Dr. Maserati said:
I don't see the Feds or USADA requesting samples.
i'd agree that the massive retesting of all remaining samples is highly unlike. but a selective, well targeted one is more than likely. and not only for armstrong.
if catlin who's advising novitzky sees a good probability for a catch, the re-testing may commence as the need for a
corroborative evidence (that's the maximum a frozen b-sample is worth) may arise.
some situation for retesting may include:
-arrival of a new test that became available AFTER a sample was given. for ex, there are 2 totally useless tests for hgh in current use. few months ago a new far more effective hgh test was introduced.
-if anabolic-androgenic steroid use was suspected
and the approximate administration schedule is known, retesting some samples may point to a t/e ratio (or metabolites concentration) swings not previously suspected or explored.
-records of already existing (negative) test results may acquire a look of a strong corroborative evidence if juxtaposed with other tests. for ex, a stand alone negative irms (a test for exogenous testo) becomes suspicious if it was "just below the threashold' and was connected to another marginal irms test or a suspicious t/e trend. (btw, this is the main reason i have no no doubt whatsoever that floyd used steroids or testo in 2006)
ps the main limitation of retesting is that there probably are very few remaining samples and the blood samples are very likely gone. hence the brilliancy of lance dumping catlin who insisted on storing his blood.