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The 2015 CQ Ranking Manager Thread

Page 55 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
I don't know much about excel, but I guess it should be easy to make another sheet with the weekly score of riders on? Perhaps superfluous, but I think it'd be nice when doing the update to easily get an overview over which riders were the most successful during the week. What I guess would be some more work would be to have the riders' popularity in the same sheet, so that you could also see if the week most scoring rider was picked on any team. I'm just thinking aloud. And yes, I will add some text to the two updates asap.

PS: @Jspear: Update 27 was very late, so that covered the previous week. Update 28 is for the past week.

Netserk said:
I don't know much about excel, but I guess it should be easy to make another sheet with the weekly score of riders on? Perhaps superfluous, but I think it'd be nice when doing the update to easily get an overview over which riders were the most successful during the week. What I guess would be some more work would be to have the riders' popularity in the same sheet, so that you could also see if the week most scoring rider was picked on any team. I'm just thinking aloud. And yes, I will add some text to the two updates asap.

PS: @Jspear: Update 27 was very late, so that covered the previous week. Update 28 is for the past week.

That's a good idea; I know that Armchair Cyclist does that manually in his emerging riders and career in decline updates... I'm sure it wouldn't be super hard to display the week's high scorers, and I will put that away for next year, if not later this year.

Thanks for catching up on the updates, Netserk. I totally forgot it'd be better to PM you than to mention it in the thread, oops. Thanks Flo for that.

On another note - wow! My team is doing surprisingly well at the TdF - I mean, I knew I'd probably get some points with Sagan and J-Rod, but this is going quite well. I doubt I'll have much for GC, so I might lose some ground this week, but that's okay, being on the podium with the Vuelta and Worlds still to come is something I'd take in a heartbeat.
Re: Re:

skidmark said:
Netserk said:
I don't know much about excel, but I guess it should be easy to make another sheet with the weekly score of riders on? Perhaps superfluous, but I think it'd be nice when doing the update to easily get an overview over which riders were the most successful during the week. What I guess would be some more work would be to have the riders' popularity in the same sheet, so that you could also see if the week most scoring rider was picked on any team. I'm just thinking aloud. And yes, I will add some text to the two updates asap.

PS: @Jspear: Update 27 was very late, so that covered the previous week. Update 28 is for the past week.

That's a good idea; I know that Armchair Cyclist does that manually in his emerging riders and career in decline updates... I'm sure it wouldn't be super hard to display the week's high scorers, and I will put that away for next year, if not later this year.

Thanks for catching up on the updates, Netserk. I totally forgot it'd be better to PM you than to mention it in the thread, oops. Thanks Flo for that.

On another note - wow! My team is doing surprisingly well at the TdF - I mean, I knew I'd probably get some points with Sagan and J-Rod, but this is going quite well. I doubt I'll have much for GC, so I might lose some ground this week, but that's okay, being on the podium with the Vuelta and Worlds still to come is something I'd take in a heartbeat.
I gave it a little more thought and the most ideal solution would be a page similar to that where you view your team, where riders are listed with price, score, profit, weekly score, monthly score and popularity. Just one page with all selected riders on it with those data. Obviously all the calculations have already been done, but collecting them in the same sheet will probably be some work, but if I could learn how to do it, I'd be happy to try to compile such a list.


Aug 22, 2014
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I was just having a look at doing what you suggested Netserk but when I came to add in the riders popularity I was going to do a vlookup using the data_popularity sheet but Pierre Latour appears to have completely overtaken that sheet, not sure what has happened.

This is what I had done up to that point, thoughts on layout, any additions and so on? Still needs tidying up a bit in a few areas, getting rid of N/As etc


edit: You said selected riders.
i've got a sheet in the youth game which gives the weekly scoring of all riders, will pm you both with details.


I put an 'all riders' tab into the spreadsheet last year, which does exactly what Netserk says - ie is the same as the page for each team, but includes all the riders in the game. It seems that page is a little corrupt in this year's spreadsheet but I've sent Netserk a version of it that should work ok.
snccdcno said:
I was just having a look at doing what you suggested Netserk but when I came to add in the riders popularity I was going to do a vlookup using the data_popularity sheet but Pierre Latour appears to have completely overtaken that sheet, not sure what has happened.

This is what I had done up to that point, thoughts on layout, any additions and so on? Still needs tidying up a bit in a few areas, getting rid of N/As etc


edit: You said selected riders.
Oh crap! That may have been my fault :eek: mc_mountain informed me Pierre-Roger Latour's name had been changed to Pierre Latour on CQ ranking and I tried to change that :eek:
That is the way I have made my rider data pages: I only have a slight idea of what (ISNA(VLOOKUP... does, but I have learned to imitate/adapt it sufficiently for my purposes.

The other thing I find useful is to have (eg) column R= column a (rider names) Column T = column I (the popularity column in the screen grab above) and in between them a column S which can be changed to be equal to whatever measure you want to show. Sorting the sheet by column S then makes is easy to copy and paste leading riders in whatever category you wish, along with info of how many of us were lucky/skilled enough to pick them.
TdF earnings:

GESINK Robert 288
RODRíGUEZ Joaquim 226
DENNIS Rohan 140
PORTE Richie 92
URAN Rigoberto 90
DE GENDT Thomas 25
YATES Simon 24
GAUDIN Damien 20
Total 1,120

Pretty mediocre, especially considering it is less than Froome's TdF points alone... But, the season is not over, and there are still opportunities (at least I hope) to bounce back :D (although, if Froome wins Vuelta, it's over for non-Froomists I guess)
Mar 14, 2009
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Should this game be altered for future editions? It seems like every year there is little to no interest in this game until after Giro.

I know that I'm not contributing with any updates so I should keep my mouth shut but quite honestly, it is quite disappointing that we dont even have an update after the biggest race of the year. :(

Jancouver said:
Should this game be altered for future editions? It seems like every year there is little to no interest in this game until after Giro.

I know that I'm not contributing with any updates so I should keep my mouth shut but quite honestly, it is quite disappointing that we dont even have an update after the biggest race of the year. :(

I PM'd netserk a few days ago but haven't heard back about the last updates. I am done my summer remote work and am back home on Friday, after which I can take over updates, and catch up on the last two if they haven't been done. Not sure what to do about the drop off of interest - the 'points' category was designed to create something that people not high up in the main competition could maybe follow, but yeah, it's natural people wlll be more interested in the early races when it's more wide open, I guess. If you have some thoughts maybe keep them for the end of the season where we can discuss and debrief.

Anyway, timely updates are an important element, and I promise to get that on track by next week.
Thanks to those who replied saying they're still following the thread and would appreciate updates. I got back home yesterday after driving halfway across Canada, and was a bit ambitious in my estimation of being able to dedicate the solid hour it takes to put together an update; obviously I have things to do after being away almost four months. It's been a few weeks but I'll ask you to wait a few hours longer (I'm thinking I'll be able to get it together this evening). I'll roll out the last few updates a few days at a time so that you can bask in your successes if you've done well etc, with the aim of being caught up by next week. Things should be smooth until the end of the season from there.

Thanks for your patience.
Jul 29, 2009
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skidmark said:
Thanks to those who replied saying they're still following the thread and would appreciate updates. I got back home yesterday after driving halfway across Canada, and was a bit ambitious in my estimation of being able to dedicate the solid hour it takes to put together an update; obviously I have things to do after being away almost four months. It's been a few weeks but I'll ask you to wait a few hours longer (I'm thinking I'll be able to get it together this evening). I'll roll out the last few updates a few days at a time so that you can bask in your successes if you've done well etc, with the aim of being caught up by next week. Things should be smooth until the end of the season from there.

Thanks for your patience.

Thanks - really appreciate the effort. Don't stress out too much about it - a few more hours don't matter.