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Suggestion: banning spoilers about other sports in stage threads

Oct 29, 2009
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After today and yesterday it is clear that some posters don't even get the concept that not all of us can watch every sporting event live. Better: even throw personal insults at those that complain about posting spoilers that ruin the pleasure of those that have work/families, etc and were hoping to sit down after the cycling to watch the F1 Monaco, arguably the highlight on that calendar.

If I want to avoid spoilers about a stage, I avoid reading the stage thread here until I have seen the result. If I want to avoid an F1 result, I avoid F1 forums. Thanks to some posters, now even a live stage thread isn't safe to read if there are monuments of other sports taking place the same day, or overlap partly.

Read Giro Stage 7+8 for what the enjoyment-sharing consideration of some your "fellow" sports enthusiasts triggers for those that were hoping for a real treat later on that day.

I think it is mostly a sign of inconsideration in those posters, but as friendly requests are laughed away, can we make a forum rule to stop the obnoxious amongst us spoiling the fun of others please?

They are obviously not here to further the enjoyment of all, but as we are stuck with them here, can we at least make sure they are kept sufferable?

I'd appreciate it if we banned "other sport" spoilers in stage threads.
Mar 10, 2009
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We already have a perfectly sensible rule that covers the 'spoilers' ban.

It's common forum policy, to stay on topic. Discussing the ToC in the Giro thread is therefore not appropriate, and discussing F1 in the Tour of Picardie thread is not appropriate either.

There is a 'think before you post' thread which all forum members/posters are encouraged to read. The rule is clearly stipulated there.

Unfortunately with sports results, once the result is out, there is little we can do about it. Harping on about it is a different matter.

Being the sole moderator here today, and with an interest in the stage, I am not going to waste my time babysitting a bunch of babies in what mostly resembled kindergarten.

I will go through the thread later and hand out infractions.
Oct 29, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
We already have a perfectly sensible rule that covers the 'spoilers' ban.

It's common forum policy, to stay on topic. Discussing the ToC in the Giro thread is therefore not appropriate, and discussing F1 in the Tour of Picardie thread is not appropriate either.

There is a 'think before you post' thread which all forum members/posters are encouraged to read. The rule is clearly stipulated there.

I know the "on topic rule" is there, but the last few days the sports/spoilers diversion in the middle of the Giro threads have been infuriating many. Some appear to take special delight in nudging the volume up to 11 despite (initial) polite request to turn it down or off.

And making a comment about breaches in common courtesy/rules seems to result in having personal insults throwing at you on top, more often than not (breaking yet another "official rule").

Frequent posters are involved in many of these spats, often defending and encouraging those that do transgress (intentionally or by accident). "Whoops, edit+sorry" seems to be defended as the whimp way to post here. "Here,take that and again!" is the proud norm instead.

A couple of days back there was a spell in a Giro thread in which about 1 in2 posts was AFL related. Yesterday Monaco qualifiers ruined, today the F1 flagship on top. How dare you not watch F1 and the Giro at the same time! I do it! I'm that hard and right!

Either people really don't know the rules, don't care, or they have forgotten them. Some certainly seem to forget about their fellow posters, or not care one bit.

There is a whole summer of mayor sport events coming up, often with clashing schedules. I'd appreciate if the {no spoilers for other events} rule was made far more clear than the current "please read this sticky, but you probably won't as you think it is for trolls and you don't think you are a forum troll anyway, so it doesn't apply to you" set-up.

Although I was pleased to read that there had been a proper reprimand. Probably because of the stink that others made and the insults he threw about after, as you could have slapped them out during all 3 days gone. It doesn't appear to be consistently reprimanded though.

So with frequent posters joining in on the "you should all just swallow it" chorus, and inflaming the situation even more, what it shows that what you consider to be a clear rule, really doesn't appear to be clear to several psters her at all.

In my mind, either the active stage threads should have clearer sign-age (with strict consequences) or more hands-on moderation for live stages. I very much prefer the former.

Maybe even a warning line above the form that I am using now, for adding a post to a thread?

"DON'T insult, DON'T post OT spoilers. Break it and you will get some time out to reflect upon the why."
Jul 25, 2009
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Two out of the last three Giro stage threads have been ruined by duckwits who think it's cool to bang on about other sports. It's not. Deliberately spoiling other people's pleasure just because you can is not cool.

Why is it so hard for you ****ers to STFU.


is there not a way that posts that are flagged by say, 3 or more members automatically are hidden until a mod looks at it..

the other thing of course with off topic spoilers is 1) dont all quote them, dont all reply to them in the thread, 2) pm a mod, and 3) pm the person who made the post POLITELY requesting that they remove the post and explain why.
Mar 10, 2009
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The thing to is not to hit this blog. Just avoid it if you feel tread upon and your enjoyment of sport is being "spoiled." How hard is that? Problem solved. All of this blather about decorum on a sports blog seems to me to be fodder for contol freaks.
@Francois the Postman

I was one of the people who mentioned the AFL in that Giro thread and for bringing that up i apologise. But i only made two comments regardingmy thoughts on the team ACF followed and then left it at that. It was a couple of others who just didn't seem to get the message. I don't know if they were trying to bait you Francois but it went on for a while.

On the F1 spoilers, the posters who spoiled it vehemently defended themselves for quite a length of time IIRC and at one time there was quite a bit of insults flying back and forth. I am with Francois on this one in believing it would be good if we had some sort of rule about posting any spoilers that do not belong in that thread should have some sort of punishment. Im not saying ban them, maybe give out those warnings i keep hearing about posters getting and complaining about. I just think something should be done as i was also one of those people that had the Monaco F1 race ruined.

Also as one poster said spoilers bbcodes would be good. I've seen them on other forums where if you put the codes around the text, it blurs the text so it cannot be read until you put your mouse cursor on it.

That my 2 cents anyway
May 20, 2010
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I was disappointed at the lack of respect and consideration demonstrated by those posters justifying/supporting the off topic posts.:mad:

It was at best a waste of space for all...

If spoiler codes could be implemented that would be of great assistance.

ta :)