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What do you think of the Dr Maserati permaban?

Should Dr. Maserati have been permabanned?

  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Jul 21, 2012
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Lets use this thread to vote on whether it was correct to perma Dr Mas or not.

Maybe if we are lucky Benson will see it one day and see what the people has to say.
Jul 21, 2012
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ebandit said:
JeeeeeZ i really do not understand why anyone is wasting their breath

mas is not stooopid...................................but acted completely

Mark L

A moment of stupidity yes. But he has been a valuable contributor to the forum for a long time.

I dont even like him that much and have gotten bored of the vortex, but this ban is ridiculous in my opinion.

Feel free to cast your vote whichever way you like of course.


Jul 7, 2013
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you should be perma banned, like you were on all the similar sites where you posted same stupid non sense that are you posting here.
Jul 21, 2012
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Fausto's Schnauzer said:
I didn't see the offending posts. What did the good doctor post? :confused:

Dr. Maserati said:
Hi Berzin,
I see you are online.

I noticed again that you are back deleting my posts for no good reason. I assume you are baiting so I will put a stop to it now.

You are not, under any circumstances (including this post), to mod any of my posts ever again. Do what you do best - sit on your hands.
You are not to edit, modify, snip or delete any of my posts in any way- if you have a problem with that - then you, not I, run along and take it up with Dan and bring him in here.

And if you attempt another stunt like you did last week with me, or anyone else - I will go straight to Dan, with all the screen grabs and other information about what you do, (and what you don't do) - and I will make sure you are Netserked.

(And if any other mod interferes with this post they will suffer the same fate)



Oct 15, 2012
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Have to say, this is approaching tipping point neighbourhood for me on this forum.

It's blatantly abusive mod behaviour, and Susan advertising it as a groupthink abusive decision doesn't help; it makes it worse.

But ultimately the problem is Benson wrote up a draft of new rules...and nobody has shown the will to enforce them. Punishment when it comes seems selective, erratic, and partial.

But GOD FORBID a mod's ego gets hurt...because not only will they unleash on you, but the whole coven gangs up to back them, regardless.

It's the single area where moderation is actual swift and predictable: protecting themselves.

I doubt one poster leaving will make any difference, and I have neither the energy or influence to arrange a boycott. Hey, they'll probably permaban me for dissent for this post anyway.

But, honest to blazes, I'm just about done with the environment that's been created. Maybe that's the goal.

Aug 7, 2010
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martinvickers said:
Have to say, this is approaching tipping point neighbourhood for me on this forum.

It's blatantly abusive mod behaviour, :(

However this place is absolute heaven compared to the North Korea that RoadbikeReview has become under its evil despot. :mad:
I don't really have an opinion on the whole matter.
I went into the mod thread, saw the crazy that was going on, posted a little, and then I did this:


What done is done and I have a suspicion that even if we all turned up outside Dan's house with huge signs reading

Unbannifiy the Doc

It really wouldn't change much...
RedheadDane said:
I don't really have an opinion on the whole matter.
I went into the mod thread, saw the crazy that was going on, posted a little, and then I did this:


What done is done and I have a suspicion that even if we all turned up outside Dan's house with huge signs reading

Unbannifiy the Doc

It really wouldn't change much...

Yep. It's like trying to persuade a referee after he already took a decision.
Originally Posted by Dr. Maserati

Hi Berzin,
I see you are online.

I noticed again that you are back deleting my posts for no good reason. I assume you are baiting so I will put a stop to it now.

You are not, under any circumstances (including this post), to mod any of my posts ever again. Do what you do best - sit on your hands.
You are not to edit, modify, snip or delete any of my posts in any way- if you have a problem with that - then you, not I, run along and take it up with Dan and bring him in here.

And if you attempt another stunt like you did last week with me, or anyone else - I will go straight to Dan, with all the screen grabs and other information about what you do, (and what you don't do) - and I will make sure you are Netserked.

(And if any other mod interferes with this post they will suffer the same fate)

That's pretty absurd, and a small ratchet up from many previous posts attempting in soooo many words to say "the mods have no authority over me or my posting".

Not surprised by the perma-ban. I would rather Mas was here than not, but ffs, he has repeatedly declined to be a mod, so he needs to accept that he's not running the forum. And he's not exempt from the rules.

Assuming mod ego here almost surely wrong and certainly un-informed.

Really too bad he chose this path. He was getting so much better at posting actual content instead of vortexing, and has long been a valuable poster.
Apr 20, 2012
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red_flanders said:
That's pretty absurd, and a small ratchet up from many previous posts attempting in soooo many words to say "the mods have no authority over me or my posting".

Not surprised by the perma-ban. I would rather Mas was here than not, but ffs, he has repeatedly declined to be a mod, so he needs to accept that he's not running the forum. And he's not exempt from the rules.

Assuming mod ego here almost surely wrong and certainly un-informed.

Really too bad he chose this path. He was getting so much better at posting actual content instead of vortexing, and has long been a valuable poster.
Agree here, and, didnt the good doc just came from a short suspension? Sometimes it is wiser to stay a little bit under the radar in those times?

Nevertheless I dont believe in permabans, not for the Vortex, not for trolls, just for people that cross real boundaries.

My 'vote' is my vortex to this topic.
But how many bans does a person have to get before the penny drops?

He was back yesterday morning...and by 4.30 yesterday evening he was already debating with a mod who wanted people, including me, to stop posting or cool off for a while.

Dr wanted to keep it going...for reasons he felt were valid.

Anyway, people think the mods on here are bad..But a number of used to post on RoadBikeReview, with Coolhand as a mod. It's like comparing China to the Western World.
Aug 7, 2010
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Digger said:
But a number of used to post on RoadBikeReview, with Coolhand as a mod. It's like comparing China to the Western World.

You've got that right! I was banned for simply disagreeing with that jerk! :eek:
Management there is either completely clueless about what a web Nazi Coolhand is or they simply don't care.
Digger said:
But how many bans does a person have to get before the penny drops?

He was back yesterday morning...and by 4.30 yesterday evening he was already debating with a mod who wanted people, including me, to stop posting or cool off for a while.

Dr wanted to keep it going...for reasons he felt were valid.

Anyway, people think the mods on here are bad..But a number of used to post on RoadBikeReview, with Coolhand as a mod. It's like comparing China to the Western World.

Truth be told he hated the term "vortex". His way of dealing with it was to say he took it as a compliment and then over compensated the vortexing.

MarkW coined the phrase btw.

I would have preferred if he offered opinion rather than hair splitting. But I just ignored him for the last 7 or so months. Never bothered to engage. Then I'd open up the forum and see a 47 page circular argument on the colour of JV shoes.

But not sure why he would tell the mods what's what. If the point of a forum is to discuss and share information, why would you start trying to direct traffic on what should be printed and what shouldn't.

Engaging with BPC when the mods had said several times don't do it. But kept telling everyone he would do as he pleased.

People were sharing their stories in the Livestrong thread so he waded in trying to split hairs and made demands etc. Just pointless behaviour.

Nevertheless. If he wants to come back, apologise and get on with the show.
martinvickers said:
Have to say, this is approaching tipping point neighbourhood for me on this forum.

It's blatantly abusive mod behaviour, and Susan advertising it as a groupthink abusive decision doesn't help; it makes it worse.

But ultimately the problem is Benson wrote up a draft of new rules...and nobody has shown the will to enforce them. Punishment when it comes seems selective, erratic, and partial.

But GOD FORBID a mod's ego gets hurt...because not only will they unleash on you, but the whole coven gangs up to back them, regardless.

It's the single area where moderation is actual swift and predictable: protecting themselves.

I doubt one poster leaving will make any difference, and I have neither the energy or influence to arrange a boycott. Hey, they'll probably permaban me for dissent for this post anyway.

But, honest to blazes, I'm just about done with the environment that's been created. Maybe that's the goal.


I don't get this. What are you looking for in a forum? You argue your points extremely well and provide good context and content.

Why would you feel unfairly treated?

What do want out of his forum? Just people posting information and 11 others agreeing?

The debating forces all of us to strengthen our arguments. We shouldn't be afraid that someone might disagree with us or offer a different point of view. That's life.

I not sure what you're expecting from the mods?