simply and easily, with no real detriment, provide, to blatlantly ignore them is very very poor..
There wherent spoilers last week, or last year, or the year before, so does having them now REALLY benefit CN that much, worth losing customers over?