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WC Crit on Grass - Lievin

Jan 5, 2012
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The course was pretty icy in some spots. There was a big U-bend where Sven dabbed his foot almost every lap. I saw some pictures from early in the day, looked really icy then.
Jun 11, 2011
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vcnzone said:
I agree, I didn't understand Stybar was so happy at the end
I would be pretty happy too if I won a World Cup race, even if it was a fast, easy course. I'm sure Kevin would agree on the non-technical, non-running part when on the last lap he tripped on a step while running, putting an end to his plan to sit on and out sprint Stybar. where was Boom? seemed like a good course for him, and a decent race by the Americans
CobbleStoner said:
I would be pretty happy too if I won a World Cup race, even if it was a fast, easy course. I'm sure Kevin would agree on the non-technical, non-running part when on the last lap he tripped on a step while running, putting an end to his plan to sit on and out sprint Stybar. where was Boom? seemed like a good course for him, and a decent race by the Americans

Because Pauwels tripped on a stair, that makes it a technical course?

This was far from any sort of technical course. You want technical, look at Koksijde, or Hoogelde-Gits. This was a crit.

Boom is getting ready for the road. His cross season is only for fun.
Nov 23, 2010
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vcnzone said:
I agree, I didn't understand Stybar was so happy at the end

He's so happy because it's his first win in the last two months......I think this victory is very important for his self-confidence.
Jun 11, 2011
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Moose McKnuckles said:
Because Pauwels tripped on a stair, that makes it a technical course?

This was far from any sort of technical course. You want technical, look at Koksijde, or Hoogelde-Gits. This was a crit.

Boom is getting ready for the road. His cross season is only for fun.

my point was more about in cyclocross how anything can happen, a very non-technical course race was decided by a mistake in the technical section
The Lievin course was actually quite a bit technical, it just wasn't something that translated well to the TV. If you were there the day of it was iced over until sometime just before the women's race.

Most of the course was a thin layer of slippy mud with ice below the surface. It was technical, but not in the standard Belgian off-camber style. The elevation changes made for some very tricky decent.