Oldermanish said:sniper said:Thanks for chiming in, Oldermanerish.Oldermanish said:...
While Eddie may not have messed with the juniors, he had no problem jacking up Montgomery Subuaru's team. I've mentioned before about misbehavior at Thom's Park City house where they trained prior to the US Olympic trials. Lance was first in line and showed early "pro" attitude. Having raced against Weisel and the usual 5 other guys in the age group at Masters Natz my opinion is not all were dirty, not all were clean. They gladly took his support money, though.
What's new? Thom has a big compound in Sun Valley. He's a very big supporter of the US Ski team. Thom's son is on the US Ski team. You'd think USSA could find another rich dude to take money from to avoid the stank.
Much appreciate your first-hand input.
How big is that "may", if I may ask?
As you know, the legal read of a book will take out anything that won't stand up in court so all kinds of stuff has to go out. I think many sections of Wheelmen suggest such redrafting post legal read.
And so one is left reading between the lines quite a bit. But doing so, one of the things I took from that second chapter on Eddie B is that he brought all his Eastern Block doping skills to US Cycling. And the chapter is in fact quite unambiguous about Eddie B's 'training' programs whilst still in Poland, with explicit references to amphetamines and hormones and him supervising a guy like Ryszard Szurkowski (who it is not difficult to do the math on). And then of course we have 1984, but even more so the years leading up to those Games, with USOC implementing some kind of internal testing system allowing free PED experimentation. I mean, reading all that, you gotta make such a leap of faith to assume Eddie didn't have a direct hand in doping juniors. And as we know he was interested particularly in recruiting and guiding juniors. Or am i being too cynical here?
The other thing I take away from Wheelmen is, as you suggest, that Lance was doped for Triathlons as a teenager and that his mother and step dad were completely in on what he did and highly supportive of it. Whether EPO was already in the mix is a different question.
what do you think?
Rather than speculate on his treatment of juniors I kept to what experiences were reliably disclosed by friends/teammates. I can say that juniors from our 'hood were exposed to an emphasis and education to dope themselves by coaches that followed. Perhaps the legal line of actual dealing was one smart coaches wouldn't cross; particularly if parents were willing enablers.
We know that blood-doping was legal for the LA Olympics and almost every US Team rider participated. Some clearly continued down that path without USA Cycling assistance but, with the shared history of the USAC management and the pro generation they spawned there was distinct motivation to protect secrets of the past.
As for Lance and tri-EPO; the timing seems unlikely.
yeah just roids(testo) and amphetamines for Lance and tri