ThisFrenchGuy said:
You're the one that came into the thread with definitive assertions,
Not exactly sure what you are saying here? Are you saying I have no right to post in this thread or are you saying that when I say Astana is a possibility I am somehow declaring that that is the only way it is?
If its the latter of course not. Rather I was trying to bring a logical structure, offer a different point of view and point out that before AC can join another team he has to get out of his contract with Astana. Absent an out clause that would mean Astana would have to release him. Hence, why I asked, why would Astana want to release the best cyclist in the world? They have shown the desire to keep and extend him. They appear to have the money and they have shown themselves to be quite stubborn and set in their ways. AC's brother acknowledges the contract and seems to imply that it is a contract that will be difficult to get out of. I am not sure why that would be considered anymore assertive than any other post predicting where he might end up? Like one other poster stated this is all conjecture. We use available information and attempt to build an argument to support our conclusion. Nothing less, nothing more, simply opinions. It does not mean any of us are right. Nor am I saying other predictions are any less right than mine. I am not sure what the disagreement is.
Now many people just state an opinion with no supporting argument. I try not to do that. Maybe that is where you have a problem with my opinions. While I understand its nice to just post an opinion but for the most part I disagree with making a conclusion without any supporting argument. If you look at most news and opinions in the US they often lack reasoning and thought. Opinions based on emotion with no logic or supporting arguments. Just shiny sound bytes designed to appeal to emotions. Most message boards are like this and CN is no different. Lots of opinions, little thought, little logic, no supporting arguments, but lots of emotion. Sadly these types of arguments chills actual discussion. Its been particularly bad on this forum where a handful of Lance haters/AC lovers post frequently and loudly on these forums. I have seen these very loud people tell other people who disagree with them to leave, tell other posters they have no right to post here if they are not a senior member, call them names and all kinds of juvenile conduct. The end result is a degradation of the forums. People that want a more balanced forum simply leave the forums which ends up in a vicious cycle making the forums more dominated by the loud few while weeding out anyone with different thoughts or opinions. I have read lots of complaints from people the last few weeks saying they have no desire to read or post here all because of a few loud mouthed few.
Again I am not sure your point other than that you do not like me trying to support any a conclusion with an actual argument. Or it could simply be you do not like my conclusion and this is your way of showing dissatisfaction with that conclusion.