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USADA-Armstrong Phase II

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Apr 20, 2009
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laughingcavalier said:
I think its quite funny.
From 7 times tour winner to 1993 world champion.
Damned with faint praise.

That's a great point. From seven time winner of the Tour De France to single time winner of the Tour Dupont.
May 26, 2010
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GotDropped said:
Even though this forum is full of great contributers, sometimes all I do is search for "Race Radio" and click on "Find all posts by Race Radio" to get all the best and most accurate information.

¿Who is this guy?

George Orwell.
Mar 19, 2009
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GotDropped said:
Even though this forum is full of great contributers, sometimes all I do is search for "Race Radio" and click on "Find all posts by Race Radio" to get all the best and most accurate information.

¿Who is this guy?

Ceiling cat



MacRoadie said:
Crap, now he has the US Department of Agriculture on him? Excessive water use? Witch hunt!

Trolling typos? That is a remarkably savage wit at work. I know this is difficult to grasp, but it's possible to question the workings of any institution without defending their objects of attention. The Cal penal system is horribly flawed and corrupt; that doesn't make all its occupants innocent.
May 27, 2012
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aphronesis said:
Trolling typos? That is a remarkably savage wit at work. I know this is difficult to grasp, but it's possible to question the workings of any institution without defending their objects of attention. The Cal penal system is horribly flawed and corrupt; that doesn't make all its occupants innocent.

The only problem is that all you do is suggest that the USADA is corrupt. You have no proof. None at all. In fact, your timeline is completely ignorant of the events that brought most of this evidence to light. I wonder why it is that you have not turned your attention to the UCI as much??? Interesting actually.
Glenn_Wilson said:
This is terrible news! How can LA keep his 1993 world championship? :eek:

Perhaps it is me, but doesn't that just reinforce what an odd curiosity the World Championship is in cycling?

To be honest, the last time I actually paid attention was the 1993 race.

And, to go way back, the last interesting venue was in Montreal up the Mountain in 1974 (Eddy won).

Otherwise, it is typically a (particularly) long, boring race punctuated by a bunch sprint at the end which could have been held in the first 30-50k with a similar result.

aphronesis said:
Trolling typos? That is a remarkably savage wit at work. I know this is difficult to grasp, but it's possible to question the workings of any institution without defending their objects of attention. The Cal penal system is horribly flawed and corrupt; that doesn't make all its occupants innocent.

Well, there's no point in commentng on any of other the other complete and utter ****tle you spout off so why not?

You "question" the AAA protocol from a position of complete ignorance, and refuse to acknowledge that a US federal judge, from Armstrong's home town, stated in unimpeachable terms, that the arbitration protocol did not compromise Armtrong's right to due process.

He further stated that IF there were indications that USADA did not follow the AAA protocol (again, not critical of the protocol itself), then he would entertain revisiting his ruling. Double protection.

Is the AAA protocol "flawed and corrupt"? No.
Your ridiculous nonsense? Yes.

I do agree, though, that Armstrong is far from innocent.
The bottom line is this: Lance made a bargain with his sport (the same bargain as every other athlete) and now he is trying to renegotiate the terms of his contract.

All this donkeydung about "due process" is just a fancy way of saying that Lance doesn't like the process he bargained for and now he wants out of the deal (keeping all the benefits he got, of course).

The day we give athletes the same (expensive) due process that criminal defendants get is the same day society goes collectively bat-guano crazy.


ChewbaccaD said:
The only problem is that all you do is suggest that the USADA is corrupt. You have no proof. None at all. In fact, your timeline is completely ignorant of the events that brought most of this evidence to light. I wonder why it is that you have not turned your attention to the UCI as much??? Interesting actually.

Being contrary for the sake of being contrary is apparently providing entertainment value. Probably no other reason...


MarkvW said:
The bottom line is this: Lance made a bargain with his sport (the same bargain as every other athlete) and now he is trying to renegotiate the terms of his contract.

All this donkeydung about "due process" is just a fancy way of saying that Lance doesn't like the process he bargained for and now he wants out of the deal (keeping all the benefits he got, of course).

The day we give athletes the same (expensive) due process that criminal defendants get is the same day society goes collectively bat-guano crazy.

As Hillary so eloquently put it... in order to back LA one must willingly suspend disbelief.
Jul 10, 2010
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MacRoadie said:
Violas never get any respect. Cellos and violins get all the chicks. Then you have your "bad boy" southern fiddles. Don't get me started on them...

Don't get us started here? You're just stringing this out.
Apr 11, 2009
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MacRoadie said:
Crap, now he has the US Department of Agriculture on him? Excessive water use? Witch hunt!

Hyponatremia, actovegin, bovine gas...global warming, etc. There's also "the Hog" for USDA to consider. Raised some eyebrows. They're start'in a file. :D

(LOL, I've written it as USDA a couple of times myself.)
Feb 4, 2012
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The Gnome said:
absolutely sickening article in newsweek...


this fellow Buzz must have kneepads surgically attached...

Couldn't agree more. To wit:

"He is a hero, one of the few we have left in a country virtually bereft of them. And he needs to remain one.

"Did he use enhancers? Maybe I am the one who is blind, but I take him at his word and don’t believe it; he still passed hundreds of drug tests, many of them given randomly. But even if he did take enhancers, so what?"

A hero? Didn't use PED's, but even if he did so what? WTF!!!!! How does tripe like this even get published? And in a nationallty prominant magazine no less!
Jul 6, 2010
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Pazuzu said:
Couldn't agree more. To wit:

"He is a hero, one of the few we have left in a country virtually bereft of them. And he needs to remain one.

"Did he use enhancers? Maybe I am the one who is blind, but I take him at his word and don’t believe it; he still passed hundreds of drug tests, many of them given randomly. But even if he did take enhancers, so what?"

A hero? Didn't use PED's, but even if he did so what? WTF!!!!! How does tripe like this even get published? And in a nationallty prominant magazine no less!

Nice that he supports illegal use of PEDs.

How long would his career be if he said weed was good?

What a stupid media culture.
Pazuzu said:
Couldn't agree more. To wit:

"He is a hero, one of the few we have left in a country virtually bereft of them. And he needs to remain one.

"Did he use enhancers? Maybe I am the one who is blind, but I take him at his word and don’t believe it; he still passed hundreds of drug tests, many of them given randomly. But even if he did take enhancers, so what?"

A hero? Didn't use PED's, but even if he did so what? WTF!!!!! How does tripe like this even get published? And in a nationallty prominant magazine no less!

The reaction to this, more than anything else I have experienced, has proven to me that people shouldn't talk about things they have no idea about.