From Cadel's web site.
10 Questions to Cadel
Saturday, 1 August 2009
1. What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
- Having an aperitivo with Chiara
2. What was the nicest thing someone did for you this week?
- Chiara carried my bike and equipment to the hotel while I was sleeping in, so I could train when I woke up...
3. What was the nicest thing you did for someone this week?
- I held my angry tongue!
4. What are you reading now?
- Today I read my latest National Geographic
5. What are you looking forward to?
- Better opportunities?
6. What makes you feel good now?
- Having quality time with my wife
7. What do you think about the Tour now that it's over?
- It was very disappointing...
8. What is annoying you?
- Journalists who don't report the truth
9. What song best describes your mood right now?
- The Bee Gees' "cause we're living in a world of fools, breaking us down, when they all should let us be..."
10. What's your favourite food now?
- Bruschetta al pomodoro e rucola!