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What will happen to the 7 TDF wins..

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May 26, 2010
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ASO are not gonna damage their product anymore than is absolutely neccessary. They have probably known for a long time, probably since 1999 that Armstrong was juiced. They are as big fellows with the UCI as LA, they are part of the cycling Mafia and will continue to be so. Dont look to ASO to rewrite history if that means admitting wrongs.
Apr 28, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
ASO are not gonna damage their product anymore than is absolutely neccessary. They have probably known for a long time, probably since 1999 that Armstrong was juiced. They are as big fellows with the UCI as LA, they are part of the cycling Mafia and will continue to be so. Dont look to ASO to rewrite history if that means admitting wrongs.

Yep, ASO will do what is best for their brand. I think they're going to keep very quiet until the investigation is over. If it is better for them to throw out the 7 TdF then they will. I'm sure they have a PR firm preparing all the different scenarios aleady.


I guess we'll find out in 7-10 years, once everyone has forgotten all about this mess. Cuz you know it'll take that long or longer after all the appeals and back and forth between everyone.
Stop the Bus!

Some assumptions in these responses need to be challenged. The short story is USA Cycling is pwnd by Armstrong and Co.

1. USA Cycling is run by Weisel(sp?) and Co. The conflicts of interest are many.

2. Lance is on the BoD for the organization that raises money for the USAC.

3. Weisel has a huge man-crush on Armstrong. I recollect this was documented in the San Francisco Weekly many years ago.

4. UCI can't let it happen. The 7-win myth will take a hit today. Years later, the dirty parts of the myth will be smoothed over and turned into legend.

The likelihood that USAC would just hand Lance over to USADA like a domestic pro investigation is slim. USAC would follow the rules *so* closely, a USADA prosecution might just fail on technicalities.
Dr. Maserati said:
Not really.

Landis denied throughout his case, he had his 'victory' pulled.
Valverde continues to deny, he had his wins from this year pulled.
Riis confessed - no sanction but an asterisk added to his 'win' by ASO.

I agree with you that there probably will be no sporting sanction and that a Federal prosecution is more likely (perhaps not for PED's)- but an asterisk may be added after his victories and a question mark over his career.

A quick look at the tour website shows no asterisk next to Riis.


JRTinMA said:
A quick look at the tour website shows no asterisk next to Riis.

Man, for someone who claims to not really care, you sure do post on a lot of threads with Armstrong as the topic...:rolleyes:

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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JRTinMA said:
A quick look at the tour website shows no asterisk next to Riis.

"We cannot rewrite history. Therefore we recognise Bjarne Riis as the winner of the 1996 Tour de France. But with an asterisk," said Philippe Sudres, media director for the Tour de France

As for the history books, he’s even back in the Tour’s official guide, listed as the winner of the 1996 Tour, but with an asterisk next to his name. A postscript below the statistics reads: “On May 25, 2008, Bjarne Riis admitted he was doped in the 1996 Tour. At the moment of his confession, the facts were superseded by the rules.”

Page 3 of the Tour de France History page from the LeTour website.
Le 25 mai 2007, Bjarne Riis a reconnu s’être dopé lors du Tour 1996. Au moment de cet aveu, les
faits étaient prescrits par les règlements.
From the official Tour website on the same page as above link.
Classement final : 1 Riis*, 2 Ullrich,
3 Virenque, 4 Dufaux, 5 Luttemberger,
6 Leblanc, 7 Ugrumov, 8 Escartin, 9 Olano,
10 Rominger.
Dr. Maserati said:

I am not nearly as smart as you but I would suggest most fans would go to the tours official website when interested in history. If you look at the winner by year his name is NOT asterisked.


Here is the copy and paste below.

May 25, 2009
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DirtyWorks said:
Some assumptions in these responses need to be challenged. The short story is USA Cycling is pwnd by Armstrong and Co.

1. USA Cycling is run by Weisel(sp?) and Co. The conflicts of interest are many.

2. Lance is on the BoD for the organization that raises money for the USAC.

3. Weisel has a huge man-crush on Armstrong. I recollect this was documented in the San Francisco Weekly many years ago.

4. UCI can't let it happen. The 7-win myth will take a hit today. Years later, the dirty parts of the myth will be smoothed over and turned into legend.

The likelihood that USAC would just hand Lance over to USADA like a domestic pro investigation is slim. USAC would follow the rules *so* closely, a USADA prosecution might just fail on technicalities.

Great post. I didn't know Lancer was on Board of USAC charity wing....


JRTinMA said:
To paraphrase what you once wrote to me, I didn't bring up LA you did. Seems you are the one attached to his ball. You need to change your view.

Hey sweetie, this thread is about Armstrong. The OP brought up Armstrong. Then you, the "detached" one, came in an commented...which seems to be a trend with you. I am merely pointing out the fact that you, contrary to your protestations, sure do appear to care about Armstrong based on where and what you post. That other thread, the one where you brought up Armstrong, that was about Joe Papp. Nice try, but I see factual information isn't your strong suit.


Aug 5, 2010
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JRTinMA said:
I am not nearly as smart as you but I would suggest most fans would go to the tours official website when interested in history. If you look at the winner by year his name is NOT asterisked.


Here is the copy and paste below.


this link was in franche I can not read franche.


JRTinMA said:
I am not nearly as smart as you but I would suggest most fans would go to the tours official website when interested in history. If you look at the winner by year his name is NOT asterisked.


Here is the copy and paste below.


Keep up the good work!
Thoughtforfood said:
Hey sweetie, this thread is about Armstrong. The OP brought up Armstrong. Then you, the "detached" one, came in an commented...which seems to be a trend with you. I am merely pointing out the fact that you, contrary to your protestations, sure do appear to care about Armstrong based on where and what you post. That other thread, the one where you brought up Armstrong, that was about Joe Papp. Nice try, but I see factual information isn't your strong suit.

Commenting is the point of a forum and it was on topic. You just like me, stop with your adolescent antics and ask me out already.


Aug 5, 2010
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Thoughtforfood said:
Hey sweetie, this thread is about Armstrong. The OP brought up Armstrong. Then you, the "detached" one, came in an commented...which seems to be a trend with you. I am merely pointing out the fact that you, contrary to your protestations, sure do appear to care about Armstrong based on where and what you post. That other thread, the one where you brought up Armstrong, that was about Joe Papp. Nice try, but I see factual information isn't your strong suit.

That Joe Papp thread was crazy back and forth. This thread is just a situation where this guy is using an outdated browser and the * does not show up on his Compuserve account?


JRTinMA said:
Commenting is the point of a forum and it was on topic. You just like me, stop with your adolescent antics and ask me out already.

You seem the type, so, you wanna go out sometime?
Mar 4, 2010
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sub240 said:
That Joe Papp thread was crazy back and forth. This thread is just a situation where this guy is using an outdated browser and the * does not show up on his Compuserve account?


no asterix and no footnote at the bottom to indicate the admission of doping

he had a fair comment. unless you actually download the PDF which has the comment about him doping, the casual observer wouldn't have any reason to believe he doped based on the past winners list

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Kender said:

no asterix and no footnote at the bottom to indicate the admission of doping

he had a fair comment. unless you actually download the PDF which has the comment about him doping, the casual observer wouldn't have any reason to believe he doped based on the past winners list

That would be true if that was 'JRTinMA's original point - it wasn't.

All I said earlier was that an asterisks 'might' be added by ASO to Armstrong victories, likes Riis.

'JRTinMA' replied they did a "quick" search and could not find it which is why I presented the wheres, whens and whys.
Dr. Maserati said:
That would be true if that was 'JRTinMA's original point - it wasn't.

All I said earlier was that an asterisks 'might' be added by ASO to Armstrong victories, likes Riis.

'JRTinMA' replied they did a "quick" search and could not find it which is why I presented the wheres, whens and whys.

That was precisely my point. It seems you are the one who didn't get my point. Oh and TFF, good company.