Martin, firstly....have a good nights wrote that all at 2.30am?
I admire your commitment to the cause....honestly.
And please don't for one second worry that I have taken offence personally at anything you have said....This is the internet....I don't know you personally and vice versa....I disagree with what you have written....but it does not offend me.
I honestly don't want this to go back and forth so ....briefly as possible....
factually incorrect summaries of events....yes we should ban all of those
You continue to refer back to my usage of the word 'dumb'. This strikes me as you being rather agressive and trying to score points on me....actually I just thought it was a rather inflammatory and might i suggest "aggressive" term for a moderator to be using
I believe it has been said that freedom of speech is the last refuge of the forum troll....can i put that as my signature? I will reference you of course....and you can use this one....calling someone a troll cos they say they admire LA is the last refuge of the forum troll
whilst in some countries freedom of speech is paramount, in others it is less so....thank you for confirming that
CAse in point is a thread earlier today asking which prison bunk Lance would get and talking about who would be the 'daddy' needless to say this type of discussion completely oversteps decency and so we chose not to host it.....but "joking" about someone making up their cancer....or "joking" about another user's sexuality....doesn't?
To ignore a moderator implies you must have a serious grievance with that individual....or it could just imply that in other threads to this, I find their opinion on certain cycling related matters devoid of reason or logic and so therefore don't want to read i said I was asking a genuine question....not trying to provoke.
And why did you close the top bunk thread?....that was actually pretty funny...and anyway.....everyone knows it would be neither of them....Floyd would be up there already, saying, "either of you tell me to move and i email the governor!"
And finally....anyone who sends you hatemail is a fool....they could have just sent it to me....i could have ignored it for you.
Sleep well.