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The 2018 CQ Ranking Manager Thread

Page 14 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
Re: Re:

SafeBet said:
repre said:
Alan Banaszek - 149
Read that he will be sprint leader of CCC and rider with great talent, can be a breakout year from him.
Two picks I love. Banaszek is an outstanding talent, can do much more than sprinting. Perhaps you're picking him one year earlier than you should but I like bold moves.
Discoverd him as an 18 y/o finishing 6th in the German Münsterland Giro 1.HC in 2016, not outstanding this year, but after seeing him taking gold on the track in the points race in Berlin this year... This guy was something else, don't see many track events, but that was the most impressive track performance I've ever withnessed with my own eyes. One of the first riders in my team.
Inspired by the interesting post made by Hakkie2 (I think it was) last year, about rider popularity among 'top' players of the CQ game, I've made a similar list for this year.

I looked at the teams of players in the top 15 average placement list and players who have placed top 3 in any edition of this game. That's 13 teams in total among the 2018 participants. I made a popularity list for the picks of those 13 teams.

I arrived at the numbers below by comparing the rider's ranking in the two popularity lists. A similar (and maybe slightly more accurate) list could also be found by comparing the percentage of players picking each rider.

Less popular picks picked by 'top players':
The riders in this first list are the ones that the 'top players' picked more than the 'average' player. To get statistically significant data, I ignored the riders with less than 3 selections among the 'top players' (a lot of those would top the list, as the ranking difference between for example 1 pick among 'top players' and 3 picks in the overall list would be pretty big due to there being a lot more riders in the overall list).

Name, ranking difference
WELTEN Bram 86
BOUDAT Thomas 74
WALSCHEID Maximilian 61
DUARTE AREVALO Fabio Andres 60
WOODS Michael 57
WALLAYS Jelle 49
CICCONE Giulio 36
MOSCON Gianni 17
SIVAKOV Pavel 13
CAPIOT Amaury 10
HALVORSEN Kristoffer 8
DE BIE Sean 8

As I alluded to, these are all picked 3 or more times among the 13 'top players' teams. Welten's overall popularity is just 6, which means that half of those who picked him are 'top players'. The overall popularity of the others in the top five is Boudat 7, Walscheid 8, Duarte 10, Woods 9.

Popular picks shunned by 'top players':
This is obviously the other end of the list. Riders that the 'average' player think is a good pick, but that the 'top' players are less enthusiastic about.

Name, ranking difference
CARTHY Hugh -34
THOMAS Geraint -29
HAUSSLER Heinrich -28
KÄMNA Lennard -20
PORTE Richie -19
TURGIS Anthony -15
PHINNEY Taylor -13
GUARDINI Andrea -11
PIDCOCK Thomas -11
CRADDOCK Lawson -10
COSTA Adrien -10
BRAMBILLA Gianluca -8
OOMEN Sam -6

Haussler, Phinney, Guardini, Craddock and Navardauskas are standouts here, as they are fairly high in the overall popularity list, but not as popular among the 'top players'.
Kazistuta said:
EvansIsTheBest said:
Only one unique pick : William Bonnet. Not exactly gonna light the world on fire here. Even Jelloul and Howard of all people were picked by somebody else.

You do know that Howard is focussing on track now?
Ouch, I missed that. Off to a flying start I see. At least it's only one spot/10 points. He was there for filler purposes and I wasn't expecting huge things from him.
He can easily gain 500 points, if not (a lot) more. I don't see how he should suddenly get old one year after his strongest spring ever. Word from the training camp is that he is killing them again.

ALAPHILIPPE Julian 1.011
Even more obvious pick. Has huge potential, missed the spring last year and can podium in Innsbruck.

LOPEZ MORENO Miguel Angel 629
Can he stay on his bike? If yes, he can podium at least one Grand Tour, maybe even win it. No more crashing please.

CHAVES RUBIO Jhoan Esteban 505
Obvious pick.

BETTIOL Alberto 354
Was extremely strong last year, which didn't always convert into points cause he was riding for others like Rigo or Trentin. Could be similar next year with van Avermaet, but i hope he will get a few chances. Said he wanted to work on his time trialling more, which was completely neglected at Cannondale. Bettiol was junior european time trial champion after all, and BMC is the right place to work on that. If he adds a strong time trial to his skills (strong on the flat, good at shorter hills, decent sprint), he could be a threat at many one week stage races. I picked him in his neo pro year for a game similar to the youth game, and he had a terrible year. Let's hope that doesn't happen again.

GAUDU David 352
Obvious pick.

Seems to have had a knee injury, but i couldn't find anything about it. Seems to be fine though.

CICCONE Giulio 264
I'm a fan of Giulio since his U23 days and have picked him every year since he turned pro. Last season was a bit of a mess because of an operation he had, but 2018 should be fine, hopefully very fine. The worry here is on the team side, Bardiani might not get invited to the Giro and the influx of American ProConti teams could mean no Utah as well.

Obvious pick.

COQUARD Bryan 220
Obvious pick.

FORMOLO Davide 217
Boy has a lot of talent and just has to do better than in the last few years. He spent too many years with Vaughters, but at least he is finally outta there.

BRAMBILLA Gianluca 195
Should do better than last year, but not as good as in 2016. I don't like his focus on the gc of the Giro and i nearly dumped him after i read that. But he also talked about classics and stages, so we're fine.

One of the weirdest guys out there. On some days he is super strong, the next day he is nowhere. Last year there was a lot of nowhere. He is on a French ProConti team now, maybe that helps him. He was a very good rider while riding for Cofidis a few years back.

BETANCUR GOMEZ Carlos Alberto 159
Obvious pick. Ha!

HALVORSEN Kristoffer 151
I'm not really sure how good he is, but being the only sprinter of the team and Sky sending Doull, Dibben and Lawless as a train for his first race, i better have him in my team. Also he could be pretty good at the cobbled semi classics.

SIVAKOV Pavel 142
60 picks for Halvorsen and only 23 for Sivakov? I'm surprised by that. Sivakov is such a classy rider, i didn't want to miss him. I hope he gets a similar program as Geoghegan Hart last year and think he can do very well in some of these races already, like Coppi e Bartali or California. He will have to work for others, but not too much, i guess.

POGACAR Tadej 135
My unique pick, as expected. Let me explain. He is a fanboy pick, but i like to think that it's a reasonable pick as well. As a junior Tadej won the Giro della Lunigiana, the most important junior stage race in Italy. That was in 2016. In 2017 he rode for the Continental team Rog Ljubljana and finished fifth in the Tour of Slovenia, ahead of guys like Pernsteiner, Cattaneo or Cunego. He was 18 years old at that time (now he is 19). He did that while going to school. As far as i know his education is finished now, so he should have more time for training (not sure if he has to do military training). Tadej is an excellent climber, has a good time trial (junior national champion) and a decent sprint. His team will ride the Tour of Croatia next year and should have a good calendar for him.

Turned pro quite young and spent two years at Wilier. Showed a bit of climbing talent here and there. He could prosper at Caja Rural, at least that is my hope. Can't say i'm really convinced.

RIABUSHENKO Aliaksandr 96
Class act. I'm so curious what he will do this year. Maybe not much, riders who are good at basically everything often have problems in the pro scene. But i do think he is simply too good not to shine.

PADUN Mark 73
I've been mightily impressed with Paduns U23 career. He was one the first riders on my team.

NIZZOLO Giacomo 66
Obvious pick.

KANGERT Tanel 58
Obvious pick.

GANNA Filippo 42
Squire asks where the points should come from? I have no idea. But Ganna is talented and cheap, i picked him last year (profit: 2 points) and give him another chance.

GUARDINI Andrea 39
UAE was a mess with their collection of sprinters. At Bardiani Guardini will be the clear leader for the very flat races, should have good support and a decent calendar. He still is damn fast.

CIMA Imerio 35
Hmmm, only 4 picks, i had expected a bit more. Cima is an Italian sprinter, not a pocket rocket like Kuba or Guardini, but a big and strong guy who dreams of Roubaix. He is very young, just turned 20 in October, and had a good season last year. 4 wins on the Italian calender against mostly older guys plus two podium finishes at the Tour de l'Avenir, where he beat guys like Halvorsen, Hodeg or Jakobsen (and got beaten by them in other stages). Nippo have dumped their sprinter Marini, gave Imerio a three year contract and hired his brother, too. They seem to believe in him. Also they tend to take part in these nice East Asian races, where the points are super cheap.

ALBANESE Vincenzo 31
I still think he is a super talent. Let's see what he can do with a good winter and no injuries.

Only three picks. I can understand that, who knows if these legal problems are over or not. But i'm ready to risk that. If he is allowed to ride, he should score nicely on the hillier races in Portugal and Spain.

MOSER Moreno 25
No idea what to expect. But at least a return to the standard of 2015 and 2016 should be possible. I don't ask for more.

KÖNIG Leopold 10
If healthy a must pick. I have avoided quite a few riders who had serious health issues last year (like Navardauskas or Haussler), but i don't think you can avoid König.

Has Fabio wasted his talent? Maybe, but now he is back with Saldarriaga, the best coach in Colombia, and the coach Fabio had his biggest success with. It's probably his last chance and he has to know that. He sounds very motivated in interviews, and Salda won't put him into a training camp in freezing Europe in January like the idiot Corti did. Manzana-Postobon will try to get an invite for races like Trentino or Dauphine, that would be mighty fine. Saldatraining for the win! (In case you didn't sense it, this is a fanboy pick.)

ENGER Sondre Holst 0
Maybe the most solid of all the zero pointers. But maybe not, of the last three years two were bad, so who knows. There are quite a few sprinters at ICA, too many in my opinion, no idea what the pecking order will be.

Not sure if he gets healthy and fit again. He doesn't sound too optimistic in interviews, but Sky gave him a new contract, so they must be hopeful the he can return to racing.

Picked him over Haddi. Had an excellent year at the Spanish U23 scene, but so had Aristi in 2015, who then turned pro with Delko and managed zero points in 2016 (i had picked him in the youth game, geat success). Samitier should be a bigger talent than Aristi, winning Bidasoa certainly ain't easy, but his international results are lackluster. He managed only 70th overall in Aosta, for instance. So i can't say i'm sure about this guy, but he should have a good calendar and a relatively free role at Euskadi Murias.
That's a very strong-looking team, fauniera. You must be aiming for back to back victories. :) But curiously, no winner has ever done well the year after they won.

I'm a tiny bit annoyed that I'm not among those who can brag about predicting Cima for greatness. He was in my team through all of December, but got lost in the last-minute shuffle when I switched Moscon for Thomas.

Pogacar was on my radar, too. I was mightily impressed by his results last year, but with plenty of WT scorers in his price range, he was a tad too expensive for me.
I think the low cost riders will be absolutely crucial this season. Looking at Faunieras team there are so many riders I wanted to include (Sivakov, Albanese,...) but there were many other promising cheap riders too so I wasn't convinced if they would be better. If I'm unlucky those guys will end up being very high scorers while my cheap picks end their season with 0 points. But it could absolutely end up the other way around as well. I'm now in the strange situation to be completely unsatisfied with my cheap picks, but if you ask me what I want to change I wouldn't really know what to answer.
Introducing my '18 team:

THOMAS Geraint 810 24 - Surprised he is not more popular, but I can see that many players went with other more expensive riders instead. Besides clear opportunities opening to him in the absence of Froome I hope he will also target the ITT in Insbruck, in which he should be a top3 candidate.
FUGLSANG Jakob 703 3 - Thanks to avoiding more expensive riders I had sufficient budget to select another high mid-range GC rider who I assumed would also be more popular, especially given the hype Danish riders tend to get here sometimes. After Aru's departure from Astana Fuglsang should solidify his GC leadership role. And there's also Innsbruck, where I hope he will be able to fight for medals in the RR.
LOPEZ MORENO Miguel Angel 629 101 - Looks like I should become real Astana fan this year :)
KRUIJSWIJK Steven 554 6 - What, only so few picks? Not many Dutch players participating, are they. If he is serious about his GC aspirations, this is a good price for him.
CHAVES RUBIO Jhoan Esteban 505 107
TERPSTRA Niki 417 31
GESINK Robert 318 14 - Gesink was the last rider selected to my team. It was either him or Rolland. I had good impression from his recent interviews and he is my dark horse for surprise result in Innsbruck.
VAN POPPEL Danny 287 45
CAVENDISH Mark 257 115
ROELANDTS Jürgen 228 25
COQUARD Bryan 220 110
FORMOLO Davide 217 66
OSS Daniel 209 8 - Many here agree that move to Bora should do good to Formolo and Kennaugh. I included Oss to this list.
ROSA Diego 209 35
BRAMBILLA Gianluca 195 76
TAARAMÄE Rein 175 19
HALVORSEN Kristoffer 151 60
KENNAUGH Peter 137 76
STANNARD Ian 135 30
NAESEN Lawrence 125 7 - How can you not pick him if you read that he is even bigger talent than his brother? And that he seriously wants to compete with him? Looking forward to their duels in the classics!
VERVAEKE Louis 119 22
MORENO BAZAN Javier 89 5
WALLAYS Jelle 80 10
MAMYKIN Matvey 67 36
NIZZOLO Giacomo 66 111
HAUSSLER Heinrich 60 51
KANGERT Tanel 58 86
GUARDINI Andrea 39 66
ARCHBOLD Shane 34 2 - I hope he will get free role in races and show he can win some of them.
KÖNIG Leopold 10 99
ENGER Sondre Holst 0 64

Overall I am still quite happy with my team and do not regret any omissions. It is possible that my more defensive selection will not be able to match teams with star riders like Sagan and Valverde if some of them has really good season, which is, frankly, quite likely, so probably I should prepare for another average result in this game. But at least I have more than 10 different GC riders I can root for in hopefully almost any race throughout the season.
SafeBet said:
Popular riders I don't like: everybody loves Gianluca Brambilla and I don't really get why, his 2016 season really seems an outlier for a rider with limited potential especially when targetting GC (which he stated would be the case in 2018).

No idea about others, but my reason for picking Brambilla is because he's one of the riders I always cheer for. Along with a few others like Valverde (my favorite rider), Amador, Fernandez, Soler and a couple others he's one my team because he's one of my more favorite riders.

Geraint Too Fast said:
Does anybody who picked Ruben Fernandez actually feel confident about him? I didn't want to pick him because of the insane amount of competition there is at Movistar. But I knew he'd be fairly popular, and if he's in good shape for the TDU (like he has been in the past) he will already establish himself near the top of that pack behind Quintana/Valverde/Landa. If he was starting his season later, I would have happily ignored him.

I like him, I also expect him to do better this year than last year. He got hurt in training near the start of the season and for some reason it totally disrupted and destroyed his entire season. I expect him to be better this year than he was last year.

Squire said:
Inspired by the interesting post made by Hakkie2 (I think it was) last year,

:razz: Nice to read you remember that post.

I have just done it again. Contrary to you I took the 10 players who scored the most points over the last 2 seasons. (The reason why I take 10 is because I am number 11 in that ranking :D ). Sadly, togo95 didn't send in a team this year, so only 9 teams were taken into account.
Also contrary to you I work with percentages. Cavendish was selected by 114 of 128 players, so he gets an 'average' percentage of 89%. He was selected by all 9 top teams, so he gets a 'top' percentage of 100%. Thus Cavendish is 11% overrepresented by the top teams.

Anyway this is my top-15 of riders who are 'overselected' by the topplayers:
MAS NICOLAU Enric 49,1
DUARTE AREVALO Fabio Andres 47,8
CAPIOT Amaury 45,0
BETANCUR GOMEZ Carlos Alberto 39,5
ENGER Sondre Holst 38,9
CICCONE Giulio 34,2
MOSER Moreno 33,3
HALVORSEN Kristoffer 30,9
TAARAMÄE Rein 29,6
DE BIE Sean 29,2
ALBANESE Vincenzo 28,4
FORMOLO Davide 26,2
JAKOBSEN Fabio 22,5

And these 15 riders were mostly picked by the average teams, but not topteams:

CARTHY Hugh -23,4
PHINNEY Taylor -21,7
DOMBROWSKI Joseph Lloyd -18,0
TERPSTRA Niki -13,1
CRADDOCK Lawson -12,8
TURGIS Anthony -11,7
Pantano Gomez Jarlinson -11,7
PIDCOCK Thomas -10,9
SAGAN Peter -10,9
GUARNIERI Jacopo -10,9
NAVARDAUSKAS Ramunas -10,5
MCLAY Daniel -10,2
POWLESS Neilson -10,2
MARTINEZ POVEDA Daniel Felipe -10,2

Bit of a surprise for me to see Enric Mas topping the first list :eek:
And just when the masses abandon Betancur, the top picks him again
Re: Re:

Hakkie2 said:
Anyway this is my top-15 of riders who are 'overselected' by the topplayers:

MAS NICOLAU Enric 49,1
DUARTE AREVALO Fabio Andres 47,8
CAPIOT Amaury 45,0
BETANCUR GOMEZ Carlos Alberto 39,5
ENGER Sondre Holst 38,9
CICCONE Giulio 34,2
MOSER Moreno 33,3
HALVORSEN Kristoffer 30,9
TAARAMÄE Rein 29,6
DE BIE Sean 29,2
ALBANESE Vincenzo 28,4
FORMOLO Davide 26,2
JAKOBSEN Fabio 22,5
I am missing Capiot, De Bie, Fernandez and Jakobsen. Capiot and Jakobsen are a little bit worrying as there are a lot of 1.1 sprint races for them in Belgium. But then i heard great things about Capiot last year and nothing happened.

Hakkie2 said:
And these 15 riders were mostly picked by the average teams, but not topteams:

CARTHY Hugh -23,4
PHINNEY Taylor -21,7
DOMBROWSKI Joseph Lloyd -18,0
TERPSTRA Niki -13,1
CRADDOCK Lawson -12,8
TURGIS Anthony -11,7
Pantano Gomez Jarlinson -11,7
PIDCOCK Thomas -10,9
SAGAN Peter -10,9
GUARNIERI Jacopo -10,9
NAVARDAUSKAS Ramunas -10,5
MCLAY Daniel -10,2
POWLESS Neilson -10,2
MARTINEZ POVEDA Daniel Felipe -10,2
I don't have a single one of those.
Actually, Cavendish would be overrepresented by 12.28%

By your method, a rider would be more overrepresented if he was on half of all teams, but on all top players' teams, than a rider who was only on a tenth of all teams, but on half of all top players' teams. While the former is numerically overrepresented, the latter is relatively overrepresented (2.5 times as much!), and I think that is more telling.
Re: Re:

fauniera said:
Hakkie2 said:
Anyway this is my top-15 of riders who are 'overselected' by the topplayers:

MAS NICOLAU Enric 49,1
DUARTE AREVALO Fabio Andres 47,8
CAPIOT Amaury 45,0
BETANCUR GOMEZ Carlos Alberto 39,5
ENGER Sondre Holst 38,9
CICCONE Giulio 34,2
MOSER Moreno 33,3
HALVORSEN Kristoffer 30,9
TAARAMÄE Rein 29,6
DE BIE Sean 29,2
ALBANESE Vincenzo 28,4
FORMOLO Davide 26,2
JAKOBSEN Fabio 22,5
I am missing Capiot, De Bie, Fernandez and Jakobsen. Capiot and Jakobsen are a little bit worrying as there are a lot of 1.1 sprint races for them in Belgium. But then i heard great things about Capiot last year and nothing happened.
Solid start of the season, knee problems, wrong medical diagnosis, things got worse, double surgery in July and August solving the problem for his right knee, minor problem detected in his left knee that could cause problems in the future, so he decided to go for another surgery, instead of a comeback late September. Now everything should be fine for the future, he's feeling 100% physically, incredibly motivated to race again, and will try to secure a spot in the WT next season.
Mar 14, 2009
Visit site
Based on the Hakkie2 report I have five riders on both lists ... so I guess that evens out and I'm glad that my team is so unique :D

PeterB ... while I was at some point also tempted by G, I left him out because he is turning 33 this year and is just too old to improve. Same for Songbird, turning 32 this year.
Re: Re:

flashke said:
Solid start of the season, knee problems, wrong medical diagnosis, things got worse, double surgery in July and August solving the problem for his right knee, minor problem detected in his left knee that could cause problems in the future, so he decided to go for another surgery, instead of a comeback late September. Now everything should be fine for the future, he's feeling 100% physically, incredibly motivated to race again, and will try to secure a spot in the WT next season.

Thanks. That sounds good for him, not so good for my team. ;)
Find your likeminded folk!

T1 T2 Common
Ruvu75 TheArt 27
TheArt Ruvu75 27
Hugo_Koblet Wallenquist 23
Wallenquist Hugo_Koblet 23
Jpettersen LaFlorecita 22
kabete trackstand 22
karaev nuvolablu 22
LaFlorecita Jpettersen 22
MADRAZO Ruvu75 22
nuvolablu karaev 22
SafeBet Hugo_Koblet 22
trackstand kabete 22
freshman LaFlorecita 21
freshman Popchu 21
Gigs_98 Manafana 21
Gigs_98 NairoQ 21
Kazistuta MADRAZO 21
Kjellus Jpettersen 21
Kjellus LaFlorecita 21
Kjellus skidmark 21
laarsland Ruvu75 21
Maaaaaaaarten Wallenquist 21
Manafana Gigs_98 21
NairoQ Gigs_98 21
Object Hugo_Koblet 21
Popchu freshman 21
skidmark Kjellus 21
skidmark SafeBet 21
abbulf Gotland 20
abbulf Martin 20
ansimi freshman 20
Crevaison freshman 20
Crevaison Hugo_Koblet 20
del1962 shalgo 20
escartin Ruvu75 20
flashke Kazistuta 20
Gotland abbulf 20
GP_Blanco Hugo_Koblet 20
GP_Blanco nuvolablu 20
Hakkie2 SafeBet 20
Hakkie2 skidmark 20
LightBing SafeBet 20
Martin abbulf 20
minessa NairoQ 20
shalgo del1962 20
shalgo Object 20
shalgo Popchu 20
shalgo SafeBet 20
Squire freshman 20
Squire Kazistuta 20
Squire Ruvu75 20
Squire Wallenquist 20
Total_Package freshman 20
Total_Package MADRAZO 20
Total_Package skidmark 20
18_Valve freshman 19
Bicycle_Boy Hugo_Koblet 19
Bicycle_Boy Shawnm4747 19
bminchow escartin 19
bminchow Hugo_Koblet 19
bminchow karaev 19
bminchow SafeBet 19
bminchow skidmark 19
Eyeballs_Out Popchu 19
Eyeballs_Out Ruvu75 19
Eyeballs_Out TheArt 19
Eyeballs_Out Wallenquist 19
fauniera Maaaaaaaarten 19
fauniera nuvolablu 19
fauniera Wallenquist 19
Joelsim freshman 19
LosBrolin SafeBet 19
Nathanptz Gigs_98 19
Nathanptz TheArt 19
Pantani1 Manafana 19
PeterB Gotland 19
PeterB Object 19
postmanhat Crevaison 19
postmanhat GP_Blanco 19
Shawnm4747 Bicycle_Boy 19
Shawnm4747 LaFlorecita 19
Shawnm4747 TheArt 19
torcia_86 freshman 19
torcia_86 TheArt 19
Vesica Jpettersen 19
AlyKaptan skidmark 18
bort Jpettersen 18
bort lvelo 18
bort MADRAZO 18
Carlo_Algatrensig Shawnm4747 18
Ferminal Martin 18
Ferminal search 18
Ferminal TheArt 18
Geraint_Too_Fast Squire 18
Googolplex Hugo_Koblet 18
Jancouver Londonpat 18
jsem94 Shawnm4747 18
jsem94 TheArt 18
lvelo bort 18
lvelo Jpettersen 18
lvelo Kazistuta 18
lvelo MADRAZO 18
lvelo NairoQ 18
Londonpat Jancouver 18
Londonpat Martin 18
search Ferminal 18
the_asian Popchu 18
Valv.Piti Hugo_Koblet 18
yoyokt Manafana 18
adamski101 Hugo_Koblet 17
adamski101 NairoQ 17
AupaPyama Maaaaaaaarten 17
comodoro LaFlorecita 17
derrudi LaFlorecita 17
derrudi MADRAZO 17
derrudi Object 17
DJ_Sprtsch Maaaaaaaarten 17
DJ_Sprtsch Object 17
DJ_Sprtsch shalgo 17
DJ_Sprtsch skidmark 17
EvansIsTheBest SafeBet 17
Giallo Bicycle_Boy 17
Giallo oliveira 17
Giallo SafeBet 17
Jakob747 Hugo_Koblet 17
Jakob747 Maaaaaaaarten 17
Jakob747 MADRAZO 17
Kryvo trackstand 17
oliveira Giallo 17
repre Hugo_Koblet 17
rote_laterne nuvolablu 17
scrooll07 Gigs_98 17
simple sodak_za 17
sodak_za simple 17
tom_jelte Manafana 17
vladimir Wallenquist 17
Yellow_Knight Bicycle_Boy 17
Amis_Velo NairoQ 16
barmaher Gotland 16
barmaher Jpettersen 16
barmaher shalgo 16
HelgeBlendet ansimi 16
HelgeBlendet Gigs_98 16
HelgeBlendet Joelsim 16
HelgeBlendet LightBing 16
HelgeBlendet Maaaaaaaarten 16
HelgeBlendet NairoQ 16
HelgeBlendet SafeBet 16
HelgeBlendet shalgo 16
HelgeBlendet Total_Package 16
Jspear trackstand 16
PremierAndrew nuvolablu 16
Sneekes NairoQ 16
team roubaix the_asian 16
WKA311 Object 16
zlev11 shalgo 16
Armchair_cyclist Object 15
Blues_in_the_bottle CQmanager 15
Blues_in_the_bottle Jpettersen 15
Blues_in_the_bottle lvelo 15
CQmanager Blues_in_the_bottle 15
CQmanager minessa 15
DFA123 Maaaaaaaarten 15
DFA123 shalgo 15
Krokro karaev 15
Mellow_Velo lvelo 15
will10 Manafana 15
Brullnux Carlo_Algatrensig 14
Brullnux jsem94 14
drebelo Hakkie2 14
drebelo LosBrolin 14
Nicosix abbulf 14
Nicosix Jpettersen 14
Nicosix Maaaaaaaarten 14
Nicosix Ruvu75 14
Nicosix TheArt 14
Tigerion NairoQ 14
NorthAmericanScum Total_Package 13
Salvarani fauniera 13
Salvarani Hakkie2 13
Salvarani Maaaaaaaarten 13
Poles & Co. Hugo_Koblet 13
Poles & Co. Object 13
zaka_fan PeterB 13
zaka_fan shalgo 13
Akuryo Gigs_98 12
Akuryo HelgeBlendet 12
Akuryo Wallenquist 12
greenedge bort 12
greenedge Hakkie2 12
greenedge laarsland 12
greenedge Popchu 12
triley36 AupaPyama 12
triley36 Carlo_Algatrensig 12
armchairclimber Blues_in_the_bottle 11
kiilike lvelo 11
VeloRooms Armchair_cyclist 11
Josedin rote_laterne 10
monsieur_hulot HelgeBlendet 10
monsieur_hulot SafeBet 10
ChrisDK CQmanager 9
ChrisDK Giallo 9
ChrisDK rote_laterne 9
DJW rote_laterne 9
Guilherme_Ribero barmaher 9
Koronin Gigs_98 9
Koronin kabete 9
Koronin Manafana 9
Koronin team roubaix 9
Koronin Valv.Piti 9
archieboy Hakkie2 8
archieboy VeloRooms 8
archieboy Yellow_Knight 8
kiszol rote_laterne 8
Riverside Slapshot 8
Slapshot Riverside 8
Jon_Ezeitza Amis_Velo 7
Jon_Ezeitza Hakkie2 7
Jon_Ezeitza Total_Package 7
Guybrush Jakob747 6
Guybrush the_asian 6
Leadbelly comodoro 6
Leadbelly fauniera 6
Leadbelly Jakob747 6
Leadbelly Kjellus 6
Leadbelly lvelo 6
Leadbelly laarsland 6
Leadbelly search 6
Leadbelly Total_Package 6
Trudgin comodoro 5
Trudgin DFA123 5
Trudgin LaFlorecita 5
Trudgin Mellow_Velo 5
Trudgin SafeBet 5
Trudgin Salvarani 5
Trudgin Valv.Piti 5

Squire said:
That's a very strong-looking team, fauniera. You must be aiming for back to back victories. :) But curiously, no winner has ever done well the year after they won.

I'm a tiny bit annoyed that I'm not among those who can brag about predicting Cima for greatness. He was in my team through all of December, but got lost in the last-minute shuffle when I switched Moscon for Thomas.

Pogacar was on my radar, too. I was mightily impressed by his results last year, but with plenty of WT scorers in his price range, he was a tad too expensive for me.
I expect great things from Cima but did not pick him mainly because of his age. Still he's on my radar for next season :)

PeterB said:
FUGLSANG Jakob 703 3 - Thanks to avoiding more expensive riders I had sufficient budget to select another high mid-range GC rider who I assumed would also be more popular, especially given the hype Danish riders tend to get here sometimes. After Aru's departure from Astana Fuglsang should solidify his GC leadership role. And there's also Innsbruck, where I hope he will be able to fight for medals in the RR.
I think this could be a great pick, and one I would have gone for if I'd put a bit more effort into selection! All the talk has been about Lopez (and rightly so to an extent given his Vuelta), but Fuglsang will outscore him pointswise i think. He reached a new level at the Dauphine last year and would easily have got 1000 points if he could have ridden for himself and finished a GT. Plus, he has huge potential for improvement in the spring.
Jan 5, 2013
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How did you do this, Ferminal? I'd love to do the same, but instead of counting riders I'd like to count common points (e.g. '1 rider of 1000pts in common' is more similar than '2 riders of 100pts in common')

Jancouver said:
...while I was at some point also tempted by G, I left him out because he is turning 33 this year and is just too old to improve. Same for Songbird, turning 32 this year.
True that they are not getting younger. But both declared they intended to achieve something special this year and I tend to believe they are still capable of that. And even if not, both seem to have quite high base level so shouldn't completely disappoint.

And I just did not have courage to gamble on Gaudu or Latour or Oomen or even Moscon who are younger but so much more unpredictable and already quite expensive for this game.

NairoQ said:
How did you do this, Ferminal? I'd love to do the same, but instead of counting riders I'd like to count common points (e.g. '1 rider of 1000pts in common' is more similar than '2 riders of 100pts in common')


I've put in a few notional ranges but the common rider/points are there to come up with your own. Also done "Popularity points" but not sure how interesting this is.