the test
How well tested are the tests for doping? Who came up with them? Did they ever try to test what can create a false positive? Is that not part of science and testing a theory to move it to fact? (I think I am right on that but then again my 20 year high school reunion is this year)
I was not a big Landis fan but I had a hard time believing that a guy who rode for one of the most tested guys in the support didn't realize he would be tested every time he won a stage. Knowing that, why would you still do it? The same with Vino. That year I looked forward to watching the tour. Once again why would a cyclist who knows they are going to be tested frequently the minute you look like a contender go and do it?
And something else I was thinking about....... At the TtF they use the same lab everytime. Why? At least why that lab? The minute that lab leaked info to the press before the rider is notified their contract should be broken and another lab sought out.
The lab brings me to one last thought. The ASO & UCI. What if it is finally discovered that the testing maybe flawed and not as accurate as first thought? I say that because I read an article about a professor from a Texas university John Hoberman and his comments on the doping tests. What do you say to a rider who's career has been destroyed because the labs didn't really know enough about the tests or accidently flawed the test through three samples because they were testing wrong or misread results? Why are all the samples tested at the same lab? How many millions in lawsuits would that present? Do you re-instate an athletes title? Is there a book out there from Miss Manners on how to repair an athletes destroyed life caused by mistake?
Yes athletes dope. Do all dope? No. Are some accused wrongly of doping? I think the odds are pretty good that yes some people have been falsley accused due to human error. I also think that sports organizations, labs & even the press do not want to spend the money or the time to find out how many times it may have occured because it would open up to big of a can of worms.
How well tested are the tests for doping? Who came up with them? Did they ever try to test what can create a false positive? Is that not part of science and testing a theory to move it to fact? (I think I am right on that but then again my 20 year high school reunion is this year)
I was not a big Landis fan but I had a hard time believing that a guy who rode for one of the most tested guys in the support didn't realize he would be tested every time he won a stage. Knowing that, why would you still do it? The same with Vino. That year I looked forward to watching the tour. Once again why would a cyclist who knows they are going to be tested frequently the minute you look like a contender go and do it?
And something else I was thinking about....... At the TtF they use the same lab everytime. Why? At least why that lab? The minute that lab leaked info to the press before the rider is notified their contract should be broken and another lab sought out.
The lab brings me to one last thought. The ASO & UCI. What if it is finally discovered that the testing maybe flawed and not as accurate as first thought? I say that because I read an article about a professor from a Texas university John Hoberman and his comments on the doping tests. What do you say to a rider who's career has been destroyed because the labs didn't really know enough about the tests or accidently flawed the test through three samples because they were testing wrong or misread results? Why are all the samples tested at the same lab? How many millions in lawsuits would that present? Do you re-instate an athletes title? Is there a book out there from Miss Manners on how to repair an athletes destroyed life caused by mistake?
Yes athletes dope. Do all dope? No. Are some accused wrongly of doping? I think the odds are pretty good that yes some people have been falsley accused due to human error. I also think that sports organizations, labs & even the press do not want to spend the money or the time to find out how many times it may have occured because it would open up to big of a can of worms.