Funny stuff these supplements
Funny stuff these supplements (seriously ... these things are crazy, not really like taking multivitamins or a protein bar, more like taking ... speed

The website ( lists the ingredients as:
Cracked Out Proprietary Blend 13,972mg
Creasorb Blend: Dicreatine Malate, Creatine Gluconate, Creatine Ethyl Ester.
Vasopump Blend: L-Arginine AKG, L-Arginine Ethyl Ester, L-Ornithine.
Rebuild Blend: L-Lysine, L-Glutamine, L-Leucine.
Enduramax Blend: Modified Glucose Polymers, Taurine, Beta-Alanine, Glucoronolactone.
Methampheta-Stim Matrix: L-Tyrosine,
Methyl-xanthine Anhydrous, Guarana extract (
extracted for 1,7-Dimethyl-xanthine), Geranium extract (extracted for 1,3-Dimethyl-amylamine), Guarana, Acacia Rigidula, Choline Bitartrate.
Electroplenish Blend: Dicalcium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Citrate Rapid Absorption Technology: ß-Hydroxytricarballylic acid, Effersoda (Microen-capsulated Sodium-Bicarbonate)
Wow, it reads like it might actually be crack! Anyhoo, some extra reading and review (not much, but when your worried about what you eat ...) does indicate that the ingredients are banned. But it is not so obvious as to just look at the WADA list (below) and see it in there ('cause it's not actually named there).
Non-Specified Stimulants:
Adrafinil; amfepramone; amiphenazole; amphetamine; amphetaminil; benfluorex; benzphetamine; benzylpiperazine; bromantan; clobenzorex; cocaine; cropropamide; crotetamide; dimethylamphetamine; tilamphetamine; famprofazone; fencamine; fenetylline; fenfluramine; fenproporex; furfenorex; mefenorex; mephentermine; mesocarb; methamphetamine(d-); p-methylamphetamine; methylenedioxyamphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine;
methylhexaneamine (dimethylpentylamine); modafinil; norfenfluramine;
phendimetrazine; phenmetrazine; phentermine; 4-phenylpiracetam
(carphedon); prenylamine; prolintane.A stimulant not expressly listed in this section is a Specified Substance.
b: Specified Stimulants (examples):
Adrenaline**; cathine***; ephedrine****; etamivan; etilefrine; fenbutrazate;
fencamfamin; heptaminol; isometheptene; levmetamphetamine;
meclofenoxate; methylephedrine****; methylphenidate; nikethamide;
norfenefrine; octopamine; oxilofrine; parahydroxyamphetamine;
pemoline; pentetrazol; phenpromethamine; propylhexedrine;
pseudoephedrine*****; selegiline; sibutramine; strychnine;
tuaminoheptane and other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological effect(s).
PS - loved the Blame Canada line!