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The Landis Affair - Part 2



Looks like the second part is about to start. Lemond has weighed in with his, cycling needs change, riders will come forward, there will be confessions speech


"I hope it's a bloodbath and a cleansing,"

“I think that those named by Landis whatever their circumstances, guilt or innocence would be better off cooperating with the investigation as a way to help change the direction of the sport.”

"I think it's the beginning of the end for a lot of people," LeMond added. "This is going to go pretty far. It will shed a lot of light on a lot of people who have been silenced. The doping part is almost a side show, in this case the cover up is worse than the crime. I hope that those that have been silenced because of the system will get some relief to free their minds with the hope that they will help bring down those that really control how the sport future will unfold."

"I think a lot of riders will come forward. If they were involved they have this on their conscience"

"Armstrong is very vindictive and he's hurt a lot of people in the process. My gut is that guys like Floyd Landis are nervous and scared and don't know what to do when the system only punishes people that come forward and want to clean up the sport."

Im wondering how much Greg knows. Does he know riders are going to come forward, does he know something is about to happen?
Aug 13, 2009
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Landis only said what many already knew. Hopefully he will give others the courage to speak up and purge the sport of some of the criminals who have been exploiting it for years.


My thought is something is about to happen. Landis and Lemond are talking, Landis using Gregs lawyers..

I think things are about to take a turn..
Jul 17, 2009
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If Lemond would just complete one of these interviews without bringing Armstrong into it I would believe he cared about the sport and not nailing Armstrong; but he can't. I hate waiting to see the fireworks go off....
Aug 13, 2009
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goober said:
If Lemond would just complete one of these interviews without bringing Armstrong into it I would believe he cared about the sport and not nailing Armstrong; but he can't. I hate waiting to see the fireworks go off....

Only the groupies ignore Greg's very valid points and focus the one accurate sentence about Armstrong.

Despite Armstrong's spin until recently Greg seldom talked about Lance. After the Trek lawsuit it became clear that Greg can now say whatever he wants and Armstrong has to shut up and take it.

Payback is a Bitch.
Jul 17, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Only the groupies ignore Greg's very valid points and focus the one accurate sentence about Armstrong.

Despite Armstrong's spin until recently Greg seldom talked about Lance. After the Trek lawsuit it became clear that Greg can now say whatever he wants and Armstrong has to shut up and take it.

Payback is a Bitch.

Only the logically threatened generalize/group people and categorize them into an opposing class.

I beg to differ that Greg seldom talked about Lance. Since you bring up the lawsuit, why do you think the Trek -vs- Lemond lawsuit occurred? Hmmm. Maybe it was partially based on Greg talking about Lance and hurting Trek's marketing?
May 13, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I think people are expecting things to happen way too fast. The most likely way for something to happen quickly would seem to be leaks to the press that a rider has confirmed Landis' allegation.

There will be more coming out just in time before July 3. There's at least two more Landis emails as I understand it. Then who knows what other surprise is sprung. The two weeks between TdS and TdF will be busy.
Jul 25, 2009
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Sounds to me like Lemond is just trying to do his bit to encourage people to come forward.

It's interesting that he says cycling culture has changing a bit WRT doping recently. Is he being realistic, optimistic or political with those comments? I tend to believe realistic but that's because Lemond always strikes me as very honest and genuine....
If we remember the Festina Affair that took some time to get rolling. It wasn't until the Tour of that year did things start to unfold. Prior to that the deny deny deny was accepted. It was some 2 years later before Richie V finally came clean when threatened with jail time. However the Tour is where it all went bust. With all the riders and teams in one place at one time the police moved in and there was nothing anyone could so to stop them. The riders thought the UCI would assist but nothing. Looks like the Armstrong affair will bookend the post Festina affair with his own start and eventual demise.

Noel Midlands

Jun 17, 2010
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"I hope it's a bloodbath"

This was the premise same smack that Lemond was talking for years before the Trek trial, so his scary predictions don't carry much weight with me. He used the same language about a "bloodbath", then when it came down to it he ran off with the money.

I can understand his motivation here - if Armstrong goes down then he becomes the US's top cyclist again. But I do think it stinks the way he is exploiting Landis, who, whatever the Armstrong camp spin wants us to believe, is genuinely in a pretty desperate state financially and emotionally, and get him to wage this bloodbath on his behalf and claim it will be "good for cycling". We all know it will be know such thing. It will be good for Lemond but not good for cycling.

Then he has the cheek to admit cycling is cleaning up anyway - so why the need for the bloodbath, Greg?

Can anyone here be honest about this without using insults and bluster?
thehog said:
If we remember the Festina Affair that took some time to get rolling. It wasn't until the Tour of that year did things start to unfold. Prior to that the deny deny deny was accepted. It was some 2 years later before Richie V finally came clean when threatened with jail time. However the Tour is where it all went bust. With all the riders and teams in one place at one time the police moved in and there was nothing anyone could so to stop them. The riders thought the UCI would assist but nothing. Looks like the Armstrong affair will bookend the post Festina affair with his own start and eventual demise.

The FDA won't give a damn about timing things for the Tour de France. The French infusion kit investigation could break before the Tour for maximum media exposure, but any media coverage that the feds want will come from the U.S. general public, most of whom barely know what the Tour de France is. The U.S. federal investigation will also be hampered by people like Zabriskie and Vaughters being in Europe.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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goober said:
Only the logically threatened generalize/group people and categorize them into an opposing class.

I beg to differ that Greg seldom talked about Lance. Since you bring up the lawsuit, why do you think the Trek -vs- Lemond lawsuit occurred? Hmmm. Maybe it was partially based on Greg talking about Lance and hurting Trek's marketing?
Let me help you with your answer:

The 'Trek vs Lemond' lawsuit came about as a 'countersuit' because Greg had already started a 'Lemond vs Trek' lawsuit.

Why do you think that occured??
May 25, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Landis only said what many already knew. Hopefully he will give others the courage to speak up and purge the sport of some of the criminals who have been exploiting it for years.

I would have a better feeling that this whole thing is realy as big as we think it is if we had confirmation of at least one rider not serving a sanction, who is peaking with the investigators. Or to put it simply, a rider that non-racers would find credible, like a Hincapie or Garmin rider. Vaughters or Andreau or another know rider.

Either that or public confirmation that this is a real investigation and the the targets are big.
May 15, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
Looks like the second part is about to start. Lemond has weighed in with his, cycling needs change, riders will come forward, there will be confessions speech


"I hope it's a bloodbath and a cleansing,"

boom goes the dy-no-miiiite

goober said:
If Lemond would just complete one of these interviews without bringing Armstrong into it I would believe he cared about the sport and not nailing Armstrong; but he can't. I hate waiting to see the fireworks go off....

um...hello? armstrong went about trying to destroy lemond's business and life. he hired public strategies to destroy his name. only a couple of years ago the predominant feeling on most discussion boards was anti-lemond.

lemond has every right to defend himself.

and every reason to mention armstrong -- after all this is about armstrong doping and being the biggest fraud in sports history.

and remember that lemond has been proven right every step of the way.

also note lemond's constant defense of riders in general.
Mar 11, 2009
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'LeMond would like to see the testing of riders and sentencing of dopers controlled by national federations'

National federations are less bent than the UCI?

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Noel Midlands said:
This was the premise same smack that Lemond was talking for years before the Trek trial, so his scary predictions don't carry much weight with me. He used the same language about a "bloodbath", then when it came down to it he ran off with the money.

I can understand his motivation here - if Armstrong goes down then he becomes the US's top cyclist again. But I do think it stinks the way he is exploiting Landis, who, whatever the Armstrong camp spin wants us to believe, is genuinely in a pretty desperate state financially and emotionally, and get him to wage this bloodbath on his behalf and claim it will be "good for cycling". We all know it will be know such thing. It will be good for Lemond but not good for cycling.

Then he has the cheek to admit cycling is cleaning up anyway - so why the need for the bloodbath, Greg?

Can anyone here be honest about this without using insults and bluster?
Honesty works both ways....

You snipped to the 'bloodbath' comment when this was Gregs full comment:
"I hope it's a bloodbath and a cleansing,"

Can you show me where Greg has ever used the term 'bloodbath' before?
May 25, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I think it is interesting that today we have had a bunch of new members bash Lemond in their first and only post. It looks like Public Strategies is still on the job.

I hate to respond to people who are not up to speed on the facts but let's take a credibility tally:

Examples where LA has lied: Dozens

Examples where Greg Has lied: None that I am aware of
oldschoolnik said:
I hate to respond to people who are not up to speed on the facts but let's take a credibility tally:

Examples where LA has lied: Dozens

Examples where Greg Has lied: None that I am aware of

What travesties has LeMond committed which elicit these responses?

Obviously they have to be a lot worse than what Armstrong has ever done, as there's people who appear to denigrate LeMond whilst deifying Armstrong.
Jun 13, 2010
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"LeMond would like to see the testing of riders and sentencing of dopers controlled by national federations and independent laboratories, while the UCI works on enhancing cycling' reputation around the world."

I have my doubts that this would be much better if there is indeed a certain "greasing of the palms" by certain national federations when it comes to certain riders. One only needs to look at Cycling USA, where LA sits on the BOD, to wonder about how effective this would be? To what extent this goes on at other national governing bodies is anyone's guess.



Sep 24, 2009
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Big Doopie said:
um...hello? armstrong went about trying to destroy lemond's business and life. he hired public strategies to destroy his name. only a couple of years ago the predominant feeling on most discussion boards was anti-lemond.

lemond has every right to defend himself.

and every reason to mention armstrong -- after all this is about armstrong doping and being the biggest fraud in sports history.

and remember that lemond has been proven right every step of the way.

also note lemond's constant defense of riders in general.

beat me to it.