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TOC stage 3: San Francisco - Santa Cruz, 182.9 km

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krebs303 said:
From the start.

Well, I guess they made it, but looping around to turn right sure seems like a stupid thing to do. I guess since they are not racing in Europe, they forgot how to ride...or maybe they smoked some wacky tobackey or dropped some acid. They did start in San Fran.
Aug 9, 2009
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tgsgirl said:
There, fixed it for you. You were missing the one phase that went wrong yesterday.

According to the LA times, "the FAA banned low-flying planes and helicopters" due to the weather.

I guess the regulations are different in Italy.

Quick - what is the scariest thing to see at the Giro? - A helicopter with a bumper sticker that says "I fly my helicopter like I drive my car".

The LA Times article is here, and has some interesting notes on a certain Mr. Bruyneel's driving skills.

theswordsman said:
57 kilometers raced, five guys took a flier on the descent and are ahead by 1:30. Boily (Spidertech), Frattini (Team Type 1), Jacques-Maynes (Bissell), Anderson (Kelly Benefit) and Routley (Jelly Belly)

Biciclismo said the sun came out at the finish line.

Wow. This race is really living up to the billing as one of the biggest races in the world!
May 18, 2010
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Steve Hegg...

...once pulled on my jersey while we were in a break together. I was 18 yrs old and on a local bike shop team in New Mexico. I made a wicked break with a couple of Polish pros on Subaru/Montgomery (Andrej Mijewski?), a climber on team Saturn (Drew Miller), an all-around hard-guy on Team Shaklee (Rich McClung), and Hegg. I pulled hard until we hit a long climb, where I began to struggle a little and skipped some turns. He didn't take to it lightly and rode me off the back a few times. He finally had it with me and Madisoned himself back up to the break with a little help from my ragged old jersey. I swerved off the road and couldn't get back into the break (we had like 4 minutes on the field). I was devastated.

He later became my teammate on Team Shaklee. He vaguely remembered the incident and profusely apologized after I told him the story while we drove across California in his BMW.

tgsgirl said:
Yeah LS. They're a team sponsored by sweets. How incredibly fitting is that? ;)
Maybe Gilberto Simoni aunt could sponsor a team, too.;)

British Eurosport viewers are being punished for complaining that they are getting no live coverage of the mighty Zoncolan Giro stage, by having to endure an extra half an hour coverage of California, to all the rest.

Hope it's more animated than yesterday's coverage!:eek:
Mar 11, 2009
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Coverage just started. RadioShack on the front, with Cav sitting just behind along with a couple of team-mates. Cervelo isn't having to bother defending Lancaster's jersey at all with RS doing all the hard graft. Nothing is going to happen til they hit the final climb, and that won't be for more than an hour.

Hey, at least there is video today!
Mar 11, 2009
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Clearly RS is a weak team, no way he can win the Tour de France if he can't even ride Cali without shedding tyres left and right!

[edit]The dude does look a little on the chunky side though, I have to say.


i might regret this, but theres nowt else on tv.

what have i missed?
Oct 29, 2009
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OK, all joking aside, lots of new names for me in this race. Teams and riders.

Of the Continetal ones, which are the teams that are most interesting, and which riders make it so?