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Team Sky Saving the Rainforest!

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Libertine Seguros said:
With regards whether Sky is good or bad for television, I refer to the great Groucho Marx:

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book"

News is information. Media is the corruption of that information.

To add 2 more quotes to this, 1 from Hitchens and one from Leonard Cohen

CH- "I became a journalist so i wouldnt have to rely on the news media for information"

LC - ".and I'm neither left or right; I'm just staying home tonight getting lost in that hopeless little screen"


Mar 11, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
Anyway, this is about the shirts. they are giving the wwf some publicity, trying to raise some money, why is everyone on their case.

I agree with TSF. Its about Increasing Awareness and raising money

Levi & Team Discovery also wore "Green Jerseys" in London back at the TdF:

"I'm out on my bike every day so I'm out there in nature and I really see the importance of trying to preserve it and I'm really proud of the fact that the team has started this environmental awareness campaign."

The team will also pledge to plant 30 trees each time a Discovery Channel rider wins a stage or wears a classification jersey during the race.'


Any talk about Team Sky planting any trees?
That would be cool too.
May 15, 2009
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I cant say Im a fan of the Green jersey. While it all appears to be a good cause, Im dissapointed they wont actually be wearing their proper jersey at the Tour of Britain

Hopefully theyll at least leave Thomas' national jersey as it is.
Feb 12, 2010
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Wish I'd never posted this now. It's been hijacked by people and turned into a discussion about the benefits of television. Can we keep to the topic please. Whether you like Sky TV or TV in general it's a noble cuase which, before today, I wasn't aware of. Therefore, it's already made a difference.

At least they've changed their kit for a good cause as opposed to new sponsorship (HTC) or because they might be able to make some money from kti sales (Cervelo).
Jun 16, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
Ditto. I choose to pay for sky, im forced to pay for the bbc.

As for the my tv uses power, so sky trying to save trees is stupid, argument is ridiculous. Like saying my car uses petrol and contributes to pollution so im not going to bother recylcing.

The Kit? I love it, much cooler than the blue.

Green mood lighting on the bus? What about green on you site TSF?
Reverend_T_Preedy said:
Wish I'd never posted this now. It's been hijacked by people and turned into a discussion about the benefits of television. Can we keep to the topic please. Whether you like Sky TV or TV in general it's a noble cuase which, before today, I wasn't aware of. Therefore, it's already made a difference.

At least they've changed their kit for a good cause as opposed to new sponsorship (HTC) or because they might be able to make some money from kti sales (Cervelo).

No need to despair. Its a great thread

I managed to get in some important points on the following:

The poor state of tv
Behaviour of big corporations
The UN
TMZ news (aka Sky news)
Political "debates"
Un goodwill ambassadors and how they dont change anything
Overhyping benvolence of Barcelona (another coprporation)
Liberal internationalism
A good word about Christopher Hitches (assisted by Harkwood)
Some Leonard Cohen lyrics

All in all a great thread;)


auscyclefan94 said:
Green mood lighting on the bus? What about green on you site TSF?

youre a bit behind, it changed this morning at the same time as the sky site
Feb 14, 2010
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Libertine Seguros said:
With regards whether Sky is good or bad for television, I refer to the great Groucho Marx:

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book"
And yet he had his own TV show, You Bet Your Life. There was a female contestant that came on and told him she had nine kids or something.

"NINE kids?
"My husband loves me very much"
"I love a good cigar, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while".

I'm not sure a TV game show host insulting TV is more than a one-liner.


salixcycling said:
Good grief, I prefer the blue. Everyone else seems to like the green; but such a difficult colour to get right. :cool:

webwise I actually preferred the pink masthead during the giro, yellow during the tour just didnt work, yellow is such a web unfreindly colour. The green i can live with.

Shirt wise, i think the green kinda rocks, i like it.
Jul 23, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
webwise I actually preferred the pink masthead during the giro, yellow during the tour just didnt work, yellow is such a web unfreindly colour. The green i can live with.

Shirt wise, i think the green kinda rocks, i like it.
It's ok for a single tour and the purpose behind it is good. It's a little 'boy band' to keep as their permanent colour. I prefer their original kit. The TSF site is looking good though, love the memorial lead page (sorry OT).
Feb 12, 2010
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The Hitch said:
No need to despair. Its a great thread

I managed to get in some important points on the following:

The poor state of tv
Behaviour of big corporations
The UN
TMZ news (aka Sky news)
Political "debates"
Un goodwill ambassadors and how they dont change anything
Overhyping benvolence of Barcelona (another coprporation)
Liberal internationalism
A good word about Christopher Hitches (assisted by Harkwood)
Some Leonard Cohen lyrics

All in all a great thread;)

Fair play to you. Good effort ;)

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