It's like heavyweight boxing, for me. Styles make fights. You get to huge overaggressive gorillas together and it's over in two rounds, tops. Two guys dancing around one another for fifteen rounds is no fun either.
For instance, I thought this Tour was going to be like the Rumble in The Jungle, with Nairo taking the punches as Froome tired himself out until he turned it around at the end. But he got goaded into attacking, and got pegged hard. Makes the final-round comeback all the more difficult.
Anyway, have to agree with those pointing at 2012 as the TdF apocalypse of boredom.
I actually enjoyed those. Everyone attacking and Indurain winching himself back, crushing their spirit. Occasionally someone would seem to reach escape velocity but they would eventually be sucked in by the giant mass of power.ebandit said:...indurain years.....if i remember correctly including 2 x 60km pan flat time trials.........
Mark L
It's like heavyweight boxing, for me. Styles make fights. You get to huge overaggressive gorillas together and it's over in two rounds, tops. Two guys dancing around one another for fifteen rounds is no fun either.
For instance, I thought this Tour was going to be like the Rumble in The Jungle, with Nairo taking the punches as Froome tired himself out until he turned it around at the end. But he got goaded into attacking, and got pegged hard. Makes the final-round comeback all the more difficult.
Anyway, have to agree with those pointing at 2012 as the TdF apocalypse of boredom.